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Wikimedia Apps/Team/iOS/Weekly Planning/2016-02-02

From mediawiki.org




  • Can we release it?
    • Yes? Yay!
    • No? Why?
  • Navigation variations: timing and logistics for prototype labs (when will "b" be complete?)
    • Recruiting from beta pool
    • Deliverables for the a/b test
  • Last weeks beta?
    • Blockers:
      • tweaks change DONE (shipped in alpha 665)
      • Info button (think this one is okay) (been in for a while)
  • Epics (in priority order) for this beta:
    • Crash fixes
    • Performance investigation
    • Visual polish iterations
    • Scope recently filed tasks: which will we do for next beta?
    • Most Read
    • Analytics definition and spec
    • Review spec draft from Josh & Tilman (prep for next "sprint") <-- AHH SCRUM ??
    • Navigation a/b test
  • Minor design feedback for Top read articles


  • Make crash fix tickets via HockeyApp [BRIAN]
  • Naked lady bug spike [JOSH]