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Wikimedia Features engineering/Notes/2012-W18

From mediawiki.org
Features team meeting
Place #wikimedia-dev connect



Is there anything you want to call out for the Monthly Metrics Meeting? Instead of the round robin, the Engineering part of the Thursday Monthly metrics will focus on a 3-5 focused updates for a short 5-10min. If you think your project should be highlighted then nominate it. You or a team member can give it (or force me to do so).

Engineering Goals for Next Year



Visual Editor




Last week:

  • Landed biggish token transform framework refactoring: Pipelines are now fully 'recipe'-based and can be retrieved by mime-like type, template parameter values are expanded lazily, template expansion chunks are no longer buffered, and a new API for implicit lazy expansion and conversion of values was created. A big template-heavy page like en:Barack Obama can now be expanded in similar time as the production parser (80 seconds on my puny laptop) and 340MB of memory. It previously ran out of memory after consuming 1.6G and running for ~30 minutes.

This week:

  • Work with Tim on Lua / parser function API
  • Plan integration with MW and VE for first deployment
  • Port Cite extension to current APIs
  • Fix a few issues on Obama page


  • Limited availability this week (coached sailors on Monday and Tuesday, and am racing in the German nationals myself on Thursday to Sunday).



Last week:

  • Working on Stateful Ve Constructor class
    • Abstracting from Sandbox to load configurable instances of VE
    • Focusing on MediaWiki integration.

This week:

  • Editor instance bug fixes
  • Create annotations event, modify toolbars core to update tools on demand
  • DM Changes review.



Last week:

  • Rewrite/Refactor/Redesign DM
  • Write new unit tests for DM

This week:

  • Finish DM work
  • Begin reintegration with CE, sanbox and demo

Editor Engagement: Article Creation Wizard (ACW)


ACW is waiting for PT. Work being done on PT (see below).

Editor Engagement: Page Triage (PT)

  • Sprint plan:



Last week:

  • Write some unit tests for PageTriage
  • Add no-index for untriaged page and pages with a special templates

This week:

  • PageTriage deployment training
  • Preparing for PageTriage deployment and bug fixes


Editor Engagement (AFTv5)


Last Week:

  • Release on Thursday

This Week:

  • Release this Thursday (will be delayed due to MM)

Multimedia (TMH)


Last Week:

  • Testing started on Labs

This Week:

  • Continue testing on Labs
  • Fix some issues with Labs (still!)



the roadmap

This Week:

  • Verify that it is ready for review.
  • Line up code review resources for Jeroen





Last week:

  • Working on Recurring GlobalCollect
  • Working on DonationInterface

This week:

  • Working on Recurring GlobalCollect
  • Working on DonationInterface



Last week:

  • Continued running GC recurring.
  • Spent some time working on git/gerrit, and identified and fixed a gerrit permissions problem I didn't know I had that was blocking on me pushing to a remote branch for deployment.
  • Created a burnup chart for all the work we know we have to do between now and the fundraiser, in our mingle project. Made what should (optimistically) be two more weeks of work dev-ready.
  • Lots of code review
  • Everlasting hiring process

This week:

  • We found a serious bug in GC recurring over the weekend. Spent all of Monday writing and running scripts to clean up the recurring data. (complete)
  • At least one civi deploy to fix the bug that created all the bad data.
  • Code review of at least the pending bug fixes.
  • Read technical documentation for potential new payment processors, and relay any potential issues to Pats
  • Sort out the Fundraising branch of mw core, probably with Roan and/or Chad
  • Run and improve Globalcollect audit scripts
  • Hiring stuff


  • Cannot recur any more GC recurring transactions until I am able to deploy bug fixes (currently pending code review) to prod civi.

ResourceLoader 2 (Gadgets)

mw:ResourceLoader/V2 Task management

Pending Changes (FlaggedRevs)




This week:

  • Matthias will be assigned to work with Aaron on FlaggedRevs


  • Official start of Echo will be July 1.


  • Official start of Messages will be July 1.
  • Will be re-examining state of LQT



Terry (tewwy)


This Week:

  • Try again Yair and Andrew Garrett :-)

Timo (Krinkle)
