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Wikimedia Hackathon 2019/Participant List

From mediawiki.org

All responses were provided by participants for publication here on their registration form. A few expected participants opted out of having their data published.

Please edit your own responses as you like!

Name What should others ask you about? Your hackathon plan / relevant to other participants Best way to contact you Anything else to add? jokes? Quotes?
MichaelSchoenitzer Wikidata, Gadgets, Multimedia, Free Software Get the Wikidata Tools page up2date; extend advanced search; Build Tools for Wikidata Mail: michael at schoenitzer dot de; IRC: Nudin; Telegram: M. Schönitzer just shy not antisocial
Gergő Tisza (Tgr) MediaWiki, APIs, OAuth, Vagrant, global gadgets - stats / tools for improving editor retention and new editor experience (see WM-HU plan)

- global gadgets via git sync (see T187749)

see talk page
Theklan Automatic infoboxes, ORES assessments, education resources Make ORES assesments in euwiki better, rething automatic infoboxes, learn more about tools galder158 AT hotmail.com
01tonythomas PHP, Python, Mediawiki extensions, Newsletter extension * What do you plan to work on at the hackathon?

> I think I will hack more on the Newsletter extension (https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/project/view/888/) which we were improving through hackathons. It would be great to see this on production some day or the other.

  • What would you like help with?

> I can help with onborading new developers, setting things up, etc. Any other topic that I can help with my Python/PHP expertise as well.

  • What would you like to learn about?

> I think this time I would love to learn more about the Wikimedia cluster and infrastructure (Operations).

Telegram: tonythomas01; Email: 01tonythomas AT gmail.com
1Veertje Data scraping Improve the Orator Matcher Wiki, telegram
Aditya android, angular and vue REST API development email
Alaa Sarhan (WMDE) software development, full stack development, agile development, generally wikidata stack and code-base Not sure yet, will be open to anything and maybe come up with something until then alaa.sarhan AT wikimedia.de, alaa_wmde (irc) or pm@alaasarhan.me
Alicia Fagerving Wikidata, GLAM cooperation projects, bibliographical data (WikiCite) I'm going to work on processing and importing datasets of GLAM institutions around the world (Wikimedia Sverige's FindingGLAMs project) alicia.fagerving AT wikimedia.se / Twitter: @fagerving / Telegram: @aliciafagerving
Andra Waagmeester SPARQL, Wikidata, data models, quality control on Wikidata, Wikidata bot development, Wikibase deployement I plan to work on:

1. Rapid Wikibase deployment 2. Shape Expressions for quality control on Wikidata

I can be contacted by email or skype (hollandaisenfrance)
Andre Klapper Technical Community Statistics, Phabricator, Google Code-in, Code Review Potentially give sessions "Overview of Wikimedia Tech areas", "Introduction to Phabricator", "Technical Community statistics" sessions; help bring contributors together for their interest areas with people who know that area; general technical support.
Anne-LaureM GLAM, cutness, diversity Documentation, translate, test... email, telegram, on will...
Arybolab Fixing an entry level bug/feature for Wikidata, Semantic MediaWiki, Pywikibot or Analytics (for example T204723-Normalize Wikimedia Commons file names via a ValueParser), depending on how far I came before the Techstorm, help might be welcome on finding my way within the software project(s) Telegram: @Arybolab
Ashish As I have been working in the commons-android-app since more than a year now, I can talk about the app, its code base, design patterns and help others get started. In general, I would love to discuss about Android, the new architecture components, Kotlin & Java (the new lamba functions are really exciting). Also, I recently got to get my hands dirty on react, would love to share and learn more about that. I have been contributing in the Wikimedia commons app since almost a year(I am one of the team members for the commons-app android). A number of people have contributed to bring it to this stage. The app works like charm, but a few things, for example, an architecture framework (MVP, MVVM, etc). I would like to introduce an architecture framework in the app so that the code would become more beautiful and testable (which bothers me a lot). Along with this if the time permits, I would like to improve the upload flow (the current one has a few restrictions, for example no automatic /scheduled retry fallbacks). Also, the ui of the Media Detail Page could be improved (Instead of showing the image in the background, lets add a collapsing toolbar :-)).
In terms of helping other participants, I (having almost 3 years experience in Android), can help the new contributors understand the code base and its architecture, various use cases and help them get started. I could also entertain them with a small discussion on object oriented programming. (I really love it).
And I would like to learn about the technologies other developers are using, the new and the existing ones, the server side components of the Wikimedia, and anything interesting going around any corner during the hackathon :-)
Email : ashishkumar468 AT gmail.com, Mobile-+918983299528
ayushgupta4897 Machine learning, Blockchain Using Blockchain to make it more secure and removing any vulnerability ayushgupta4897 AT gmail.com
Bmansurov (WMF) machine learning, natural language processing, recommendation APIs Demo article recommendation, section recommendation, and section alignment APIs. Work on improving them. bmansurov (on #wikimedia-research)
Bawolff Security, MediaWiki, extensions I want to be available to community members who want help writing secure code or securing their mediawiki extension. More generally I want to be available for people who are developing their own mediawiki extensions and need help developing the backend side of their extension Email, irc, wiki
BDavis (WMF) cloud services, toolforge help people create new tools in Toolforge, teach folks about Cloud Services products, connect people with problems to people who can help them find answers irc:bd808
Birgit Müller Who is a good contact for project x/where can I get support for y, Wikimedia's outreach & mentoring programs, Wikimania Hackathon focus area Technical Equity, Tech Talks Help connecting people with people and projects, learn more about the different areas people are active in, gather ideas for improving technical support & collaboration, discuss ideas for (new) outreach activities & partnerships with other Free Open Source projects/communities, learn about local developer communities in different regions of the world email: bmueller AT wikimedia.org
Charlie Kritschmar (WMDE) Wikidata, Editing Wikidata from Wikipedia, Your User Experience, Lexicographical data Client editing, helping others with UX things, conducting usability tests, talking to people about their experiences with Wikidata IRC: Incabell / email: charlie.kritschmar AT wikimedia.de
Christine Stone Fundraising Tech Learn a lot of new things and help in any way I can! cstone AT wikimedia.org
Christoph Jauera (WMDE-Fisch) Technical Wishes, MediaWiki, FileImporter-, TwoColConflict-, AdvancedSearch-, Wikidiff2-extension, (Browser-)Tests Probably helping interested volunteers that want to code for MediaWiki how to get started. christoph.jauera AT wikimedia.de WMDE-Fisch@Phab/Gerrit CFisch_WMDE@#wmhack
Cindy Cicalese Use of MediaWiki by third-parties / MediaWiki platform evolution Work with third-party users of MediaWiki ccicalese AT wikimedia.org
Ckoerner I don't know. Tell me about yourself! Meet new folks, talk about on-going projects, build sympathy for mobile users! email, on wiki, IRC I like to take photos. Anyone want to help or talk about photography?
Cormac Parle Structured data on commons As a developer on the multimedia team working on structured data on commons, I hope to be able to share knowledge with anyone working on the Wikimedia Commons mobile android app ... my android development experience is rather limited, but I'll be able to provide details of how we're adding structured data using php/javascript that would hopefully be useful to the commons app developers cparle AT wikimedia.org / cormacparle on irc
Daniel Kinzler multi-content revisions (MCR), platform evolution, techcom, wikidata and wikibase, software architecture, refactoring and decoupling, API redesign, frontend separation, dependency tracking Tell people about MCR and learn how they could or want to use it; Tell people about platform evolution, and listen to what they want and need from MediaWiki as a platform. Look at how people use MediaWiki to understand what concepts should be better supported in core. Answer questions about the RFC process. Present and discuss architecture goals and principles. irc: duesen. twitter: @brightbyte. mail: dkinzler AT wikimedia.org
David "ferenczy" Rogožan I would like to work on my idea which is to bring gamification similar to a reputation system used by Stack Exchange sites to Wikipedia. https://ferenczy.cz, on wiki
deb tankersley


deb tankersley How to navigate the Technology Department programs and what teams are working on; bikes and cycling I'm happy to help connect volunteers with folks from the Foundation to get stuff done.
Dan Garry (Deskana) mobile apps, search, editing, cloud computing learn more about Wikimedia Cloud Services, containers and Kubernetes in the Wikimedia ecosystem email: djgwiki AT gmail.com, IRC: Deskana
Dmitry Brant Mobile / Android / Structured data / Microcontributions Mentoring / helping / collaborating with the Commons App team. Dmitry Brant, email: dbrant AT wikimedia.org, irc: dbrant, twitter: @dmitrybrant
Ecritures Wikidata, open refine, bridging knowledge gaps. I would like to learn more about using Python & Phabricator, improve my Sparql knowledge, scraping data fom websites and experience a hackathon after having (co-)organised two (wiki) techstorms for women and binary people in The Netherlands. I would like to help with informing others about inclusive hackathons, using open refine, using wikimedia projects to bridge knowledge gaps and I would help with anything that I am skilled for. :D ecritures.wiki AT gmail.com, I am on Telegram, wiki-username Ecritures (active on nlwiki, enwiki, wikidata and Wikimedia Commons)
Elena Tonkoidova As a QA engineer I has worked with different teams on a variety of different projects and on different aspects of testing: exploratory testing, context-driven QA practices, automation testing with Selenium/Node.js/Cucumber. Ask me about extensions - VE, Echo/Notifications, Maps, ContentTranslation and quite few others, ask me about PageTriage/Patrolling and helping new editors contribute to Wikimedia projects. I also worked on testing mobile apps (iOs and Adnroid) and mobile UI for extensions. As a mentor for the Outreachy program, I am knowledgeable of what newcomers are struggling with and, based on their interests, what resources might provide them with better understanding of how the community and open source environment work, where to start and what to expect. My past two hackathons were focused on participation in a mentorship program (during Wikimania 2018, I was volunteering at the Editing Help desk which also served as an educational outreach to help engage users in Wikimedia projects) . Both times the experience was extremely rewarding and enriching (helping a university department to set a stand-alone wiki, introducing volunteer participants from Indonesia to ContentTranslation and helping volunteers from India (Dogri language) to wikimedia incubator, Armenian volunteers to Quarry, helping with vagrant set up, so the workflow for new volunteer developers would be clearer). This hackathon I also will sign up as a mentor - to have a chance to share my knowledge of different aspects of wikimedia projects to help beginners to feel confident in their exploration and to be inspired to become a part of the community. New this time, I am going to have a workshop session for showing how QA work contributes to building better software at wikimedia. etonkovidova AT wikimedia.org
Enmanuel2307 Social Media email
Erik Bernhardson search, machine learning Search platform is in the process of setting up replicas of the production search clusters to be available in WMF Cloud, much like the current mariadb replicas. I would like to evangelize this new service, do some demos, and help others develop ideas of what they might be able to build in WMF cloud on top of this new service. email, irc
Étienne Beaulé Music, world cultures and language, debate I plan to work on improving the handling of Lilypond musical notation in the Score extension and continuing on work on the Wikimedia Incubator (info pages) and compatibility. I would like to learn more about how computer graphics are rendered. email, irc, on wiki, facebook
Eugene233 Mediawiki extensions, Wikidata, Sustaining Emerging communities email, irc, on wiki, phone etc
Evan Prodromou API, product management, social networking, AI, fuzzy logic, machine learning, running, parenting, travel I'm especially interested in how people develop using Wikimedia projects. I'll probably work on an ActivityPub extension for MW if I get a chance. eprodromou AT wikimedia.org
EZOUHRI Maroua Ux designe , Figma Ambassador , ux process , Ux design lead - Teal Technology Services (IBM & OCP JV) Mentoring at wikimedia / helping flooks to get into design mindset and solving problem culture maroua.ezouhri@ma.ibm.com , linkedin, maroua.ezouhri@TEAL.ma
Finn Årup Nielsen (fnielsen) Wikidata, machine learning, Scholia Scholia and Ordia email, wiki, Twitter (as @fnielsen)
Florian (Florianschmidtwelzow) MediaWiki core, extension and configuration management, Google Code-in Going forward with improving the configuration management in MediaWiki; generally looking for tasks that can be solved at the hackathon irc: FlorianSW in #wikimedia-dev
Gabriel Birke Docker, PHP, Domain Driven Design, Clean Architecture, WMDE Fundraising I'll join a project that's presented at the opening session email
Geertivp Wikidata, Wikidata Query, MediaWiki configuration and setup, Private MediaWiki server, MediaWiki authentication on a Windows domain, Linux servers, Technical and user training for Wikimedia projects and technology Analysing and describing known problems

How to improve the user interface

How to improve the functionality

email, on wiki, Telegram
Gopa Vasanth (Gopa) Open Source Enthusiastic, Problem Solver, Web development, I can help in Mediawiki Extensions (Especially RevisionSlider), VideoCutTool. Technologies: HTML, CSS, JS, Python, Django. I would love to collaborate and share my experience and ideas. I plan to contribute to MW extensions and skins ( specifically RevisionSlider and VideoCutTool ) by fixing bugs (already on Phabricator) and adding some features (I have already in mind) if time permits. I can also help onboard newcomers at the Hackathon to the MW codebase and code review process by testing and reviewing the patch sets. I wanted to learn new ways of contributing to software, more debugging tricks and techniques. Email: gopavasanth1999 AT gmail.com IRC Nick: Gopa on freenode Channels: #wikimedia-dev, #mediawiki, #wikimedia-de-tech
Greg Grossmeier Releasing things to WMF production, testing practices, "the pipeline" I would talk with people about their current local development environments and how the Release Engineering team could help improve that experience.
And also, generally be around to help answer questions of newcomers and help get things ready for deployment.
IRC: greg-g
Grégory Digital Musicology Wikidata / Digital Musicology
groundginger - Ginger H. MABS project I'm assisting Mark Hershberger (hexmode) with I am still very much a newbie, so I need to beef up my knowledge on all things MW ginger AT everybody.org
Aaron Halfaker (Halfak/EpochFail) Newcomers in communities, Machine learning, Research of Wikipedia, I'll run the mentoring program. There are some changes I have been looking at making this year. Other than that, I hope to work with whoever is interested to either improve ORES or extend the tooling that uses it.
Harej (WMF) Wikimedia Cloud Services, Toolforge, Cloud VPS, ORES, machine learning in general. Would you like ORES for your wiki? I work on two Wikimedia Foundation teams: Technical Engagement, which serves the volunteer developers attending this hackathon, and Scoring Platform, which uses AI to make volunteers' work more efficient. At the hackathon I would like to support developers in attendance by helping them navigate the Cloud Services offerings (including Toolforge and Cloud VPS) and by helping them work with the Scoring Platform team to make the ORES service available in their language. Email (jhare AT wikimedia.org); IRC (harej); Telegram (@harej)
Harmonia Amanda wikidata ontologies, SPARQL I would like help for creating/improve several Wikidata gadgets on Wikidata user talk page
Harri Hurtig teaching wikipedia-syntax interwiki collaboration mail and facebook
Isaac Hutt Offline Knowledge, Android, Kiwix Kiwix Android application features mhutti1 AT gmail.com
Isarra MediaWiki skinning, user experience, and everything else frontend interface that you think you don't need help with: you do. Trust me. We all do. My current plan, as of the beginning of January, is to add mobile support to all desktop skins currently deployed to production/included in the tarball. Yes, this includes Nostalgia. I will need help, especially in the form of WHY DID I SAY I WOULD DO THIS AM I INSANE?!

But seriously send help. Core is terrible. Or I'll just go help others fix bugs, related or otherwise.

Onwiki as Isarra, IRC as Isarra, email me via wiki
Jack who built the house Front-end (HTML/JavaScript/CSS), gadgets, design I18n & universalization & UX improvement of Convenient Discussions (ru:u:JWBTH/CD), a JavaScript shell for wiki talk pages, an approach alternative to Flow/Structured Discussions. Plan to work/help with any other front-end solutions for WM projects, get feedback, learn about new components & workflows. Special:EmailUser/Jack who built the house, Discord: Jack#5745
Jakob Build automation, Java stuff, hackspaces I want to: create some wikidata import bots, learn to write new Wikipedia articles, learn about new projects from wikimedia Twitter @jampo001, EMail, IRC jampo
Jakob Warkotsch (WMDE) Wikibase, WikibaseLexeme Hack on Wikibase/Wikidata related projects! jakob_WMDE on IRC
James Forrester structured metadata, node services, editing tools, front-end modernisation, supporting communities, deploying code, library-ification, compatibility, internationalisation Help whomever wants it, focussing on community developers whose time is particularly precious. IRC, gerrit, Phabricator, e-mail, on MediaWiki.org, ….
Jarek Tuszynski (Jarekt) Commons & Wikidata, machine learning, Lua modules, climbing, templates Structured data on Commons; Lua modules, etc. Some thinks I might like to do:

Some stuff I would like to learn more about:

  • Hackathons (it is my first one)
  • Accessing Structured data on Commons from Lua, or through tools like QuickStatements, pywikipediabot
jarek.w.tuszynski AT gmail.com, https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/User_talk:Jarekt
Jdlrobson mobile, editing on mobile, getting more editor workflows on mobile The Reading web team is currently working on the Advanced mobile contributions project which hopes you provide more editing workflows on mobile that exist on desktop. (https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/tag/advanced_mobile_contributions/)
I'm keen to talk to editors who are also engineers and hack on getting many of these workflows into mobile.
I'd be particular keen in linking up with editor/devs from the Wikisource community and our smaller projects, since the AMC project is currently focused on Wikipedia.
I'd hope as an outcome of this time, we'd have various POC's for mobile friendly
email, irc, telegram
Jean-Rene Branaa Code Health, Quality, Testing My goal at the hackathon is to engage with as many developers as possible to discuss and build awareness about various Code Health topics. With Code Health being a new key program, it is important to bring awareness to the topic early on, so that as new initiatives/efforts take place, the development community has context and awareness. email, irc, telegram
JHernandez (WMF) APIs, REST, JavaScript, HTML, CSS Unclear for now. For "New editor experiences" maybe work on the "Edit tasks APIs" (T212793). I'm also interested in learning about "Tool for teaching with Wikipedia" and helping improve the dashboard. https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/User_talk:JHernandez_(WMF), or jhernandez AT wikimedia.org, or joakino (irc)
JHuneidi (WMF) Developer productivity, Kubernetes, tea, Japanese, my pet snaily I plan to work on improving the local developer environment. I would like to learn about how a diverse set of users develops locally and what their pain points are. I am planning to help participants set up development environments and deployment configuration so that participants can easily demonstrate what they have been working on!

I can help participants debug technical issues during the development process as well.

jhuneidi AT wikimedia.org,
Jiří Sedláček / Frettie Wikidata dont know jirisedlacek AT gmail.com
Jose Emilio Labra Gayo Data quality, Data models, Validation, Shape Expressions, RDF, SPARQL I am interested to help with data quality and representing data models in wikidata which can be automatically validated. I would like to work on improving the publication workflow so these tools could be integrated in a user-friendly way to help domain experts being able to define their own (wiki)data models and constraints that could be used by other people or bots when adding content to wikidata to ensure that the content is structurally conformant to those data models. Email: jelabra AT gmail.com
Josh Lim Misinformation/credibility technology, localization, community I and Kevin Payravi (SuperHamster) will be working on a tool called "Cite Unseen", a bias checker for references used in Wikipedia articles. This was a tool we initially built at CredCon in Austin, and which we intend to continue building at the Wikimedia Hackathon with input and advice from participants.
Aside from Cite Unseen, we will also work on other side projects, and for me personally, I can help with the localization of tools and extensions into Tagalog/Filipino, as I've done at other Wikimedia hackathons.
E-mail, on-wiki, (sometimes) IRC
jums inventaire.io, wikidata working on Inventaire / Wikicite common issues, providing a better understanding of wikidata / inventaire relations within wikibase federation context, exploring possibilities of improving wikidata ontology around books (distinction manifest/editions/works), exchanging with librarians jums AT inventaire.io
Kaldari gadgets, creating new extensions, using ToolForge, working at the WMF Working with Growth team engineers and Czech Wikipedia volunteers to improve the "Personalized first day" experimental feature that is running on Czech Wikipedia. email, irc, google chat, slack
Kaspo PHP, HTML I want to learn to use better my bot and SPARQL Email
Kate Zimmerman Product Analytics, decision science, data analysis, visualization, experimental design As a new WMF employee, I want to meet community members and get a sense of how we can better support community member needs through data and insights. I would love to facilitate brainstorming sessions and help ensure new people feel welcome. I am particularly interested in conversations, research, and work regarding diversity & inclusion and wiki culture. kzimmerman AT wikimedia.org, https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/KZimmerman_(WMF)
Kevin Payravi (SuperHamster) Frontend (JavaScript, Angular, HTML, CSS) At CredCon 2018, a credibility tech+ideas hackathon in Austin, Texas, US, Josh Lim and I worked on a tool called Cite Unseen. With just a day of work, we developed a functioning JavaScript widget that automatically looks at all the citations on a Wikipedia article, and appends informative icons that quickly show users what type of sources they are (e.g. news, opinion piece, blog, government controlled media, etc.). The tool also references MediaBiasFactChecker to mark the political leanings of sources. The purpose of this tool is to make readers more informed of where their information is coming from. Many people don't bother looking at the citations, and we hope this tool prompts people to take a closer look at the sources.
A presentation covering the details of the project is here.
At the Wikimedia Hackathon, we plan to continue working on this tool, to expand on it and make it ready for release. As the developer for the project, I'd be working on the technical side. We would also consult other hackathon attendees for their thoughts on the widget, what they would like to see, what they would like to see changes, etc., so that we can get a good idea of the needs and wants of other Wikimedians.
On talk page (User talk:SuperHamster)
Klára Joklová Information about Wikimedia Czech Republic I am going to organize klara.joklova AT wikimedia.cz
Kosta Harlan (kostajh) MediaWiki core, GrowthExperiments, Docker, unit tests, getting started with MediaWiki development Improving the unit testing developer experience (run unit tests without a MW install, cleanly separate integration and unit tests, run unit tests with vendor/bin/phpunit). Probably also helping with Echo web push notifications. email, irc (kostajh), on wiki
Timo Tijhof (Krinkle) MediaWiki core, Performance, Countervandalism I can help you with learning about how MediaWiki core works, or writing gadgets and Toolforge tools. I work on measuring and improving website performance. IRC, Email.
Amir Sarabadani (Ladsgroup) Wikidata, mediawiki, maching learning, wikitech, database Fixing something in mediawiki! Amir1 @ IRC, amir.sarabadani AT wikimedia.de
Léa Lacroix (WMDE)
Wikidata, lexicographical data, WikidataCon
  • I'm happy to discuss about: Wikidata, feedback about Wikidata's new or existing Wikidata features
  • I plan to work on: documentation of incoming Wikidata features, maybe build a new game reusing Wikidata's lexicographical data. I'm always happy to do a bit of drawing/calligraphy so if you need a nice poster, let me know.
Also: music and dance \o/ I'll have a drum and/or a guitar with me.
Lea Voget (WMDE) WMDE's Technical Wishes project, Wikidata Termbox, FileImporter/FileExporter, AdvancedSearch, TwoColConflict I would like to learn more about searching with namespaces, gadget maintenance, references and how looking them up is important for editors email, on wiki
Leszek Manicki (WMDE) Wikidata Hear about, talk about and work on Wikidata APIs leszek_wmde at freenode, email: firstname.lastname@wikimedia.de
Lily Hershberger
Lucas Werkmeister Wikidata, SPARQL, Toolforge and Cloud VPS, systemd nothing specific yet; I’ll probably help Harmonia Amanda with some gadgets, otherwise open for suggestions Lucas_WMDE on IRC, lucas.werkmeister AT wikimedia.de, Lucas Werkmeister (WMDE) on Wikidata and other wikis, @LucasWerkmeistr on Twitter if you see a piano somewhere at/near the venue, please tell me!
Lucie-Aimée Kaffee (Frimelle) multilingual linked data (Wikidata), research, languages I want to work on tools that support editors of underserved languages. Therefore, it would be helpful to meet and exchange with people in the community, both technical and editorial. Particular focus on projects related to Wikidata, e.g. ArticlePlaceholder. Further, it would be good to create content around the Code of Conduct at the event.
Maarten Dammers / Multichill Wikidata, data imports, image uploads, Pywikibot. I hope structured data on Commons is live so that we can work on that. Probably adapting existing tools and bots to the new options. My user talk pages on the Wiki seem to work. Email, chat and social media work too.
Mark A. Hershberger corporate use of MediaWiki Continue work on LDAP extensions, Working on proton deployment on 3rd party wikis, MEZA mah AT everybody.org, @hexmode on twitter
Markus Glaser Extending VisualEditor, 3rd party MediaWikis, BlueSpice An annotation/comment system for VisualEditor. Need help with deep integration in the underlying data model. I am also interested in improving the paste image feature of VisualEditor. glaser AT hallowelt.com
Marshall Miller -- MMiller (WMF) New editor experiences; using artificial intelligence One of the hackathon's three themes is "new editor experiences". I'm the product manager with the WMF Growth team, which works on helping new editors have good initial experiences. I want to help participants understand the challenges that newcomers face, explain what we know about how to solve them, and offer ideas for features that could make an impact. Please reach out with any questions or ideas about new editors! Email (mmiller AT wikimedia.org), on wiki at MMiller (WMF), and on IRC at Marshall_
Martin Poulter (wikidata:User:MartinPoulter) (w:en:User:MartinPoulter) Wikidata queries; GLAM data from Oxford University; training and advocacy Improving Wikidata-driven PHP applications. Not a good programmer so looking for help with PHP optimisation. Wanting also to learn about API for Commons/ Wikipedia. Telegram: @Mlpoulter
Martin Urbanec Toolforge, standalone tools I plan to help the Hackathon run more smoothly (as I'm a member of the organizing chapter) and work on my standalone tools in the meanwhile IRC: Urbanecm, Telegram: @urbanecm, mail: martin.urbanec AT wikimedia.cz
Maskaravivek Wikimedia Commons Android App, Android App Development, Getting started with MediaWiki APIs, Programming in Kotlin, Writing Testable Code, Automating Build and release process using CI. I have been contributing to the Wikimedia Commons Android app for the past 2 years and have been part of IEG and WMCZ grants. I would love to meet other team members in person and work together to come up with next year's roadmap. We have attracted a lot of new contributors in the past one year and the amount of time spent in the maintainence work has increased a lot. The hackathon might be a good place to discuss strategies for handling this efficiently. It would also give us an opportunity to talk with people from other teams and discuss the most common issues that we face.
I would love to help newcomers find their way by introducing them to MediaWiki APIs and Wikimedia Commons Android app. Based on my hackathon experiences, I can help new contributors find a suitable project and get started. We attracted a lot of new contributors in the Vienna hackathon and a result of which we have added a lot of new features in the past year and have almost doubled our user base.
I can help people get started with Android App development and can discuss at length about test-driven development and good code practices. Also, MediaWiki APIs can be daunting for new comers and I can help them by explaining how the documentation around these APIs are structured and how they can make their first API call.
Email and Hangouts: maskaravivek AT gmail.com
Máté Szabó MediaWiki, SOA, Wikia architecture mobile contributions, editor implementations mszabo AT wikia-inc.com
Matej Grochal/Jetam2 Education My main focus is focus number three: the Tool for teaching with Wikipedia. Wiki discussion pages or email for off-wiki.
maxlath how to build an application re-using Wikidata data, how to read and edit Wikidata from the command line * improve the way inventaire.io uses Wikimedia projects and contributes back
  • help others to use wikidata-(sdk|edit|cli|filter)
maxlath' on IRC and social networks
Mayilyan I can share my knowledge with others. But most of all I want to develop my MediaWiki and Wikimedia projects knowledge and skills. It's a great opportunity to meet the Wikimedia tech community and I want to learn about it as much as possible. I want to enreach my skills and then help my friends and Wikimedia community . They can contact me by email : mail.has@mail.ru
Megan Neisler data analysis, project and event planning Will be at the event as an organizer
Mh-3110 Lingua Libre + Extension + Gadgets I would like to improve the Fon wikipedia ( Incubator ) keyboard to make it easy to edit email
Michael Große WikibaseSchema michael.grosse AT wikimedia.de
Michal Anna Marble my pet bird My first hackathon, so learning the ropes :D email
misaochan Commons Android app plans, design and development I would like to work on improvements to the Commons Android app, and would be happy to mentor/onboard new contributors to the app so that our volunteer community can grow! I would also like to learn more about Wikidata and Android design and development in general, if there is time. josephinelim86 AT gmail.com or user talk message to Misaochan
Mitendo Dados Planeio trabalhar em hackathon por objectivos profissional, aproximadamente prendendo aprender mais com os vossos serviços e não só! e-mail
Mohamed Udhuman I am Master of Computer Applications student Email
Mónica Pinedo Anything - If I don't know the answer we can research for it together I am the new engineering manager of Wikimedia Germany and I would love to get to know and connect with the community. [monica.pinedo@wikimedia.de]
Moriel Schottlender Front-End development, OOjs and OOUI; Community Wishlist, Anti harassment tools Working on community tools for the Wishlist and adjacent, helping and mentoring on front-end development in our stack, implementing and improving OOUI functionality and documentation
MSantos (WMF) Kartotherian, Kartographer, postgresql, OSM, services (nodejs), and general maps technology. Do no Publish. I hope to be able on 2 maps issues: phab:T119043 and phab:T212384 email: msantos AT wikimedia.org, irc: mateusbs17
MusikAnimal RESTBase API (e.g. pageviews), Toolforge environment, production database replicas, and building any sort of automation such as bots, gadgets and user scripts. I specifically want to help others. I spend too much time at home building pet projects :) I have numerous ideas for new tools, if people need something to work on. Email, IRC (musikanimal), and the wiki
Neslihan Turan Android development, Wikimedia Commons I plan to primarily work on Wikimedia Commons App for adding new features to it, besides I want to improve my knowledge especially about Wikidata and Structured Commons by joining workshops. On the other hand, I am willing to send some contributions to other Java based projects like kiwix-android . email: tur.neslihan AT gmail.com
Niharika Kohli Community Tech, Wishlist Survey, Global Preferences, Commons image recognition/category suggestion, GSoC and Outreachy Continuing work from last year - working on creating a gadget for doing image recognition and automatic category suggestion for Commons images. The proof of concept script from last year needs label to category mapping, better design and needs to be converted to a gadget. See phab:T49492 and File:Wikimedia Hackathon 2018 showcase - Image labelling and category suggester.jpg IRC:Niharika, Email: nkohli AT wikimedia.org
Niyas Ahamed Machine Learning, data analytics I would like to help guiding and assisting the participant and also involved towards various service which will help communicate with all. Ill show positive aspects of to the community, will share and care people who needs some assist. Identify issues and/or opportunities for collecting data. Explore organizational culture and help other follow the event privacy. Through email
Noa Rave noa.rave AT wikimedia.de
Or Hillel
Pchelolo REST API, Job Queue, Microservices, Event Platform Introducing the new event platform with a little demo project, making a booth to collect feedback on certain anti patterns for bots, helping people with MW services infrastructure ppchelko AT wikimedia.org, Pchelolo on IRC
Peb Aryan SPARQL, Python, JS, RDF, geodata, Indonesian translation taking pictures & help write some codes. WDQ UI: phab:T211177 & phab:T216601 pebaryan (twitter & telegram), Pebaryan on wikidata
Petr Bena / Petrb Huggle / WM-Bot / Cloud Services / MW API / Toolforge / Bots / C, C++, C#, PHP, Python, Linux Backlog of tasks related to Huggle and WM-Bot, help out with MW API related projects or bots. IRC (petan), wiki (Petrb)
Petr Urbanec
PierreSelim commons, python, mwclient Improve mwclient wikidata support & help on other tools On wiki or by email
Pintoch OpenRefine, data imports in Wikidata Wikidata OAuth support for OpenRefine Pintoch on IRC
Pratyush Singhal React, Redux, Golang, Distributed systems, Docker, Rust I plan to add i18n support for the timeline wizard, so that it could be configured and used on a per-language basis and not just be exclusively for Wiki Education use. Email: psinghal20 AT gmail.com
publish Wikimedia Commons Data Roundtripping for GLAMs Structured Data on Commons tooling related to GLAMs telegram, mediawiki
Quiddity (WMF) Documentation, Design, Communication, Cats Assisting Rachel as needed. Documentation outreach and table.
Rabie LAKHDAR React Native, GraphQl I was participles of many hackathons on worldwide, I was participated on google summit Prague 2018, and I touch IT mind on Prague, for that I thing its good idea back to Prague for do more Email: rlakhdar@maltem.com

Linkedin : /rabie-lakhdar

Rachel Farrand (rfarrand) WMF events, wikimania hackathon, mentoring, this event! Help connect people and solve problems rfarrand AT wikimedia.org, IRC/freenode: rfarrand
Reem Al-Kashif Textual analysis, Wiki research My plan: work on creating a bot based on research findings on the language of bias in biography articles.

I can help with getting people started on Wiki research in general, specifically textual analysis of Wikipedia. I can also help with translation into Arabic. I would like to learn: more details about Wikidata since I have started introducing it to my community. Get help with bot creation.

email: reem.alkashif AT yahoo.com
Robin Schoenbaechler UX Design, Wikimedia Android App, HTML, CSS, JS, Prototyping Wikimedia Android App, UX Design, User Testing, HTML, CSS, JS, Prototyping rschoenbaechler AT wikimedia.org
Sage Ross Programs & Events Dashboard, education programs I'll be helping people who want to contribute to the Dashboard, and working on it myself. email (sage AT wikiedu.org), irc (ragesoss)
Reedy MediaWiki, AutoWikiBrowser, Wikimedia deployment stuff Stuff and things!
Sergey Leschina (putnik) Wikidata, Lua, bots, infoboxes, TemplateData I plan to make MVP of easy-to-use cross-platform semi-automated editor, based on AWB and pywikibot experience: https://github.com/putnik/tachyon Telegram: @putnik
Sharvani Haran Wikipedia Android App, Commons Android App maintenance I plan to collaborate with the Commons App team and making improvements to the Commons App. sharan AT wikimedia.org
Siebrand Mazeland internationalisation / localisation https://telegram.me/siebrand
simon04, Simon Legner locator-tool, OpenStreetMap, Structured Data on Commons, Wikidata T64266, locator-tool Simon.Legner@gmail.com
SIryn Openrefine, Pattypan, copyright Learn: Pywikibot, Work on: Commons bot Help with: Wikidata data set On wiki
Sjoerd de Bruin Wikidata, Wikimedia-wide policies Help with the Wikimedian in Residence project from the SAE about Dutch university teachers Twitter or Telegram (sjoerddebruin)
Smalyshev (WMF) structured data, wikidata, SPARQL, linked data, search TBD Smalyshev (WMF) on wiki, SMalyshev on IRC
Srishti Sethi Wikimedia's coordination in Hackathons and outreach events, developing tutorials, sample code, blog posts, conference presentations for new developers
Sylvain Boissel // Wikimédia France sparql, wikidata email, irc (Ash_Crow), on wiki, Twitter/Mastodon/Telegram (@ash_crow)
takidelfin Maybe some design-related stuff? Some JS things? I'm new to Wikimedia projects, so please don't ask me for more difficult stuff, you probably know the answer better than me (but if it is a test, okay :D) I plan to work on Wiki Education dashboard. I would love to learn more about React, Ruby, Python, CSS tricks or anything! takidelfin on IRC, takidelfin#3733 and takidelfin#3373 on Discord
Tchanders Partial blocks, user reporting, OOUI, visual diffs IRC, email
TheDJ Accessibility, Gadgets, JS, CSS, mobile WikiEditor, CodeEditor and 2FA irc:thedj twitter:dj_hartman
Thiemo Kreuz (WMDE) Software development at Wikimedia Deutschland, Wikidata, clean code, technical depth, MediaWiki & extensions, MoveFilesToCommons, TwoColConflict, Wikidiff2, Technical Wishlist Looking forward to meet the developers community (again), especially local and international volunteer developers, as well as paid developers from WMF and other chapters IRC: Thiemo_WMDE
Thomas Ledl Architecture and Geo-related stuff Image requests
Tim Eulitz (WMDE) Fundraising banners on Wikipedia I am still relatively new to MediaWiki development itself, so I still learn a lot just by developing alongside more experienced MediaWiki developers. I am sure there will be plenty of opportunities to jump in on some smaller projects. tim.eulitz AT wikimedia.de
Tobi WMDE I'm an Engineering Manager in the Technical Wishes and Fundraising teams @ WMDE, so these areas I know best - plus Wikidata, CI, Agile, etc.. Just feel free to ask me anything, and I'll try my best to help or find help. :) Tobi_WMDE_SW @IRC
Tom Arrow Wikibase, wikidata, wikicite I'd be particularly keen to work with community members on setting up their own wikibases. I'd also like to continue work with people from the wikicite world. irc, phabricator
Tonina Zhelyazkova Web Development, Advanced Search extension, Fundraising Tech, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, MySQL, various frontend tools and frameworks including OOUI Learn about the Fundraising Tech Stack of WMF, learn about the future of OOUI. Help volunteers if they have any web development related questions. Possibly work on a small improvement of Advanced Search Extension. email, irc, telegram group chat
Trey Jones improving on-wiki search for new users and experienced editors, wiki support for non-Latin scripts, natural language processing, Unicode, satirical linguistics I always want to learn more about how people use search—what works and what doesn't, for users and editors, esp. for languages other than English and non-language search (regexes, Unicode, etc.). I'm always happy to help people better understand how search works, both in general and for specific use cases. I will probably work on the "rare" character index (phab: T211824), though I'm open to other opportunities for projects or discussion as they arise. email:trey AT wikimedia.org; onwiki:TJones (WMF); irc:Trey314159
Benoît Evellin

Trizek (WMF)

Anything about newcomers or talk pages I plan to help people, like I usually do. If you need to find someone for some specific information or help, I may help you. Specific to this edition, I can help people to be aware of how people struggle when contributing and point out some technical improvements that are pending but which would help newcomers' first steps. That's my main experience on wikis. Email, IRC, on wiki. I have a collection of transit maps.
Tulsi Bhagat Phabricator, Gerrit, Mediawiki I want to learn more about gerrit, phabricator tickets configuration changes. Apart from this, I would love to learn in vast about mediawiki-config changes and so on. email, irc, on-wiki (so many ways mentioned in my userpage)
Ujjwal Agrawal Android App Development I plan to work on implementing thanks system while exploring media in Wikimedia Commons App. Email:- ujjwal.iitism AT gmail.com
Nikolai Kochkin (Urfiner) enterprise mediawiki, math, semantic mediawiki, QA-related questions Probably something related to visual editor (or ve4all) or search improvement. urfiner@gmail.com
Alandi_Derick MediaWiki & extensions + Pywikibot and some Toolforge related stuff. I'll like to help newbies via mentoring (one on one) on ways to improve their MediaWiki skills and improve on the ecosystem. Both. On-wiki: Alangi_Derick, Off-wiki: alangi.derick@wikipedia.de
Roan Kattouw (WMF) New editor experiences; Notifications; RecentChanges/Watchlist; ResourceLoader; JavaScript in general; database queries I'm planning to pick my patch for push notifications (from the Wikimania 2017 hackathon) back up, and I may join Stephane's prototyping project Email: roan AT wikimedia.org; IRC: RoanKattouw
Samwilson Community Tech; Wikisource I want to finally get the Wikisource contest tool up and running properly. Or help with anyone else's project. My meta talk page, or IRC (as samwilson).
Zhuyifei1999 Toolforge, Quarry, Pywikibot Probably make Quarry better IRC preferred, then on wiki & email
Violet Hershberger What is your latest artwork?
Vojtěch Dostál Wikimedia Czech Republic help with organisation on wiki
Volker E. design, user-experience, usability, ooui, accessibility, mobile, css Working with project teams on improving their products user-experience, design and accessibility and providing them tools and insights to continuously do this themselves in a teach to self-help approach.

Giving a presentation on the progress of and tools for applying the Wikimedia Design Style Guide http://design.wikimedia.org/style-guide/ and sharing successful examples for this mobile-first, open-to-collaboration design approach. Providing help on OOUI libraries implementation and questions.

IRC: Volker_E, easily on #wikimedia-dev, #wikimedia-design, #wikimedia-editing; Slack #design, Wiki: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Volker_E._(WMF)
Waldir Pimenta documentation, welcoming beginner developers, regex, git, SVG, SPARQL queries, CLDR, minority languages My main interests currently surround Wikidata, where I'd like to work in a few fronts:
1) Systematic (semi-automated) improvement of data about various topics: given names and surnames; administrative divisions (boundaries, population...); musical notes, chords and scales; software releases and licenses; map projections, etc.
2) Improving query builders (graphical interfaces to perform SPARQL queries), as well as other tools like Mix'n'match, Wikidata game and the Distributed game, Cradle, Tabernacle, QuickStatements, Reasonator, etc.
3) Learning more about lexemes so I can start building a Cape Verdean creole dictionary.
4) Besides Wikidata, I'd love to join forces with others wanting to improve documentation and usability to make technical contributions to the Wikimedia projects easier for beginners.
Depending on who I can team up with, I hope to end up working in one or two projects from the list above, and ideally also contribute some small fixes to mediawiki.
Waldir on Wikimedia wikis; @waldyrious on Twitter and GitHub; for real-time chat I typically use Hangouts, Telegram, IRC and Gitter, among others.
Wes Reid The Program & Events Dashboard, learning to code, board games
Yarl external tools, file upload work on tool Montage email
Tobias Python, pywikibot, wikidata, sparql Mostly attending to mentor and help out new people. Perhaps help someone with a project email
Ed Sanders


VisualEditor, visual or wikitext editing in general, OOUI, Front-end standards group work (JS best practices, code linting), LESS/CSS, mobile editing, multi-user editing, new wikitext editor. Help community developers in any of the above fields get started, or finished with a project. As OOUI is our standard UI library now, this affects pretty much any project with a user interface. Anyone with a project with interfaces with the editing ecosystem may want to contact me. email, IRC
yuliaazak UGC analysis, data analytics, data visualisation, UX/UI I'd like to collaborate on data analysis (ML/AI) for predictive analytics yvllyvv AT gmail.com
Yupik Minority and indigenous languages, translation, terminology, multilingual linked data (Wikidata), UX and UI. I would really be interested in working with other participants to come up with the easiest way possible for users of lesser-resourced languages to get up and running with wikiprojects. My experience with trying to use some of the Saami languages on various projects has been frustrating. For example, there is no quick way of adding a language and adding a language to one project doesn't mean it can be used in another project or sometimes even in other parts of the same project, which is horrible.

I would also like to explore using MT and ML to translate content between closely related minority and indigenous languages so they can have their own Wikipedias too. One eventual goal is to get a translation MOOC up and running for the Saami languages using Wikipedia, so I'm also interested in things like the Programs & Events Dashboard.

send me an e-mail through the English Wikipedia link.

IRC also works (IRCnet), but I'll try to get around to freenoding my nick during the hackathon.

Zache Flagged revisions, WLM rephotography track, Wikidata integration ORES, Wikidata integration, Structured data for commons on wiki / wikimedia "Email this user" -tool
ZFilipin (WMF) Selenium, deployments (SWAT, train), code health, testing Pair with volunteers, Wikimedia Deutschland and WMF engineers on Selenium tests. Lead a workshop on Selenium tests. zfilipin AT wikimedia.org, zeljkof (freenode), ZFilipin (WMF)
Anyi Jonathan Data Science and Python with my knowledge in data science and python i can help with data collection and analysis. being a Cisco certified network associate, i can also help with communication and tech related issues to ensure the smooth flow of the program. Phone: (234) 8149196764. mail: anyijonathan AT Yahoo
Joe / @ISNIT0 Kiwix, MWOffliner, TypeScript, NodeJS, Whisky Kiwix/MWOffliner GitHub: @ISNIT0, Email: contact @ simmsreeve.com
Yuriy Bulka / [[User:Юрій Булка]] WikiGrade: a jury tool for article contests; python3 and django on toolforge Two ideas I'm thinking about: improve WikiGrade (a jury tool for article contests) OR start a new project related to measuring the impact of Internet censorship on accessibility of Wikipedia sources freenode: yurb; matrix: @setthemfree:matrix.org
Wojtek Szczesny "Witia" Front-end (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Vue.js), text manipulation, l10n. Wizards, tools for automating boring tasks, processing data from external sources for use in Wikimedia ecosystem. On wiki, irc (user: Witia).
tuusberg data processing, reliability, puzzles, beatboxing
Alex Blokha C#, languages, translation, small languages gathering info for small languages wikipedias email
Mahuton Mediawiki Thanks extension, gadgets, Lingua Libre I will be working on Lingua Libre UI to optimize it for mobile devices. Need help on UX so you're welcome here: phab:T214849 Email: bpossoupe AT gmail.com, irc
Nicolas Nallet (Wiki Valley) MediaWiki hosting, Semantic MediaWiki Enhance table features, Access control extension, UX with Page Forms, Mobile Front end and responsive design User talk:Nicolas NALLET
Xavier Dengra Accessibility of Wikimedia sister projects Accessibility of Wikimedia sister projects; engagement interface for contests & dashboard xavier.dengra@wikimedia.cat
NataliaSzel What, where, when? Questions related to coordination of the event Keep the hacking going email, telegram
Smayliks Telegram: @Smayliks
Claudia Garád, User:Ki7sun3 Inclusive events, mentoring, Wikidata community building in Austria Gathering ideas for my work in the movement strategy working group telegram, mail, twitter
Jean-Frédéric Monuments, Sparql, configuration management, cuteness Wikidata, Wiki Loves Monuments-related stuff, maybe Structured data on Commons. And maybe video games on Wikidata :) @JeanFred on Twitter, E-mail, Wiki talk pages.
Ostrzyciel MediaWiki extensions, bots, machine learning, UploadWizard I'll try to help with anything that looks interesting, maybe some MW extension :) My talk page, IRC (Ostrzyciel on Freenode)
Lex Sulzer https://dataspects.com/ Semantic Web lex@dataspects.com
Jakub Klímek Automated data loading to Wikidata jakub@jakubklimek.com
Alexander Tsirlin Wiki Loves Monuments, Wiki Loves Earth, cultural heritage, Wikivoyage Montage development e-mail
Janbery I'm editor on cswiki Member of Czech community, would like to meet up with others and help as needed jan.beraanek@gmail.com
Ciell Dutch Wikipedia Learning the basics of Wikidata work email, Telegram
Léna Commons, structured metadata, GLAM, Wikidata I would like to work on connected Pattypan and QuickStatements into an unified workflow. on wiki
Townie Content Translation, SVG Translate, ... I'd like to talk with the SVG Translate and Content Translation teams to work on integration, as well as learn more about ORES IRC, wiki: Townie
Pavel Zbytovský (zbycz) JS maps, OpenStreetMap, React/Node/Next Not sure yet (not there all the time) zbytovsky@gmail.com
Pinkesh Kumar to work with link minded people rajani.pinkesh@gmail.com
RonnieV (Dutch) Wiki Techstorm 2019, python, user behaviour I'd like to learn more about pywikibot, Phabricator, Gerrit, using Wikidata in templates. I'd like to meet other Wikimedians. I'm always in for hints on eliminating asshole behaviour in wiki-projects. on Wiki: RonnieV, IRC and email  are available
Joan Creus pywikibot, starting on toolforge Learning more about wikimedia cloud, Lua, creating new magic for templates to use on cawiki: Joutbis
Anton Obozhyn
(Антон Обожин),
Tohaomg, WMUA
I am a bachelor of computer science, so I know more or less from every field. Of Wikimedia related there are:

Bots in C# or python, SQL, sparql, SVG, Lua, OTRS

I would like to learn how to create tools on tools.wmflabs.org and maybe try to create something there. Also I am interested in learning more how the MediaWiki engine works and how I can contribute to it. Want to learn a bit about OSM maps used in Wikimedia projects. Tohaomg
Skype: tohaomg
Tom Baker metadata, ShEx, Semantic Web Wikidata and ShEx email
Marek Blahuš corpus linguistics, Wikipedia as corpus, languages, Esperanto I'd like to improve the existing open-source wiki2corpus tool and make it use the Wikimedia REST API (Parsoid) and per-language configurations to automatically produce text corpora from Wikipedia. Using Sketch Engine, I'll then try to extract keywords and terms for their various subcorpora (e.g. categories, articles edited by a particular user). You can help me by talking with me about how your particular language version of Wikipedia might be specific in this context. Special:EmailUser/Blahma
Birgit Müller Who is the best contact for project x/where can I get support for y, Wikimedia's outreach and mentoring programs, Wikimedia's technical grants, Wikimania Hackathon focus area "Technical Equity", ideas for collaboration with other Open Source projects/communities, code review Help connecting people with people and projects, learn about problems and needs of technical contributors at Wikimedia & gather ideas for improvements. Email, on wiki
Ondřej Merkun Front-end web development, Javascript, Go, React, Sass I plan to work on the 'New editor experiences' challenge, but I can see myself working on all the challenges listed. E-mail: ondrej.merkun@gmail.com, Discord: merkur0 #4201, Twitter: @0merkun
Jaroslav Mašek Wikipedia in education, technology in education I would like to share the experience of using Wikipedia in education with other participants. by the email above
phaebz email
Bartosz Dziewoński (Matma Rex) MediaWiki and VisualEditor anything that is *not* VisualEditor :) IRC: MatmaRex; email: matma.rex@gmail.com
Vandermon da Silva Lopes (Brazilian translator and Articles writer) Brazilian Portuguese language Improvements in translations on Wikipedia by Whatsaap (+55 31 97173 6595)
Tomas Brabce Indy Tom Jak vytvořme milionovou komunitu lidi , podobných hodnot . Zapojit se do budovami milionové komunity email i tel. brabce@apolo-global.com 00420 733 133067
Art Jarka Wikimedia Commons Categories user experience I would like to get in touch more with Wikidata, Teenage students WMC user experience jaroslavaklic@gmail.com
Juandev Structured data on Wikimedia Commons user experience, Wikimedia Commons tools user experience, Data mining user experience, heavy Commons user and Wikiexpedition organiser needs. I can provide the feedback to those who are around tools and structured data on Wikimedia Commons from the point of view of a heavy users. Namely: POI quering from Wikidata, POI mining from wp via PetScan, VicunaUploader, Cat-a-lot, VisualFileChange.js, Slideshow, HotCat, RotateLink, CropTool, GLAMorous, PetScan, on WMC file manipulation.
I would like to learn more about SPARQL for queriing Wikidata and with PetScan.
w:cs:Juandev, Facebook Messanger
Joan Creus pywikibot wikimedia cloud, pywikibot, extensions email, on wiki
Dvorapa pywikibot, map tools, documentation and novice help Meet some people I want to meet

Teach about Pywikibot Propagate MediaWiki documentation translation (mainly at MW.org and Meta) Fix some old and annoying issues with Pywikibot? Learn about Toolforge and MW design?

[[:cs:User:Dvorapa]], dvorapa~seznam~cz, m.me/dvorapa, twitter.com/dvorapa
Mónica Pinedo Anything - If I don't know the answer we can research for it together I am the new engineering manager of Wikimedia Germany and I would love to get to know and connect with the community. monica.pinedo@wikimedia.de
Martin Poulter SPARQL & Wikidata Working on Wikidata-driven applications.

Like help with: caching. Like to learn about: MediaWiki API

Rider7676 Bitchily Goats Meta Data https://twitter.com/rosales_august
TuukkaH Open Data, Wikibase, Wikidata, Docker, GraphQL, MQTT, Wikidocumentaries I plan to work on something related to Wikibase and Wikidocumentaries, e.g. federated queries. Telegram / Wikibase Community User Group
Magnus Sälgö, Sweden Swedish Wikidata resources Learn more of Wikibase salgo60@msn.com
Kamma History of philosophy, virtue ethics I have some dirty code for a tool to visualize edit-a-thon/article contest results and I am thinking of making it proper tool to be used with WikiEduDashboard, Fountain or similar, but I'm up to anything meaningful (including making myself better and patiently waiting for the world to follow) tramm@wikimedia.ee, @tramm:matrix.org
Mrs. Luis Uchiha YouNow
Michal Doubek Vision machine learning - analyzing images, Startuping I can help others with ML vision API's like clarifai.com - how to, use cases (moderation, keywording) and share my experience how I use it in my startup.
I would like to learn something about own infrastructure, handling high traffic.
Despite of fact, I'm in business sector, I believe we can share experiences relevant to everyone.
Thor1704 machine learning, semantic web, true history of Europe I wanna to see if your society really exist and if exist I want to start learning about wiki and start work with you. gmail
Daniel Cohen Cyber Security Machine Learning daniel@speed-net.com
Utar GLAM, Dashboard, editatons, cswiki Quality project meet other wiki, email
Chicocvenancio PAWS I can speak about what PAWS currently can do and what we can add to it. Would love to get more people interested in maintaining it.

I also plan to soak up as much different ideas as possible around technical outreach; help people on their pet projects and learn about best practices in the movement.

Telegram, Twitter, email
Danmichaelo mwclient, croptool, library data and authority data, translation, toolforge, running, hosting article writing contests (ukbot) Perhaps something WikiCite or Citoid-related. Or perhaps improving some tool or gadget. Perhaps figure out how to setup a new project on TranslateWiki or start using WikidataJS. Perhaps even improving documentation. Email/Hangouts: danmichaelo@gmail.com, Twitter: @danmichaelo
Yug LinguaLibre Twitter: hugo_lz
Zache FlaggedRevs, Wikidata in Wikipedia Meta talk page / wikimedia email http://ajapaik.ee/