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Wikimedia Apps/Team/Retrospectives/2015-09-11

From mediawiki.org



September 11, 2015

Previous Retrospective Actions

  • Action! Question for Bernd and services folks: What do we want at the end of the day, a high level structure in mind for the API and the output of the service?
    • Action! Android team to meet and discuss to avoid reinventing the wheel, plan the structure [MICHAEL TO LIAISE W/SERVICES] EMAILED SERVICES, WAITING
    • AB: Lots of interest in supporting services

Worked Well

  • SN: production release.+1+
  • SN: end of Gingerbread is in sight!+
    • ET: still like QA sign off column - not so many, not so few just the right amount of issues there
  • MH: Marko has been great on content service stuff
  • DB: Team's flexibility in being able to jump between Service/Android tasks.

Worked Poorly

  • DB: DB's velocity during quarterly/strategy planning

Confuses Us

  • SN: Did we not get a bunch of new devices for testing?
    • ET: I have two Android devices - should be enough for some comparison.... plus the emulator
    • AB: Paring the list down, getting devices soon.
  • MB: Naming phab tasks (user stories)
  • MH: Content service: should I/we be getting stuff done? I think Bernd is expecting some progress but we're not estimating content service tasks. Do we need to align expectations?
  • AB: State of stats for link preview and content service-based version of link preview + pageviews
  • MSG: is it bad, good, or something else?
    • umami? Or the Knicks?
      • Umami form
    • Metal Gear Solid? Kind of like MSG?
  • ET: what is the purpose of Beta?
  • MH: Is it still accurate to say we're moving toward a "fully native" experience?

Top three items, from "Worked Poorly" and "Confuses Us"

  • MB: Naming phab tasks (user stories)
  • MH: Content service: should I/we be getting stuff done? I think Bernd is expecting some progress but we're not estimating content service tasks. Do we need to align expectations?
  • AB: State of stats for link preview and content service-based version of link preview + pageviews
  • ET: what is the purpose of Beta?
  • MH: Is it still accurate to say we're moving toward a "fully native" experience?

Action Items

  • Action! Provide update on device acquisition [ADAM]
  • Action! Check that Content Service is ready to be consumed [MICHAEL]
  • Action! Team to continue compiling thoughts on Content Service in etherpad doc (https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/mobileapps_content_service_design) [TEAM]
  • Action! Follow up with Nuriya from Analytics on state of stats for link preview + pageviews [DMITRY]



September 16, 2015

Previous Retrospective Actions

  • Action! Breakdown tickets larger than 3 points.
    • During Estimation, if things are looking large (5+) let's see if it can be made smaller
  • Action! Celebrate BETAs more!
  • Action! Get Corey a conductor's hat
  • Action! Start thinking about data-driven retros, how we can use data to make better decisions/experiments

Worked Well

  • Maybe a bit early to tell, but VC refactoring. Could provide us flexibility we need to implement new designs
  • Welcome Josh! +1+1 (beat me to it!)
  • So many designers helping, much love, wow YAY
    • Good to be getting some extra help here!
  • Time off for the bald hippie
  • Quick action on changes to make Swift 2.0 compatible
    • Don't speak too soon...

Worked Poorly

  • Sounds like too many meetings lately
  • Lots of strategy meetings slowing down 5.0 progress+
    • Maybe a silver lining: ended up giving design time to revisit designs w/o us implementing lots of stuff that would now (AFAICT) be obsolete
    • Been very busy with ancilary thnigs… not a lot of dev time since Strategy stuff+ < move to top-level item

Confuses Us

  • Is the Ready for Development column on the Dev board too full to be able to focus on shipping "experiences" in increments?
    • Estimate less often when board is full?
  • Blocked or Waiting column still an thing we want to implement?+
  • QA plan still in limbo maybe?+
  • Strategy seems very disconnected with our work [current, P2W, or upcoming?]+++

Top three items, from "Worked Poorly" and "Confuses Us"



Action Items

  • Action! Discuss strategy disconnect with PM/Manager meetings [MAX]
    • Quarterly planning is compounded by strategy push
    • Things are not well-aligned
    • Need a better meeting mandate, focus on core capabilities
  • Action! Clarify when QA gets slotted in
    • Go back to the schedule we wrote up and improve on it based on the last couple of meetings [JOSH/ADAM]
  • Action! Review Ready for Dev column, pull out now-irrelevant tasks [COREY/JOSH]
  • Action! Implement Blocked or Waiting column [MAX]