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Wikimedia Discovery/Meetings/Checkin/2016-10-18

From mediawiki.org

Topics from the past

  • WMF values conversations; everyone is encouraged (not required) to sign up
    • Katie: very good experience! Join the conversation if you can!
    • Deb: Very interesting as well. Aligning our understanding make sense.
  • Guillaume gave Elasticsearch presentation to our Ops team last Friday
    • Presentation was well received, interesting questions, lots of clarification.
    • Discovery might want to do something similar.
      • Some overlap with CREDIT
      • However, CREDIT limits presenters to 5 minutes, and there is no shared context

Announcements, Information, Questions

  • Anything we should know about from the Quarterly Review?
    • everything is good, generally
    • Email sent to discovery-private containing some feedback
  • From SoS: “Winter is coming... Annual reminder to please postpone risky rollouts till after December's fundraising campaign”
    • Cross-wiki search backend is getting less risky due to not merging the indices together in Q2
      • Frontend is a bit more risky, but only prototyping is planned
    • Interactive is risky
      • Map frame: we are confident
      • Tabular data space: we have the technology, but the steps to get there are not yet completely clear yet.
    • Portal: not risky at all (just maintenance for the most part)
    • Katie still need to talk to Greg to see what constraints we have
  • Erika started this week!
  • From [wikitech-l]: O’Reilly has released several ebooks at zero cost:

Scrum of Scrums


Discovery News


Quick Quarterly Goals/KPI Update


(Status below last updated 2016-10-18. Completed/dropped goals are not shown.)

FY 2016-17 Q2 Key Results




  • Oct 27: Monthly metrics (Thursday)
  • Oct 31: Gentle reminder to submit your proposals for Wikimedia Developer Summit. The deadline is 31 Oct for topic proposals.
    • Interactive needs to decide what specific areas to discuss with the community. Long term ideas: external data consumption. Short term goals: on-wiki data storage, integrating graphs/Polestar/...
  • Nov 1: Spark Project sharing deadline
  • Nov 2: Next Showcase (“CREDIT”)
  • TBD: Next All-Discovery retro