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Wikimedia Discovery/Checkin meeting minutes/2015-09-08

From mediawiki.org

Topics from last week

  • WDQS announcement status
    • Yes, it was announced
  • Offsite ready for booking travel?
    • YES! Email was sent with instructions for setting up travel

Announcements, Information, Questions

  • If you don’t plan to attend the Jan all staff offsite, let your manager know ASAP
    • They are still soliciting ideas for themes for the all-staff event
  • Agenda for Discovery offsite is under development
    • Try to coordinate arrival in Orlando, so we can carpool to Canaveral
  • Maps team is in final planning for a maps beta announcement
    • Working with a Community Liaison
  • Plans underway to get a full-time CL person for Discovery
  • Have hired one front-end developer; second is in progress
  • Data analysts are becoming a thing in other departments
  • Yuri would like some data analysis help with maps and also with graphs
    • VE can now edit graphs
  • Good progress updating search cluster docs (mostly Erik)
  • We shared our plans with Denny(?) at Google, and he likes what he heard/saw
  • Dan/Tomasz met with apps team about deep linking; create more seamless experience on iOS
    • Asked iOS team to set up metrics so we know how much traffic is coming through that way

Scrum of Scrums

  • Anything from SoS that we should be aware of?
    • Android team reported:
      • “Better search prioritization; when searching for ‘obama’, the Barack Obama article now appears before ‘I Got a Crush... on Obama’”
      • “Nearby maps beta release coming up”
        • Yuri and Max will talk to them

Quick Quarterly Goals/KPI Update


(How are we doing; any current or imminent work to improve them)

  • Deploy Maps to Production
    • Has been deployed; cleaning up loose ends
  • Deploy WDQS to Production
    • Has been deployed; cleaning up loose ends
  • Reducing Zero results
    • Goal has a “Yellow” status
    • High priority to get the next test (suggester) rolled out
      • Patch needs to be reviewed today, so A/B test will go live Thursday
  • Defining Satisfaction metric
    • Quantitative: We have a plan, which will be URL-based but won’t break caching
    • Qualitative: Need to put a survey on search results for subset of users
    • Meeting with duckduckgo (next week?) about how to track satisfaction
  • Measuring API usage
    • Completed.


  • Next Discovery retrospective: Sept 14
  • Next Discovery showcase: Sept 21
  • Gerrit cleanup day: Wed Sept 23
  • Discovery Offsite Sept 30-Oct 2 (details TBA)