Wikimedia Hackathon 2022/Participants/Map
Hello! You found the map!
Add your country location to leave your mark. (This is an optional activity!)
To add your location to the map using Visual Editing:
Click on the map and press "Edit." Click on the tab which says "Map Contents."
To the left side of the map, there is a map marker which allows you to drop a pin on the map in a location of your choice. Save the change and "apply changes." Make sure to publish the updated page!
To add your location to the map using Source Editing:
In the features array, copy the example JSON object and paste after whatever the last JSON object is. Don't forget to add a comma between objects, and not after the last object!
"type": "Feature",
"properties": {
"title": "Example place",
"marker-size": "medium",
"marker-color": "c73f3f"
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [
As shown in the example above, you can name your location with the "title" variable, change the color of the marker, and add the correct coordinates.