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Wikimedia Apps/Team/Retrospectives/2016-07-18

From mediawiki.org

July 18, 2016



Previous Retrospective Actions

  • [MICHAEL] Ask James F about misbehaving templates DONE
  • [BERND] Measure requests to service endpoints. Are any endpoints getting significant use by non-Android app (or content service (testing)) User-Agents, so that we don't turn off services in use? Check with Services/Analytics teams? NOT DONE

Significant Events

  • Feed 1.0
    • it's happening
  • Initial Navigation work breakdown
  • Updated Phlog for once
  • Experimenting with Phab Milestones for Nav/Feeds MVP
  • Lots of mobileapps alerts! :(
  • quarterly review


  • Momentum [both app and service -side]+
  • Progress on mobileapps alerts today!
  • New cards for In the news making Feed MVP
  • Mocks about ready when we start things
  • Awesome designs+
  • Content Service is as important as important (more important?) than app
  • Starting on nav overhaul.
  • Lots of UI work
  • Good clean up patches. Good patches in general. I think the code quality of patches has gone up for everyone over the last quarter or so.+


  • Test driven development
  • Landscape mocks - :( (multi-column layouts) - that's my bad, I put in comments in last feedback email but will try to carve up time to provide sample mocks for landscape and multi-col later in the week..



Longed for

  • Resolution on Nicolas Raoul's Commons app <- go for it.
  • Q: are we using an endpoint for 'in the news'? [A: I assumed we were, but maybe that makes an ass o**u**t of me] No, it doesn't. It's a technical detail. While there is an endpoint for 'in the news' only, we have not exposed it publicly. For now the Android app is using only the aggregated feed endpoint for this kind of data, as far as I know (but I could be wrong).
    • so, technically, there is an endpoint, but you get a bunch of other things along with the news. +1 secret endpoints that can be eventually used
  • Differential/Arcanist code reviews!+
    • Are we doing that this quarter? (I hope so!) We had talked about it. We talk a lot about a lot of stuff though. I talk a lot.
  • Perfect conversions from SVG to android XML drawables.+

Action Items

  • [BERND] Measure requests to service endpoints. Are any endpoints getting significant use by non-Android app (or content service (testing)) User-Agents, so that we don't turn off services in use? Check with Services/Analytics teams? NOT DONE
  • [DMITRY] Review testing (tech debt) tasks (authentication tests, junit tests)
  • [MICHAEL] Reach out about moving Commons app under WMF umbrella
  • [STEPHEN] Discuss how Differential / Arcanist, tests, and tech debt fits into the quarter



July 18, 2016

Previous Retrospective Actions


Worked Well

  • Regression
    • Understanding where we have holes in regression testing
    • Coming up with a good plan for improving regression testing
    • Collaborating with Android to talk QA (or lack of it)
  • Zeplin (does this count here ?)+++!
    • Much improved way to handle design mocks on dev side
  • iPad Designs
  • Find in Page Spike
  • Getting a new geodata endpoint from Discovery!

Worked Poorly

  • Retros on friday night noooo
  • Etherpad colors


  • Where will we find time to fix holes in our regression testing?
  • When will we ship 5.0.5?

Action Items

  • [JOSH] Add max to meeting about automating tests, etc NOT DONE
  • [MAX] Look into making Friday retros earlier, or Monday/Thursday
  • [MONTE] Talk with Josh to establish a dedicated time for Monte to fix holes in our regression testing. Fridays?
  • [MAX] Review https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T139641#2464647 and possibly add to Planning agenda for Tuesday
  • [MONTE] Check in with Josh about image map regression in 5.0.5 (emailed)