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Wikimedia Discovery/Checkin meeting minutes/2016-03-08

From mediawiki.org

Topics from the past

  • Annual planning (submitted to finance on Friday Mar 4)
    • https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ouvgA_wH41veBrcrJpJ6mnBkVjV156f1EpEvGHVjoOU/edit#gid=2040510228
  • Q4 goals (draft is due on Friday Mar 4)
    • https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Engineering/2015-16_Q4_Goals
  • Dan will list team member assignments on mw.o Discovery page
    • DONE
  • Discovery weekly status reports (Chris)
    • In progress

Announcements, Information, Questions

  • Worth spending more effort on documentation (e.g. TextCat)?
    • Will discuss next week when Tomasz, Dan, and Deb are here
  • Portal team had good meeting about roadmap and next quarter’s plans
    • Tentatively leaning toward showing trending articles
  • Maps got deployed to wikivoyage
  • WDQS front end can display maps
  • Quicksurvey: Met w/Adam and team; will go with the simple option that will be slower for selected users. Need to sync w/reading and legal about privacy link. Should happen next week.

Scrum of Scrums



  • Stas and Yuri will talk to ops about SPARQL query caching
    • Discussed; found bug which ops will fix
    • Open question about how long cache should live
  • SVG sanitizer security review (graphs)
  • Maps hardware
    • Waiting for ops reply


  • Are we blocking?  https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/tag/blocked-on-search/

Quick Quarterly Goals/KPI Update (if needed)


Q3 goals (excluding those that are done):

  • Completion suggester: Roll out to full production: Plans being worked out
  • Review ES configuration: In progress
  • Quick survey for search results: At risk
  • Portal: Graduate at least one to production: In progress; taking longer than expected
  • Portal: Run 3 A/B tests: At risk (one has been run, need two more)
  • WDQS: Research and understand Geospatial: In progress. Might even get it implemented.
  • Maps: Wikivoyage in all languages: In progress (most major ones are done)

Q4 goals

  • draft should be finished


  • Next Discovery retrospective: March 21 (but the format might change before them)
  • Next Showcase (“CREDIT”): April 6
    • Signup: https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/CREDIT