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Wikimedia Discovery/Meetings/Checkin/2017-05-02

From mediawiki.org

Topics from the past

  • [wikitech-l] Deployment train will freeze for the weeks of April 17th and May 1st
  • FYI: Conference rooms in the office theoretically now require you to “check in” for your meetings, or you might lose the room
  • Updates on Product/Tech tune-up (tuna)
    • C-level decision meeting postponed until May 9
      • Still trying to sort out the analyst situation
    • We have permission to discuss the tune-up publicly
    • Kevin is now tentatively slotted into Technology (rather than Editing)
  • [Discovery] Maps style preview request for feedback
    • If the server is down, ping Paul on IRC

Announcements, Information, Questions

  • Should we be worried if we haven’t heard anything concrete about Offsite and/or Hackathon hotel info yet?
    • No. As long as you registered for both events, your hotel should be booked
    • Expect to see a manifest from Travel at some point
  • Interesting question on “questions in search queries” on the English Wikipedia. I don’t know if anyone needs/wants to respond, but it’s an interesting community discussion to read.
  • Upcoming WMF employee engagement survey (May 8-20)
    • HIGHLY recommended you fill it out next week, before you travel, if possible
  • Upcoming WMF employee annual performance reviews start May 22
    • Start thinking about who you will ask to write peer reviews
  • Offsite
    • Draft agenda has been updated:
    • It is not final, and will continue to be refined this week
    • We will have a google calendar and gchat set up for the event
    • Q: Should we prepare anything? Can we help?
      • Reflect on how things have been going
      • Think about how things might work best with the new org structure
      • Think about any unconference topics you might want to propose

Scrum of Scrums


Are we blocked?

  • None

Are we blocking?

  • None

Other dependencies (in either direction) which don’t need to be called out as “blocked” (e.g. are progressing smoothly, have no urgency, etc.)

  • None

Discovery News


Quick Quarterly Goals/KPI Update (if needed)


Discovery Roadmap FY2016/17: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1ctlqdLA__0OxDuO7mJEIDLP-xt9a7E4jv4INMlZAHdQ

This status was last updated 2017-04-11. Completed/dropped goals are not shown.

FY 2016-17 Q4 (Apr-Jun) goals: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Engineering/2016-17_Q4_Goals#Discovery

  • Improve search by researching and load testing machine learning to automatically re-rank search results
    • Research and develop new models to determine which ones work best
    • Build out data munging and data pipeline to develop new models
    • Deploy automated model which matches current performance of manually-configured search result relevance
    • Begin performing load tests on new models to make sure they can be safely deployed to production
  • Improve search support for different languages by researching and deploying new language analyzers
    • Perform research spikes to find new analyzers for different languages
    • Test new analyzers to see if they are improvements
    • Deploy new analyzers that are found to be an improvement
  • Refine and test new design of search results page with occasional deployments
    • Test new functionality with at least 2 A/B tests
    • Analyze tests and gather community feedback
    • Roll out new functionality with small releases to production across all Wikipedias
  • Stabilize maps and graphs code base
    • Stabilize and fix high priority bugs

