Wikimedia Apps/imported/Retrospective-July 17 2015
[edit]July 17, 2015
Previous Retrospective Actions
[edit]- Action! Try a standup or scrum of scrums style meeting to improve coordination with mobile web and communication across Readership overall [Kristen] DONE-ish (2nd part) ONGOING (ADAM to email engineers to ask about meeting)
- Action! Make an effort to call out cross-team considerations at tech lead sync up [ADAM]
- Action! Ask Jon Katz to focus on the cross-coordination aspect of his role in order to improve alignment across web and apps (eg communicating and planning what features make sense on what platform, help w/lead images) [JK] DONE
- Action! Try separate platform option for retro [MAX] DONE
- Action! Clarify what devices/configurations are supported in Android/strategies for support, deprecation [Stephen] IN PROGRESS
- Action! Get Elena better/more devices/OSes [DMITRY] DONE
- Action! Kristen/Dmitry/Bernd to continue conversation and distill out to team. [KRISTEN/DMITRY/BERND]
Previous Retrospective (iOS) Actions
[edit]- Action! Try some new manual QA methods? Try a "testing party" where we try to produce crashes that users are encountering [BG]
- Action! Explore automated scenario & fuzz testing [BG/iOS]
- Action! [ONGOING] Email thread is happening about the lack of CI. What is the priority? [ADAM]
Worked Well
[edit]- Team discussions and contributions for java-mwapi library VCS, build system, and related topics
- Happy to move to Central repo for our java-mwapi library. Less dependency on labs.
- Velocity really picking up +
- Got a lot of points done, at least to a QA signoff state +
- Design Signoff is getting more rigrous :) and is improving quality
- Material Design is starting to happen for real :):)
- We are consistently top 10 in the reference category on play store
- Link preview data looking great!
- more data stories are being prioritized and we have some understanding of engagement
- Michael and Dmitry retitle all my tickets and they write much better titles than me
Worked Poorly
[edit]- Alpha builds not working+1+1
- QA ++
- Two days a week probably not sustainable
- If alpha build are not working, need more screenshots on tickets for design signoff
Confuses Us
[edit]- When does something go from alpha into beta (Design is unceratin about how long do we have to see something in alpha and make fixes) + +
- Pitted olives (+ and - 1 simultaneously)
- Results of event logging+
Top three items, from "Worked Poorly" and "Confuses Us":
[edit]- Alpha builds not working,
- Action! Get on Yuvi's ass, press him to set up engine x [DMITRY]
- QA
- Clear delineation of what two days Elena QAs (2 days for Apps, not just Android)
- Working closely with Elena when she QAs
- Action! Talk with iOS about splitting QA resources [DMITRY]
- When does something go from alpha into beta (Design is unceratin about how long do we have to see something in alpha and make fixes)
- Action! Android team to discuss internally [ANDROID, then disseminate]
Additional Actions
[edit]- Action! Try a standup or scrum of scrums style meeting to improve coordination with mobile web and communication across Readership overall [Kristen] DONE-ish (2nd part) ONGOING (ADAM to email engineers to ask about meeting)
- Action! Clarify what devices/configurations are supported in Android/strategies for support, deprecation [Stephen] IN PROGRESS
- Action! Get more android devices [ADAM]
- Action! Kristen/Dmitry/Bernd to continue conversation and distill out to team. [MAX to follow up]