Wikimedia Apps/Team/iOS/Spec
This page is obsolete. It is being retained for archival purposes. It may document extensions or features that are obsolete and/or no longer supported. Do not rely on the information here being up-to-date. |
Feature Specs
[edit]Application Launch
[edit]Scenario: Onboarding presentation
[edit]Given the app has just been installed
When I launch it for the first time
Then I should see the onboarding view
Given I have previously launched the app
When I launch the app
Then I should not see the onboarding view
Scenario: Onboarding actions
[edit]Scenario: Returning user
[edit]Given I was on $view
And have put the app in the background
Scenario: Less than 24 hours
[edit]Given less than or equal to 24 hours have passed since entering the background
When I resume the app
Then I should see $view
Given the app was terminated while in the background
And less than or equal to 24 hours have passed since entering the background
When I launch the app
Then I should see the article view with the title I read most recently
Scenario: More than 24 hours
[edit]And more than 24 hours have passed since entering the background
When I resume or launch the app
Then I should see the Explore view
[edit]Scenario: Not logged in
[edit]Given that I am not logged into the app
When I am on the settings view
Then I should see an item for “Log in to Wikipedia”
Given that I have a settings item for “Log in to Wikipedia”
When I tap the “Log in to Wikipedia”
Then I should see the Log In view
Scenario: Logged in
[edit]Given that I am logged into the app
When I view the settings screen
Then I should see an item for “Log out of Wikipedia”
Main View
[edit]Given I am in the main view
When I tap the tab $tab
Then I should see the view for $tab
tabs: |
Explore |
Saved |
History |
Explore View
[edit]Shared Behaviors
[edit]Search Container
Universal Article List
Scenario: Loading the feed
[edit]Given I am on the Explore view
And my internet connection is slow
When I scroll to items in the feed which haven’t loaded yet
Then I should see a placeholder
And I should not be able to interact with it
And I am looking at a placeholder card
When the data for that card is retrieved
Then it should replace the placeholder without affecting my scroll position
Scenario: Navigation
[edit]Given I am in the Explore view
When I tap the Settings button
Then I should see the Settings view
Scenario: Continue Reading
[edit]Given $title is at the top of my history
And it has been more than 24 hours since I was in the background
When I go to the Explore view
Then I should see a “Continue Reading” section containing $title
Given I see a “Continue Reading” section for $title
When I tap it
Then I should see the article view
And it should be scrolled to its previous offset
Given I see a “Continue Reading” section for $title
When I (tap the close button|swipe it to the left)
Then the “Continue Reading” section should be removed
Scenario: Interaction with iOS drawers
[edit]Given that I am in the Explore view
When I (raise the iOS Control Center | lower the iOS Notification Center)
Then the feed should not change
Scenario: Commons Picture of The Day Section (POTD)
[edit]Given I am on the POTD section of the Explore view
When I am on the Explore view
Then I should see the Commons POTD section with the Wikimedia Commons picture of the day
Scenario: Captioning
[edit]And the POTD has a caption
Then it should be displayed on top of the image (see mock)
And the POTD has a caption in my device's current language
Then I should see the localized caption
Scenario: Placeholder
[edit]And the POTD hasn’t downloaded yet
Then I should see a placeholder
And I should not see the caption (or its gradient background)
Scenario: Tapping the POTD
[edit]When I tap the cell
Then I should see the fullscreen gallery
And it should have one Gallery View Item for the current POTD
Scenario: Random Section
[edit]Scenario: Loading
[edit]Given I am in the random section
And I haven’t seen a random article yet
When the random article is being downloaded
Then I should see a placeholder
When the random article is downloaded
Then I should see a random article in a preview card (see preview card specs)
Scenario: Refreshing
[edit]When I tap the random button
Then I should see a new random article
Scenario: Excluding non-main namespace
[edit]When I am presented with a random article
Then it should not be a disambiguation page (at least 95% of the time*)
And it should be in the main namespace (i.e. not a Category:, File:, Wikipedia:, Template:, etc.)
* We can’t satisfy this 100% of the time until S&D fixes it on the back-end (T119644)
Scenario: Related Section (“Because you read”)
[edit]Scenario: Adding a Related Section to the feed
[edit]Given I am on the Explore feed
And I have viewed an article from $site with $title for 30 seconds
When the feed is refreshed
Then I should see 3 recommendations for articles from $site related to $title
And they should not be disambiguation pages
And they should be in the main namespace
Scenario: Nearby
[edit]Given I am on the Explore view
And I am scrolled to the nearby section
And I haven’t given the app permission to use my location
Then I should be prompted to go through the location permissions UX
And I have given the app permission to use my location
And I haven’t downloaded nearby results yet
Then I should see a placeholder
When I have given the app permission to use my location
And when I have downloaded nearby results
Then I should see a compass pointing in the direction of their location
And I should see how far I am from their location
Then I should see Nearby Item View cells for each title
And I have given the app permission to use my location
And I have downloaded nearby results
When I move at least 500m from when I last downloaded nearby results
Then the section should update with titles for my new location
Scenario: More near my location
[edit]When I tap “more nearby your location”
Then I should see a list of titles near my current location
And that list’s items should not change as I move
Scenario: Settings gear
[edit]Given I am on the Explore view
When I tap on the settings gear in the navigation bar
I should see the Settings View presented modally
Related Item View
[edit]Shared Behaviors
[edit]Preview Card Article View
Random Item View
[edit]Shared Behaviors
[edit]Preview Card Article View
Picture of the Day Item View
[edit]Shared Behaviors
[edit]Image View
Rotatable View
Nearby Explore Item View
[edit]Shared Behaviors
[edit]Image View
Rotatable View
Nearby Item View
Scenario: Live Updates
[edit]Given I am in the nearby section
And it contains items
When I change the direction my device is facing
Then the compasses should point in the direction of their corresponding items
When I walk more than one (foot|meter)
Then the distance field should update
Continue Reading View
[edit]Given I see a “Continue Reading” section for $title
When $title has a Wikidata $description
Then I can see the $description below the $title
Saved Pages View
[edit]Behaves like a Universal Article List
Behaves like a Search Container
Given I have just tapped the save bookmark for $title
When I tap Saved Pages in the main tab bar
Then I should see that article at the top of the list
Given that I have 0 Saved Pages
When I tap Saved Pages in the main tab bar
Then I should see an explanation of Saved Pages
Given that I have an item with $title
When I tap the bookmark button for that item
Then the list item for $title should animate offscreen to the left
And $title should be removed from the list view
Recent View
[edit]Behaves like a Universal Article List
Behaves like a Search Container
Given I have just viewed an article in the Article View with $title
When I tap Recent in the main tab bar
Then I should see that article at the top of the list
Given that I have 0 Recent pages
When I tap Recent in the main tab bar
Then I should see an explanation of Recent view
Given that I have 100 Recent pages
And given that I have just viewed an article in the Article View with $title
Then the oldest item on my recent list should be removed
Search Button Container
[edit]Given I am in a search container view
When I tap the Search button
Then I should see the Search view
And the search field should become active
Search View
[edit]Behaves like a Universal Article List
Scenario: Search Navigation
[edit]Given that I am on the Search view
When I tap the X on the right side of the navigation bar
Then the search view should animate off screen
And the keyboard should be dismissed
And I should see the last view I was in prior to tapping the search button
Scenario: Entering and Running Searches
[edit]Given that I am in the Search view
When I type into the text field
Then I should eventually see search results for the text I entered
And I should see a small delete button
And I have started searching for something
And the results have not arrived yet
When I type into the text field
Then I should eventually see search results for the text I entered
And I should not see results for my previous search
And there is text in the search text field
When I tap “Search” on the keyboard
Then the app should select the first result with a matching title
And there is text in the search text field
When I tap the small delete button in the text input field
Then the text I’ve entered should be deleted
And the search results should fade out
When I search for something with only a couple prefix search results
Then I should see the prefix results
And I should eventually see full-text search results appended to the prefix results
Scenario: With no search history
[edit]I am a user with no previous searches or who has deleted my previous searches
Given that I have no search history
When I tap the search button
I should not see the Recent Searches header
And I should not see the delete all button
Scenario: With search history
[edit]I am a user who has run one or more previous previous searches
Given that I am on the Search View
When there is no text in the input field
Then I should see my previous searches
Given that I am on the Search View
When I start typing in the text input field
Then my previous searches should fade out
Scenario: Switching languages
[edit]Search Item View
[edit]Scenario: Preview Images
[edit]Given $title has a lead image
When I search for $title
Then I should see a result with the lead image for $title in the thumbnail image view
Given $title doesn’t have a lead image
When I search for $title
Then I should see a result with a placeholder image in the thumbnail image view
Scenario: Redirects
[edit]Given that I have entered a search $query
When that $query result includes a page with a redirect
Then I should see a list item with the redirect title
And subhead text with “Redirected from $query”
Scenario: Disambiguation Pages
[edit]Given that I have entered a search $query
When that $query result includes a disambiguation page
Then I should see a list item with the $query
And subhead text with “Wikipedia disambiguation page”
Article View
[edit]Behaves like a search container
Behaves like a navigation stack item
Scenario: Toolbar
[edit]Given that I am in an article view
And the article is a main page
When the article loads
Then I should not see the table of contents toolbar item
And the article is a not main page
When the article loads
Then I should see the table of contents toolbar item
Scenario: Rotation
[edit]Given that I am in an article view
And I am at the top of the page
When I rotate the device
Then I should still be at the top of the page
And $paragraph is scrolled to the middle of the view
When I rotate the device
Then I should still see $paragraph in the middle of the view
And I am scrolled to $footer_section
When I rotate the device
Then I should still see $footer_section
Scenario: Navigation
[edit]Given that I am in an article view
When I (tap the table of contents icon|swipe from the right)
Then the table of contents overlay should slide in from the right edge of the screen
When I tap the language button
Then the language view should be presented modally
Scenario: Citation drawer
[edit]Given I am in an article with one or more citations
When I tap the citation link
Then the citation drawer should be displayed
Given that the citation drawer is displayed
When I swipe on the citation drawer
Then I can see additional citation links (if any) in that direction
Given that the citation drawer is displayed
When I (swipe down|tap the close button) on the drawer
Then the citation drawer should be dismissed
Scenario: Sharing
[edit]Given I am in an article view
When I tap the iOS share toolbar icon
Then I should see a dialog with the options to “Share as Text” or “Share as Image”
Given that I am in an article view
When I perform a long touch on the text
Then the text should be selected
And a text actions pop-over should appear
And one of the options should be Share
Given that I have a text actions pop-over visible
When I tap Share
Then I should see a dialog with the options to “Share as Text” or “Share as Image”
Scenario: Saving
[edit]Given that I am in an article view
And given that the article has not been saved
When I tap the bookmark toolbar icon
Then the article should be added to my saved pages
Given that I am in an article view
And given that the article has been saved
When I tap the bookmark toolbar icon
Then the article should be removed from my saved pages
Scenario: Switching article language
[edit]Given that I am viewing article with $title
When I tap the language switcher button
Then I should see the language picker
And with any languages where article $title is available listed
Given that I am in the language picker
When I select a $language
Then article with $title in $language should load in the article view
And the language picker should animate off screen
Scenario: Editing
[edit]Given that the current article can be edited
When I tap the pencil icon
Then I should see the Editing view
Table of Contents View
[edit]Scenario: Rotation
[edit]Given I am on the article view
When I rotate the device
Then the table of contents preserves its overlap ratio (to the article view)
And its cells resize to fit new horizontal spacing
And its header view is correctly positioned
Scenario: Subsection highlighting
[edit]Given I am on the table of contents view
When I select a section
Then that section should have an indicator showing it is selected
And all sections belonging to the same root section should have a background indicating they are selected
Scenario: Presentation and Dismissal
[edit]Given I am on an article view
And the device language is $writing_direction
When I start an edge swipe from the $trailing_edge
Then I should see the table of contents view interactively slide in from the $trailing_edge
And I should see a white-out effect be interactively applied to the article view
When I tap the table of contents button
Then I should see the table of contents slide into view from the $trailing_edge
And the article view should have a white-out effect
When I tap the article view behind the table of contents
Then the table of contents view should slide away towards the $trailing_edge
And the article view’s white-out effect should be removed
When I start dragging the table of contents view
Then the table of contents view interactively slide away to the $trailing_edge
And the article view’s white-out effect should be interactively removed
writing_direction | trailing_edge |
LTR | right |
RTL | left |
Scenario: Article View Sync
[edit]Given I am on an article view
And the article has a lead section
And I am is positioned within the lead section
When I open the table of contents
Then the item matching the article’s title should be selected and visible
And I am positioned at the top of the article
When I open the table of contents
Then the item matching the article’s title should be selected and visible
And I am is positioned at the between the beginning and end of $section
When I open the table of contents
Then the item for $section should be selected and visible
Scenario: Selection
[edit]Given that I am in the table of contents view
And the article content is visible on the screen (i.e. user is not deep into Read More)
When I tap the item for $section in the article
Then the article view should scroll to $section with an animation
And the article content is not visible on screen (i.e. the user is deep into Read More)
When I tap the item for $section in the article
Then the article view should show $section without an animation
When I tap the item for “Read More”
Then the article view should scroll to “Read More” with an animation
Article Header Image Gallery View
[edit]Scenario: Shared Behaviors
[edit]Behaves like a Horizontally Scrolling View
Behaves like an Image Gallery
Scenario: Navigation
[edit]Given I was scrolled to image $X in the header gallery
When I tap it
Then I should see the image gallery
Given I am on the gallery view after tapping a header gallery image
And I have scrolled to image $X
When I dismiss the gallery view
Then I should see image $x in the header gallery
Scenario: Article has images
[edit]Given I am on the article view
And an article has images
When I tap an image
Then I should see that image in the fullscreen gallery view
When I swipe on the gallery
Then I can navigate to the images (if any) in that direction
When I rotate to landscape
Then I should not see the lead image
Scenario: Article has no images
[edit]Given I am on the article view
and the article with no images
When I am at the top of the article
Then no image should be displayed
Gallery View
[edit]Scenario: Shared Behaviors
[edit]Behaves like a Horizontally Scrolling View
Behaves like an Image Gallery
Scenario: Navigation
[edit]Scenario: Gallery Dismissal
[edit]Given I am in the gallery view
When I tap the “X” button
Then I should see the article view scrolled to its previous position
Scenario: Launching the image gallery
[edit]Given I am in the article view
When I tap an image in the article
Then the image gallery should be presented
And the image I selected should be visible
Scenario: Device rotation
[edit]When I rotate the device in any direction
Then the currently visible image should remain on screen
And it should be sized and positioned properly
Given I am zoomed into an image
When I rotate the device in any direction
Then the zoom should reset
And the image should be sized and positioned properly
Scenario: Image transitions
[edit]Given I am looking at a lower-resolution image
When the high-resolution image is shown
Then the image should transition to the high-resolution version without changing its frame
Scenario: Image size handling
[edit]Given I am looking at an image smaller than the gallery's bounds
And the bottom of the image is within 150 pts of the gallery's bounds
When the chrome is visible
Then the gradient should blend in with the black bar across the bottom of the image
Given I am looking at an image smaller than the gallery's bounds
And the chrome is visible
When I zoom into the image
Then the gradient should maintain its position at the bottom of the image
Scenario: Image zooming
[edit]Given I am zoomed into an image
When I pan my finger around the screen
Then the image should scroll and bounce within the gallery's bounds
Given I am zoomed into an image
And there are more images to the (left|right)
When I swipe to the (left|right)
Then I should see the image to the (left|right)
Given I am looking at an image smaller than the gallery's bounds
And the bottom of the image is within 150 pts of the gallery's bounds
When I zoom into the image
Then the image should remained centered in the gallery
Scenario: Image Metadata
[edit]Editing View
[edit][The Editing View and behavior should be identical to the 4.1.7 version of the app.]
Article Preview Card View
[edit]Shared Behaviors
[edit]Rotatable View
Save Button Container
Image View (article image, if present)
Scenario: Text Extraction Manipulation
[edit]Given the article summary has an IPA
When I view a preview card for that article
Then the IPA and enclosing parentheses should be removed
Scenario: Preview Images
[edit]Given the article has a lead image
And given I am on an iPhone in portrait orientation
When I am waiting for the lead image to load
Then I should see a placeholder image
And that image should be shown at a 16x9 ratio
Given the article has a lead image
And given I am on an iPhone in portrait orientation
When the lead image is loaded
Then I should see the image at 16x9 ratio at the top of the card
Given the article has a lead image
And given I am on an iPhone in landscape orientation
When I am waiting for the lead image to load
Then I should see a placeholder image
And that image should fill the width of the card, minus 30px of padding
Given the article has a lead image
And given I am on an iPhone in landscape orientation
When the image is loaded
Then that image should fill the width of the card, minus 30px of padding
Given the article does not have a lead image
When I see the article preview card view
Then the title should be the first item in the preview card
And no placeholder image should be displayed
Settings View
[edit]Scenario: Site preference
[edit]Given I am on the settings view
When I tap the site preference
Then I should see the site picker view
Given I am on the settings view
When I select $site
Then I should see the Settings view
Search Site
[edit]Given I haven’t launched the app
When I launch the app
Then my site should be set to the one matching my device language
And my (nearby|random) feed items should update to contain results from $site
Shared Behavior Specs
[edit]Image View
[edit]Given a view should display $image
And that image isn’t cached in memory
When that image starts loading
Then I should see a placeholder
And I should eventually see the image cross fade into the view
Image Gallery
[edit]Given an article has images
And some of them are smaller than 30x30
When I view that article
Then I shouldn’t see the images smaller than 30x30
Nearby Item View
[edit]Scenario: Live Updates
[edit]Given I am on a view which displays distance to $title
When I change my distance to its location
Then I should see the distance label update
Given I am on a view which displays my heading towards $title
When I rotate my device
Then I should see the compass update
Given a nearby item view is in the window
When it is not visible
Then it should not respond to location updates
Horizontally Scrolling View
[edit]Given there are no items to the left and right
And the interface layout direction is $interfaceLayout
When I swipe to the $swipeDirection
Then the $navDirection image in the article should be presented
swipeDirection | interfaceLayout | navDirection |
left | LTR | next |
right | LTR | previous |
left | RTL | next |
right | RTL | previous |
Given there is no more items in $direction
When I swipe to the $direction
The view bounces back to the starting position
direction |
left |
right |
Rotatable View
[edit]Given I am on a rotatable view
When I rotate to $orientation
Then the view matches the mock for $orientation
Navigation Stack Item
[edit]Given I am not in the first item on the navigation stack
When I (tap the back button|edge-swipes right)
Then I should see the previous stack item
Given I am in a navigation stack
When I tap to go to another view
It should be pushed from the trailing edge of the screen
And I should see its items in the navigation bar
Save Button Container
[edit]Given $article is (un)saved
Then I should see an (un)saved image
Given $article is (un)saved
When I tap the save button
Then the article should be not be (un)saved
Universal Article List
[edit]Scenario: Navigation
[edit]Given I have a list item for $title
When I tap it
Then I should see the article view for $title
Given I am using a 3D-Touch-compatible device
And I have an item in my feed for $title
When I start a peek gesture
Then I should see a preview for the article view for $title
Given I am peeking $title
When I cancel a peek gesture
Then I should see the list view
Given I am peeking $title
When I finish the peek gesture (pop)
Then I should see the article view for $title
Scenario: Deletion
[edit]Given that $title appears in my list view
When I swipe it from the left
Then the item should animate left slightly
And a standard iOS Delete button should appear on the right edge of the item
Given that I have a Delete button visible next to an item
When I tap the Delete button
Then the list item for $title should animate offscreen to the left
And $title should be removed from the list view
Given that I have a Delete button visible next to an item
When I (swipe the item from right to left | tap anywhere outside the Delete button)
Then the list item for $title should animate back into its original position
And the Delete button should no longer be visible
Given that I have a list with 1 or more items
When I tap the trash icon
Then I should see an alert to “Delete all items? This cannot be undone.”
And that alert should have “Cancel” and “Delete All” options
Given that I viewing a Delete All confirmation alert
When I tap “Cancel”
Then I should be taken back to the list
Given that I viewing a Delete All confirmation alert
When I tap “Delete All”
Then I should be taken back to the list with no items
Scenario: Rotation
[edit]Given I am on an article list
When I rotate the device
Then the list’s items should adapt to fit the screen
And any text should be expanded or truncated to adapt to the new size