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Wikimedia Discovery/Meetings/Checkin/2016-05-24

From mediawiki.org

Topics from the past

  • Search offsite last week
    • Provisional quarterly goals were defined for search for all quarters in FY 2016/17.
    • Dan plans to put those up on-wiki once he is done with annual reviews.
  • Chris K is at EMWCon this week (25 - 27 May). I’m presenting on what my team does.
  • Anything relevant to Discovery from FDC annual plan feedback?
    • Overall Discovery plans were well received.
    • Search plans were thought to be appropriate, and resourcing is commensurate with goals.
    • Interactive plans were good, but metrics for success were slightly under-defined - Tomasz/Yuri to talk about that.
    • Comments about coordination of analysis across the organization were raised - Dan should investigate.

Announcements, Information, Questions

  • Katie Horn will be Head of Discovery.
    • Katie plans to minimize disruption
    • Teams already have plans for Q4 and Q1. Katie will not be changing those.
    • Katie plans to meet with everyone to chat to them and get to know them.
  • Maps Wikivoyage prototype: https://en.wikivoyage.org/wiki/Wikivoyage:Travellers%27_pub#Maps_with_extra_layers_on_en-Wikivoyage
  • Portal team released descriptive text to the sister wiki projects on wikipedia.org last week
  • Dan on vacation from 2nd June until 21st June (inclusive)
    • He will enjoy his vacation more if you promise to call him if anything is on fire, because then he doesn’t have to constantly check his email to find out if anything is on fire and nobody is telling him about it because he’s on vacation. ;-)

Scrum of Scrums



Dependencies which don’t need to be called out as “blocked” (e.g. are not longer a blocker)

Are we blocking?

Discovery News


  • Next Showcase (“CREDIT”): Scheduled June 1
    • Signup: https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/CREDIT
  • Next Discovery retrospectives: Scheduled late May/early June
  • Wikimania June 21-28
  • All-Discovery retro maybe mid-to-late-July?
  • Guillaume has an evening with SafeGuard on Thursday (May 26). I’ll be mostly unavailable during European evening