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Wikimedia Discovery/Checkin meeting minutes/2015-08-24

From mediawiki.org

Topics from last week

  • Survey outcomes
    • They were already presented
      • Common complaint was from people entering query sentences rather than keywords
      • Should we look more into throwing away filler words in searches (e.g. “the”)?
    • Moiz would like to do more mobile surveys
    • Wes proposes putting a survey for the portal
  • Update on Q2 Goals
    • Not much email conversation happened while Dan was out
    • We should increase publicity about search (discovery) mailing list
  • We are officially becoming the “Discovery” department

Announcements, Information, Questions

  • How did Stas’s presentation go?
    • Went well. People asked questions, both on WD and WDQS
    • Didn’t widely distribute “production” URL since it is not yet ready for full public use
    • Will work on getting slides up (linked from the Discovery team page)
  • Posted our ops job req on Friday. If you know someone, let them know.
  • Initial results from slop test
    • Going from 0 to 1 increases zero results, and going to 2 increases even more
    • This is a “Theoretically impossible result”
  • Russia is starting to block wikipedia
  • Yuri implemented static maps, which can easily be embedded in wiki articles
  • “Social” event this afternoon in SF.
    • Intended to encourage cross-team communication.

Quick Quarterly Goals/KPI Update


(How are we doing; any current or imminent work to improve them)

  • “Phrase slop” test status
    • Initial results above
  • Are we ready for the next test?
    • No. We don’t expect to have a test Thursday that is likely to greatly improve the ZRR
  • With just over a month left in the quarter, how are we looking for
    • Reducing Zero results
      • “Yellow” status, indicating we might not hit this quarterly goal
      • We will continue our tests; keep trying to hit the goal
      • We should start having conversations about shifting or framing the goal (what we learned)
    • Defining Satisfaction metric
      • First version didn’t work out. New version is in the works.
    • Measuring API usage
      • Completed.

Scrum of Scrums



  • Next Discovery retrospective: Sept 14
  • Next Discovery showcase: Sept 21
  • Gerrit cleanup day (Wed Sept 23)
  • Offsite Sept 30 (details TBA)