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Wikimedia Discovery/Meetings/Checkin/2016-07-12

From mediawiki.org

Topics from the past

  • Quarterly review was this week
  • State of the Maps conference July 23-25; Katherine will be giving a keynote; Yuri is presenting

Announcements, Information, Questions

  • Need someone to run this meeting July 19
    • Mikhail volunteered (thanks!)
  • Tool labs projects will be purged, except for those that someone claims:
  • Quarterly review recap?
    • Went well. Good questions. Nothing came out of it that the whole group needs to be aware of.
  • Kevin plans to rearrange the team retrospectives to do one team per week, rather than all of them during the same week each month. That will make life easier for those of us who attend multiple team retros (Kevin, Deb, Chris, Mikhail, Katie).
  • Katie thinks she has all necessary 1:1’s scheduled now. If not, let her know.

Scrum of Scrums


Are we blocked?

  • Nope

Are we blocking? (https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/tag/blocked-on-search/)

  • Nope

Other dependencies (in either direction) which don’t need to be called out as “blocked” (e.g. are progressing smoothly, have no urgency, etc.)

  • “Should HTML formatting/DOM manip (presentation, responsiveness) be done in JS (frontend) or in PHP (backend)”
  • T139378 - implement nearby keyword search - working on this for the Reading Department
  • Strong dependency on ops for map servers this quarter (Guillaume is coordinating)
  • We are helping the apps team by implementing geosearch

Discovery News

Quick Quarterly Goals/KPI Update (if needed)


(Status below last updated 2016-06-28. Completed/dropped goals are not shown.)

FY 2016-17 Q1 Key Results



  • Search
    • Make BM25 algorithm the default
      • (with decrease in ZRR or engagement)
    • Evaluate and devise plan for using cross-project indices, which would allow users to search across all projects in any given language.
  • Maps/Interactive
    • Make <maplink> tag available for all wiki projects, and <mapframe> available everywhere except Wikipedia.
    • Offer community a way to migrate away from GeoHack
  • Portal
    • Finish tests from previous quarter
    • Graduate successful tests to production
    • Graduate translated sister wiki project descriptive text into production.
    • Continue to update article stats on a regular basis


  • Next Discovery team retrospectives: TBD (late July/early August)
  • Next Showcase (“CREDIT”): Scheduled August 3
  • Next All-Discovery retro TBD (mid-October)