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Wikimedia Apps/Team/Retrospectives/2015-10-09

From mediawiki.org



October 08, 2015

Previous Retrospective Actions

  • Action! Provide update on device acquisition [ADAM] DONE
  • Action! Team to continue compiling thoughts on Content Service in etherpad doc (https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/mobileapps_content_service_design) [TEAM] NOT DONE, CHANGE OF SCOPE
  • Action! Follow up with Nuriya from Analytics on state of stats for link preview + pageviews [DMITRY] DONE

Worked Well

  • Q1 quarterly review presentation to execs
  • Jake Arrieta is a monster
  • Working with Zhou on volunteer customer service access to Google play console
    • ... but I need to follow up with him
  • Clean Code

Worked Poorly

  • Link preview data not cooperating

Confuses Us

  • Can haz HockeyApp? maybe later

Top three items, from "Worked Poorly" and "Confuses Us"



Action Items

  • Action! Wait a sprint to see if there is progress on HockeyApp blockers. Use default implementation if not.



October 09, 2015

Previous Retrospective Actions

  • Action! Josh to get further clarity on QA availability/schedule for 5.0 [JOSH] DONE
  • Action! Discuss how to "implement" product spec as single source of truth for designs & requirements [BRIAN TO START EMAIL THREAD] DONE
  • Action! Start email thread clarifying how we see what design is working on [MAX] DONE
  • Action! Meeting with design to discuss what is breaking iOS design patterns [BRIAN/KAITY/NIRZAR/TEAM] ONGOING

Worked Well

  • Talking early and often (on IRC, phab, etc)
  • Design doing column
  • So much improvement! POINTS BE DAMNED!
  • New designs coming together
  • tangible changes/builds
  • grooming+

Worked Poorly

  • PM still behind pace for documentation/specs
  • Questions from the team: can we get back to iterating/incrementing?
  • Pace of Development+++
    • Coordinating with Product on potential edge cases and time sinks
    • Iterative development (merging work for tickets in chunks, leaving them partially implemented)
    • Repeat code reviews
      • Nit picking on things outside of "best practices"/standards discussions (guilty as charged)
  • Hot-fixing CI
    • Ended up breaking code coverage w/o realizing it
  • Phab conversations ++
    • e.g. mentioning designers w/ questions during implementation. could also be more present on IRC+

Confuses Us

  • speed vs details balance
  • QA column goal++

Top three items, from "Worked Poorly" and "Confuses Us"

  • Pace of Development+++
    • Coordinating with Product on potential edge cases and time sinks
  • Phab conversations ++
  • QA column goal++

Actions Items

  • Action! Test drive Google Drive assets/spec management [TEAM]
  • Action! Let's ship stuff, not focus too much on perfection/robustness
  • Action! IRC norms for Phab communication: Email thread [BRIAN]
  • Action! Get more regular updates w/design (standups?) [MAX EMAIL THREAD]
    • Or post-estimation kick-off?
  • Action! Set a timeline for when the QA tasks are acted on [BRIAN/JOSH]