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Wikimedia Discovery/Retrospective-Hackathon-2015-06-12

From mediawiki.org

Hackathon (Lyon)



  • Search Roundtable
    • Our timeslot competed with a NASA talk and something else popular
    • Low attendance, but Damon was there. Good conversation.
  • At the hackathon in general
    • Talked more about WDQS, maps
    • Talked with Lydia about WD generally, as well as WDQS
    • Greg had insights
    • People were curious about the "Discovery" part
    • Good first run as a team to talk collectively.


  • Met w/people like Nemo, talked about front page redesign
  • Lots of notes. Nemo met Wes.
  • Jon Katz was running user research sessions
    • One user said he never searches in wp--didn't know that feature even existed
  • Attended a design session
  • We made our presence felt


  • Met with several college students
  • Distributed James's API docs
  • Wes added cool map ideas to Dan's document
  • David was also there. Nice to meet and interact with him.



  • Spent most of time with David, learning elastic search internals


  • Spent most of time learning from Erik
  • Met Wes, Dan, Yuri and Giuseppe. Very nice to meet everyone.

Wikimania (Mexico City)

  • We have a session scheduled
  • This Monday's presentation is prep for that one
  • We should have a better presentation ready for wikimania than we did for the hackathon


  • Wikimania is bigger
  • Venues have a bit impact on how the events turn out
  • We should be extra vigilant about what we will do, who will be there (on wikimania wiki)
  • "50 shades of wiki" presentation (about reusing content)


  • Over next couple weeks, identify stuff we can demo
  • Planning to attend education-related talks; how to use students in testing
  • Whoever of us is in Mexico City should at least have a dinner together


  • Wikimania is exhausting, but worth it
  • Maybe try to engage with outsiders more than people you normally work with (e.g. wmde)
  • Last year heard lots of good ideas, several of which were implemented that afternoon
  • People went away happy
  • When you get active editors in a room, they will ask questions (some random)
  • Make it clear what your role/interests are, and people will come to you


  • This is an opportunity to do more together as a team