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Wikimedia Apps/Team/iOS/Weekly Planning/2017-09-19

From mediawiki.org



Previous Action Items

- TSG regression timelines
Did not really get an answer. I need to delve deeper into filtering testcases down to "smoke" test that can be run in a 48 hour timeframe. Leaving full regressions to be run infrequently.
- Task for UI or snapshot tests [DONE]


- 5.6.1 regression status -- ready to release?



- 5.7 scope/timing lock

-- Primary "must haves": iOS 11 issues (incl. smart invert), share-a-fact, ftux update

-- Secondary: article footer items, swipe actions/collection view conversion, peek updates, permissions and onboard cards (https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T174210)

-- Do we ship collection view update in this version or hold into 5.7.1 for refinement and testing?

-- Copy will be done today, I promise!!!

- Should share a fact remove parentheticals? https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T175904

- Wikidata Descriptions and so on...

- Lots of PTO days sprinkled in the next two weeks. Please keep calendars up-to-date.

- iOS 9