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Wikimedia Cloud Services team/Onboarding Arturo

From mediawiki.org

New hire/onboarding plan for Arturo Borrero González as Operations Engineer in the Wikimedia Cloud Services team.

Who to ask for help

  • Bryan - Manager - chief problem solver
  • Chase - Mentoring - orientation to projects
  • Madhu - 'Buddy' - formally assigned person to answer non-goal and work product questions. "Where are the bathrooms?"

Onboarders References


Onboardee Reference


Weekly Breakdowns


Oct 23 - Oct 27


(Arturo working 10:00Z to 18:00Z (12:00-20:00 local time) to maximize overlap with the rest of the team.)

Meet everyone (online) and get setup.
Start to learn about Toolforge
  • Day 1
    • Sync up with Chase
    • Go to team meeting
    • Read lots of docs :)
    • Ask questions!
  • Day 2
    • Read lots of docs :)
    • Ask questions!
  • Day 3
    • Sync up with Chase
    • Read lots of docs :)
    • Ask questions!
  • Day 4
  • Read lots of docs :)
    • Ask questions!


  • Add the Cloud Services team calendar to your calendar app
  • Get in all IRC channels
  • Cloud root
  • Tools admin
  • Create prod root key changeset for week 2 ops meeting


Oct 30 - Nov 3


(Arturo working 10:00Z to 18:00Z (12:00-20:00 local time) to maximize overlap with the rest of the team.)

Meet everyone (online) and get setup (part 2)
  • Sync up with Chase on Tuesday
  • Go to team meeting on Tuesday

Nov 6 - Nov 10


(Chase and Andrew are at OpenStack Sydney)

Shadow clinic-duty person and followup on tasks from week 1 and week 2

Nov 13 - Nov 17


(Chase back on the 13th)

Shadow Chase for context in ongoing Neutron and general environment. Small tasks and status review.

Nov 20 - Nov 24

Shadow Chase for context in ongoing Neutron and general environment. Small tasks and status review.

Nov 27 - Dec 1

Shadow Chase for context in ongoing Neutron and general environment. Small tasks and status review.

Dec 4 - Dec 8

In Person meetings, sync up, Kubecon. Eats. Handshakes and possible hugs (not required).

Dec 11 - Dec 15

Shadow clinic-duty person.

Dec 18 - Dec 22

Shadow clinic-duty person.

Dec 25 - Dec 29

Winter break!

Jan 1 - Jan 5


(Arturo working 09:00-17:00 UTC (10:00-18:00 local time) for better work/life balance.)

Shadow clinic-duty person.

Jan 8 - Jan 12

Shadow clinic-duty person.