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Wikimedia Apps/Team/Android/Development Cycle

From mediawiki.org

The Android team recently moved away from Scrum towards Kanban to manage their development process.


Name Frequency Duration Description Goals Resources Attendees Notes
Iteration Review/Kickoff Biweekly on Monday 25 min Team meets to review the last two weeks of development and clarifies goals for the next two weeks of work.
  • Review outstanding stories
  • Estimate unestimated stories on the kanban board
  • Move stories from the To Do and Needs Design/Design Doing columns to Ready for Dev, if applicable
  • Check in on what's Blocked/Waiting
  • Move out obsolete stories
  • Set expectations for the iteration
  • Product Owner
  • Engineers
  • Designers
  • Facilitator
Story Prioritization (Planning) Biweekly on Monday 50 min Team meets to plan the coming two week's work. Planning involves reviewing and estimating stories on the kanban board.
  • Estimate new stories that were added to the kanban board from the backlog
  • Move new stories from the To Do and Needs Design/Design Doing columns to Ready for Dev, if applicable
  • Product Owner
  • Engineers
  • Designers
  • QA
  • Facilitator
Retrospective Weekly on Monday 50 min Team meets to discuss topics proposed by team members, mostly process-related.
  • Discuss what's working well
  • Discuss what could be improved
  • Establish next steps to implement change
  • Product Owner
  • Engineers
  • Designers
  • Facilitator
Combined Apps Standup Weekly on Monday 15 min Apps teams, Android and iOS, meet to exchange quick status updates.

Everyone but Facilitator answers three questions:

  1. What have you been up to since the last standup?
  2. What do you expect to be working on until the next one?
  3. Do you have any blockers?

After giving their update, each person chooses who goes next by saying the other person's name.

  • Share what you've worked on
  • Share what you'll be working on
  • Share what's blocking you
  • Product Owners
  • Engineers
  • Designers
  • Facilitator
Standup Weekly on Wednesday and Friday 15 min Team meets to exchange quick status updates.

Everyone but Facilitator answers three questions:

  1. What have you been up to since the last standup?
  2. What do you expect to be working on until the next one?
  3. Do you have any blockers?

After giving their update, each person chooses who goes next by saying the other person's name.

  • Share what you've worked on
  • Share what you'll be working on
  • Share what's blocking you
  • Product Owner
  • Engineers
  • Designers
  • Facilitator
Grooming and Triage Weekly on Wednesday 25 min Team meets to either clean up the kanban board or triage tasks in the backlog.
  • Product Owner
  • Engineers
  • Designers
  • Facilitator