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Wikimedia Apps/Team/iOS/Weekly Planning/2016-02-23

From mediawiki.org



Previous Action Items

  • Create EPICs column in Product Board, followup with team by email [MAX] Yes Done
  • Disable Piwik by default in developer builds (file ticket) [JOSH] Yes Done
  • Top articles and analytics are in code review, then we can release. If takes more than one day, ship without analytics. Yes Done
  • Talk to TSG about another round of regression tests ASAP [JOSH/MAX] Yes Done
  • Get planning notes on its own wiki via mediawiki team page [MAX] Yes Done
  • Give orphans EPIC parents [JOSH/MAX] Yes Done
  • Prioritize EPICs column [JOSH] Yes Done


  • Welcome TSG
  • Quick Check-in on Epics
    • WP0

Some research stuffs:

   ~ several people asking for search on main feed. they don't like the extra step
   ~ some issues with cards vs full articles. when is it a card and when is it an article?
   ~ several requests for voice! haha
   ~ more to come but those stand out. waiting for usertesting results and have 2 more user testing videos to comb through. :) getting close. Mexico is deserty.

Action Items

  • Turn walkthrough into tickets [SEE BELOW]
  • Make a list of features for content service [JOSH/BRIAN/COREY/MONTE]
  • TSG to run regression tests on build 720 [TSG]
  • As available, email/add new test cases [JOSH/BRIAN/ELENA]
  • Create a ticket for improved filtering in non-english versions [JOSH] Yes Done
  • Resolve two items in Analytics Epic (in PM-Backlog) [JOSH] Yes Done
  • Clarify scope for 5.0 for Analytics Epic [JOSH] Yes Done
  • Up the priority of the switch-to-production URL [JOSH] Yes Done
  • Triage Offline and Error Handling epic for scoping [JOSH] Yes Done
  • Triage TOC UX Epic for scoping [JOSH] Yes Done
  • Add blocker for WP0 Epic, assign to Monte [JOSH] Yes Done
  • Triage Text Changes Epic for backlog items and Blocked/Waiting [JOSH] Yes Done
  • Find ticket for "jump bug" and give it a high priority and into ready for dev column [JOSH] DONE (In QA?)
  • refresh button icon doesnt really fit, how about the iOS shuffle icon? File ticket, low priority [JOSH] Yes Done
  • First language not aligned to left, File ticket [JOSH] Yes Done
  • Pierre Brassau --> No read more [JOSH] Yes Done
  • "About this article" section is not in TOC, File ticket [JOSH] Yes Done