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Wikimedia Apps/Team/Retrospectives/2016-09-09

From mediawiki.org

September 09, 2016



Previous Retrospective Actions

  • [DMITRY] Follow up with Sherah about user testing/userzoom ONGOING
  • [MAX] Explore Phab tag for MCS regressions around Restbase (Email)
    • Reach out to iOS to gauge their thoughts
  • [MAX] Tag old Wikipedia-App-MobileApp-extension tasks with backlog

Significant Events

  • No-Scrum-Master experiment
  • Significant reduction in available devs (vacation, illness)
  • app outage
  • Adam more available now because Olga
  • MCS "team" slowly coming together


  • Clarity on what is resolved and what is not (Phlog)
  • max+
  • Communication/clarity of Q2 goals for MCS




  • glad other devs pointed the screenshot task higher. yayy team pointing
  • glad designers have reasons for their opinions and express them rather than just dropping a design deuce +1 deuce
  • app is looking so sharp i cut my finger on it
  • overhaul 99.98% complete
  • Killer sprint for Dmitry. If I did the numbers right, as of 2:01p:
    • 25 patches merged (many with no revisions); +1578, -3897 lines.
    • 26 votes, comment groups, and patch revisions to team code excluding his own patches.
    • <BOOM>
  • It was nice to be able to check on quarterly goal status without needing a Max (using tags)
  • Quick turnaround for Content Service fix
  • Team (including design) communication has been especially great lately
  • At least attempting to plan MCS tasks in regular ceremonies
  • Showing off desks of remotees++ battlestation thread ftw
    • ima do this so soon

Longed For

  • Constency of Unplanned tag and estimation for that work?
  • Wished we had tagged all quarterly goals with at least one commong tag instead of most goals are under nav tag and the rest under some other tag
  • faster recognition when the app blows up+


  • What was it like without a dedicated Scrum Master?
    • Survived sprint, but would not be comfortable saying this is sustainable. Scrum guidance is valuable to success of team. Context swtich to put on SM hat, set up boards, facilitate, etc. Divvying up of ceremonies. Standup felt less formal. Helps to have an external person to bring sctructure to it. I really wouldn't want to do a retro without a TPG'er, preferably someone familiar.

Action Items

  • [DMITRY] Follow up with Sherah about user testing/userzoom
  • [MAX] Follow up on email thread for MCS-regression tag in Phab (talk to Bernd too)
  • [MAX] Check in with JK: what are the explicit Q2 goals? Confusion around MCS.
  • [MAX] Start thread with team to see how we can improve phab tagging next Q
  • [DMITRY/BERND] Add tasks to next or following sprint to improve rapid detection of outages