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Wikimedia Apps/Team/2014-2015 Q3 pre-planning notes

From mediawiki.org

Goals Q3/2014-2015

Give people a reason to use our app (lead image, tweet a fact)

Get people to more deeply engage with our content


  • lead image
  • image viewer
  • read more
  • tweet a fact
  • search

What do we need to do for each of these?

Note: we will have more up to date data for these prior to planning

  • lead image
    • data on usage (start collecting)
  • image viewer
    • data on usage (start collecting)
  • read more
    • left nav button (or some better exposure/access for user)
    • per user vs per page
  • tweet a fact
  • search
    • 91% click-through, 19% no results, 4 search queries/session (maybe related to no results)
    • make it faster, better
    • never reject prefix results (even if fewer than five)
    • address zero results
    • fix did you mean problems at the API level
    • log if user got a suggestion

Other Focus Areas

  • Discovery
    • Moiz: Features above the fold don't have engagement problems; discoverability is harder for other features. Do we want better onboarding/announcements for less visible features? "You just installed an update, this is what's new:.."
    • Adam: Better app store descriptions and screenshots could also help eg for tweet a fact
    • Vibha: should restrict help to features that aren't standard functionality (eg for share a photo not image viewer swiping)

Who are we building for?

Readers (not editors)

Once we have readership, we can encourage readers to make contributions, leverage notifications, collections, ...

What's the plan for the plan?

  • Dan will pitch data at start
  • Focus on rounding off MVPs: making them kick ass
  • breakout groups around what we're interested in
  • start to build first sprint

Next planning session: brainstorm new shiny ideas for Q4