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Wikimedia Discovery/Meetings/Checkin/2016-12-06

From mediawiki.org

Topics from the past

  • Reminder about upcoming deployment interruptions
    • Dec 19-30: No deploys
    • Jan 9: No train (dev summit/all-hands)
  • SoS: FR reminder of “stuff that could impact the fundraiser: GeoIP, ResourceLoader, MessageCache, EventLogging, Hive webrequest tables”
  • News on Vienna hackathon?
    • We are approved to travel to the hackathon
    • Discovery offsite should happen before or after
    • Folks should register for the hackathon
  • If you have a second today please check the submitted proposals for the Dev Summit and provide input with comments, tokens, etc. (more info).

Announcements, Information, Questions

  • Community Wishlist Survey is open for voting. “WMF staff members who are also active contributors are welcome to vote; please use your volunteer account.“
    • There are suggestions related to search, graphs, maps, and wikidata
  • Need someone to take notes for next week’s Discovery Checkin
    • Erika volunteered
  • Should we pick a night for a Discovery dinner while we’re all at All Hands?
    • A night will probably present itself. TBD.

Scrum of Scrums


Are we blocked?

  • None

Are we blocking? (https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/tag/blocked-on-search/)

  • None

Other dependencies (in either direction) which don’t need to be called out as “blocked” (e.g. are progressing smoothly, have no urgency, etc.)

  • None

Discovery News


Quick Quarterly Goals/KPI Update (if needed)


Quarterly Review: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1uem20E4P_e94yTfWpX8wQkbV8cDuNkja913TDonYATs/edit

Discovery Roadmap FY2016/17: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1ctlqdLA__0OxDuO7mJEIDLP-xt9a7E4jv4INMlZAHdQ

This status was last updated 2016-12-06. Completed/dropped goals are not shown.

FY 2016-17 Q2 Key Results



  • Search
    • Enable the backend for cross-project searches on all Wikimedia projects
      • Technically the goal is done; likely to roll out the feature in January
      • Back end: Load test looking good; likely to turn it on
      • Front end: Reached out to communities for A/B tests; announcement of testing is out for translation.
        • Will probably deploy A/B tests on Persian, Polish, Italian and Catalan wikipedias in Q3
        • Will set-up labs instance for English wikipedia and projects by end of Q2
    • Enrich the data stored in ElasticSearch to allow targeted improvements to result relevance (Migrate away from "all" field in Elasticsearch)
      • Won’t hit the goal technically (“all wikis”), but is done in spirit
      • Done for top 10 projects. Should be done for all but 18 soon (out of 280+). Not sure of the status of those 18 at this moment.
  • Interactive: Maps/Graphs...
    • Increase maps and graphs usage on Wikipedia
      • Working on collecting metrics to demonstrate the effects
      • Updating commons template increased usage a lot (from thousands to millions)
      • Slow uptake on ruwiki (fewer articles than hoped) seems to be because they are just busy
    • Enable shareable Geoshapes and Tabular data storage on Commons
      • Now enabled on beta labs (commons and other wikis)
      • On hold pending deployment checklist
      • Some progress on geojson; need to add support for maps and graphs


  • Dec 7: Next Showcase (“CREDIT”)
    • Signup: https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/CREDIT
  • Dec 26-30: Holiday
  • Jan 2: Holiday
  • Jan 5: Next All-Discovery retro
  • Jan 9-11: Dev Summit (SF)
  • Jan 12-13: All-hands (SF)
    • Some of us not going to the Dev Summit will be coming in a day early
    • Discovery dinner? :) +1+1 +1000