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Wikimedia Architecture Team/Goals archive

From mediawiki.org

FY 15-16 Q3 (Jan-Mar) goals

Objective Key result Dependencies ETA Status
Focus: Distributed leadership at/beyond WikiDev '16 Fruitful discussions at WikiDev '16, building sustainable engineering communities around key challenges. Emergent leadership and wide participation EOQ Incomplete Partially done Started implementing proposed process for forming working groups (T123606) None of the "central problems" in WikiDev16 followup task T124504 have catalyzed formation of a corresponding working group.
Strengthen:Improve RFC documentation Better checklists for arriving at engineering consensus (e.g. T118473) Documentation support EOQ Yes Done mw:Consensus and mw:Good meetings intended as guides for developers trying to build consensus for their ideas.
Experiment: ArchCom naming Think through our loaded naming scheme, possibly renaming bits (e.g. “Architecture Committee” and “RfC”) Consultation over naming EOQ N Not done

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FY 15-16 Q4 (Apr-Jun) goals

Objective Key result Dependencies ETA Status
Focus: Implement ArchCom subteams (T123606) Scaling the advice gathering process Emergent leadership and wide participation EOQ Incomplete Partially done - Security WG partially form. Conpherence experiments underway.
Strengthen: Iterative improvement in ArchCom processes (T125218) Speed and clarity of advice from ArchCom TPG support EOQ Yes Done - Architecture committee/Status instituted; process for regular updates isn't as labor intensive as it once was.
Experiment: Develop Fellowships program Clarity of relationship with our most senior engineers Editing EOQ Yes Done - the real work comes in instituting this next quarter.

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  • Technical debt - the Wikimedia Architecture Team strives to help us manage our debt wisely