Wikimedia Apps/Team/iOS/Weekly Planning/2016-08-09
[edit]Previous Action Items
[edit]- TSG check in
- regression test re-write
- we have some new devices for you!
- New devices distribution: does everyone have a phone + tablet?
- Make sure Devs and TSG have devices that will be locked at iOS 9
- Dynamic text/accessability hack-a-thon
- Corey and Rita discussed specs today
- 5.0.6 remaining crash test dummies
- 5.1 scope - code freeze this week / beta next
** 5.0.6 fixes (if not released sooner)
** Finish find-in-page
** Saved/history DB transition
** WP0 bug/issue
** iPad
** Explore
** Reader view <-- is this article view?(yep)(thanks)(yw)
** small bug fixes?
- 5.2 - iOS 10 release
** 2 weeks of dev!?!?
** product/design work on In the news and notifications:
*** Design UX presentation:
*** Data analysis of potential trend+news notifications:
*** Design research presentation on notfications best-practices:
** 3 scopes:
*** Bare minimum: fix iOS 10 bugs, add Conintue reading widget, feed database transition, punt all other conent
*** Level 1: bare minimum + top read as a widget
*** Level 2: bare minimum + in the news widget/feed item
*** Level 3: bare minimum + in the news widget/feed item AND notification
*** Level 4: bare minimum + in the news widget/feed item + notifications for in the news, nearby and/or Featured article