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Wikimedia Apps/Team/iOS/Weekly Planning/2018-05-23

From mediawiki.org


Previous action Items


- Josh: meet with Adam re: Austin [DONE]

- Josh: fastlane tasks [DONE]

Admin Stuff


- Next week:

  • - task sync moved later on Thurs
  • - retro moved to Fri

- Monday 5/28 is WMF holiday

- Lani out Fri 5/25 and Mon 5/28

- Carolyn out from 5/30 (half day) - to June 9

- Carolyn has a dentist apointment today

- Natalia out starting next week, back after WWDC

- Chelsy out on 6/1

- Monte possibly out June 21st to 28th (and out 1st week of August)

- Joe traveling 5/31 and 6/5 but still working



- 5.8.2 stuff is building up now, smoke test next week



- 5.8.2 board review (blocked and waiting)

- 5.8.2 release process

- 5.9 scope discussion

- Bug

  • - Top read - seeing dupes

Action Items


- Lani: team calendar

- Lani: email Anthony re testing