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Wikimedia Features engineering/Notes/20111115

From mediawiki.org
Features team meeting

11:00 - 11:30 PDT / 20:00 - 20:30 CET

Place #wikimedia-dev connect

Parser / Visual Editor

Trevor, Inez, Neil, Brion, Gabriel, Roan

Last week:

  • Fixed major issues blocking the synchronization of structural edits to the user interface
  • Refactored several areas of the code to reduce bloat and repetition
  • Mapped out features to be supportted (still a work in progress)

This week:

  • Finish mapping out features to be supported
    • Prioritize list
    • Add status to each item in list
  • Finish (finally) the last parts of the transaction system
  • Create an undo/redo system (may delegate this)
  • Get side-by-side preview working in Demo again


  • Need moar power! (people power that is)

Last week:

  • Added tests for splitting paragraphs
  • Rewrote removal commit code to make those tests pass
  • Random fixes

This week:

  • Wrote leaf node traversal code Trevor requested
  • Fixed test breakages specific to IE
  • Whatever Trevor tells me to work on next


  • None, really, but need Trevor to assign work, and not spend more than ~2d/wk

Last week:

  • Finished support for moving cursor and creating content selection with keyboard and/or mouse (various different combinations, for instance with holding shift, control/command key down)
  • Basic supoport for content insertion
  • Turned listItems into branches (from leafs) which affected how WikiDom looks like (it let's us have table in listitem - which apparently is allowed in wikitext)

This week:

  • Working on better support for content insertion
  • Adding content removal (which includes for instance nodes merging)
  • Working on transactions stack - to support undo/redo functionality
  • Basic research to figure out how to implement support for content copy&paste
  • Add more description of interactions to Visual editor/Features
  • Blockers:

Sometimes view & model tree sync is a blocker, but Trevor manages to solve most of the problems right away


Last week:

  • a little feedback for gabriel

This week:



Last week:

  • Added inline productions and improved WikiDom compatibility, but blocked on missing support for overlapped ranges in PEG parser. Evaluated alternatives for robust larger-scale parsing, and proposed using the HTML5 parser spec in Wikitext-l. General parser bug triage with Sumana.

This week:

  • More bug triage on Monday, but working on evaluating/integrating JS HTML5 parsers now. A few candidates, node.js compat important for now. General interface tokenizer (PEG) -> HTML parser. WikiDom generation either from generated DOM or direct (likely later).


  • Decision on HTML-derived parser cleared design block up



Last week:

  • Worked on AFTv5 data model, metrics requirements and data analysis plan
  • Worked on guidelines for marking of AFT-generated edits and account tracking

This week:

  • Prepare protocol for community assessment of feedback
  • Finalize bucketing algorithm specs
  • Article sampling strategy for quant/qual analysis
  • Review with Community dept random task allocation project


  • None

Last week:

  • Reviewed DB schema for AFTv5 with the OmniIT contractors

This week:

  • Whatever OmniIT needs from me :)



Development on hold
  • Deployments at will.



Last week

  • Review MoodBar extension Phase 1 / 2 requirements

This week

  • Require user to leave comment , front end, via validation method



Last week

  • Review Moodbar phase 1 / 2 requirements and the extension code

This week

  • Added server side validation for empty comment
  • Deployments to extra wikis are now open, provided that community consensus is shown and the tool has been localized.


Feedback Dashboard


Last week

This week

  • Review Aaron's proposal for tracking response time

This week

  • Allow for inline reason on restore / hide feedback with confirm and cancel button
  • Redlinked users without user pages
  • Layout / Font adjustments

This week

  • Show the user/timestamp/reason for hiding a feedback
  • will design the two new APIs: replying to a feedback and pull a list of response to a feedback
  • Deployments to extra wikis are now open provided that community consensus is shown and the tool has been localized.

New Article Creation/New Page Patrol


Last week:

This week:



Last week:

  • Reviewed data and preliminary survey results with Oliver/Howie

This week:

  • Move data to collaborative spreadsheet and support Oliver with data analysis
  • Document project on Meta

Last week:

  • Reviewed survey results, started cataloguing common NPP issues.



Last week:

  • finished custom license feature;
  • deployed new UploadWizard late Thursday
  • Then had to turn off multi-file in prod due to skew in the API, trunk is now very different from prod.
  • Found we could not re-enable features easily due to other trunk-prod skews.

This week:

  • cleanups from UW deploy. redeploying today (Tuesday). Will also fix some stuff for legal later.
  • see if I can get etherpad-mediawiki actually working inside WikiEditor, so we can finally deploy that?
  • Any other leftover time goes to parser/editor stuffs w/Trevor


  • Could use Trevor's help on WikiEditor stuff (hard to understand WikiEditor config system)

Last week:

This week:

  • Turns out chunked upload backend is not actually ready for use. Reworked things so we get FormData API without chunking so we can deploy muti-file select now, will coordinate with j on FIXMEs in chunking code.








LiquidThreads 3.0


Mobile Stuff


Mobile research


I18n / L10n tools

Team going to India.

Concluded sprint #2 on Monday:

  • Code review of WebFonts
  • Fix shortcut key of Narayam
  • Narayam remembers the 5 last used schemes
  • Basic version of message group workflows for Translate

ResourceLoader 2.0


Last week:

  • Wrote maintenance script for migration
  • Fixed bugs reported against prototype set-up
  • Did some TODO gnoming

This week:

  • Resurrect ancient unit tests and try to make them pass. This will be hard



Last week:

  • (WebFonts extension review)
  • bug fixes

This week:

  • New category (polish and commit)


Personal image filter

On hold

Weekend of Code


Other notes...

  • Worked on specifications for user lookup routine for CentralNotice (Harvard/Sciences Po study)
  • Worked on plan for storing and exposing pageview stats
  • Random RCom work

Ideas for next meeting


Replace IRC "meeting" with a more public Q&A/weekly updates like "IRC office hours" (on #wikimedia-dev) Enforce writing bullet-points in the etherpad for sharing project status Save etherpad to wiki page after the meeting is over (keep the etherpad pseudo-restricted) Advertise the office hours on mailing lists