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Wikimedia Apps/Team/iOS/Weekly Planning/2017-10-03

From mediawiki.org



Previous Action




iPhone X testing



5.7.0 Scope - ship a beta by friday?

- Swipe actions refinement
- Lets bubble hide/show
DECISION: Push to 5.7.1
- Close work on the globe (to clear up any confusion, i've been working on evenings/weekends on this)
- Alerts constraints and what we can change

- Fundraising French Announcement finalization


- Share Card JS

5.8 Planning

- Reading lists: https://docs.google.com/a/wikimedia.org/presentation/d/1H0UzPeeibKTovp2zHzbFv6ym2pBgvhPlEMVP0MLmpUY/edit?usp=sharing
Concerns on limits
    - iOS 11 drag-drop for list items? (super cool in Castro podcast app)

Action items


Josh to check in with Anthony regarding testing on iPhone X

Figure out the specifics of TSG exploratory testing

Carolyn to share OOJSUI Trash can for delete for swipe actions, landscape swipe actions