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Wikimedia Developer Summit/2017/Session Guidelines

From mediawiki.org

Guidelines for Goal Setting


These guidelines exists to help each session at the Wikimedia Developer Summit meet the following goals:

  • Have productive discussion about topics that need face-to-face time
  • Make progress towards agreement on a solution
  • Document what was discussed, including areas of agreement and disagreement
  • Create written list of action items for follow up
  • Update or create Phabricator tasks as appropriate

Key Roleplayers



  • Your job is to present the topic and keep the discussion moving forward
  • Assign meeting roles: Note-taker(s), Remote Moderator, Advocate (optional)
  • Choose a meeting type:
    • Problem-solving: surveying many possible solutions
    • Strawman: exploring one specific solution
    • Field narrowing: narrowing down choices of solution
    • Consensus: coming to agreement on one solution
    • Education: teaching people about an agreed solution
  • Identify agenda items and guide discussion to stay on topic


  • Your job is to record agenda items, areas of agreement and disagreement, action items, etc
  • Take notes using Etherpad. Copy the template into a new Etherpad file with "YourSession" replaced with the name of your session:https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/devsummit17-YourSession 
  • Fill out the information in the template
  • After the session, DO NOT FORGET to:
    • Copy relevant notes and add a concise summary of the session into a new wiki page with "YourSession" replaced with the name of your session: Wikimedia Developer Summit/2017/Your Session
    • Add any useful action items into the Phabricator task
    • Add the Wiki and Etherpad link to 'Session notes' section (add if missing) on Phabricator task description and All Session Notes page on MediaWiki
  • Note: Preferred number of note-takers: 2(min) & 3(max). We do not encourage everyone to multi-task during the sessions


  • Your job is to facilitate discussion among remote participants via IRC channel #wmhack connect or #wikimedia-tech connect (different for concurrent sessions)
  • You will interject on behalf of remote participants and address their questions directly to speakers during the session Q&A
  • Learn more about remote participation here


  • Your job is to actively manage participation and keep people aware of time and help them use it productively
  • Periodically step into the discussion and see if people who haven’t said anything yet would like to
  • Politely interrupt people who have been talking too long
  • Redirect discussion back on-topic if it gets derailed
  • Estimate the time needed for each agenda item and tell people if they are going over the time
  • Give a warning at 5-10 minutes left
  • At the end of the session, interrupt and tell people the session is officially over
  • If people want to continue the discussion, ask them to move out of the room