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Wikimania Scholarships app/Requirements

From mediawiki.org

High level requirements for the Wikimania Scholarship application.

Community Member

  • Apply for scholarship
  • Get email when approved/rejected
  • Choose Wikimedia project(s) from a dropdown or autocomplete list
  • Contribute translations

Wikimania Scholarship Committee Volunteer

  • Authenticate to site
  • Change my password
  • Patrol all new applications made by applicants in my assigned regions to flag spam
  • Patrol new applications outside my assigned regions to flag spam
  • Leave notes for myself and other reviewers associated with each application
  • View notes associated with any application
  • Score applications in my assigned regions that have been determined to be non-spam
  • View prior scholarship grant history for an applicant
  • View on-wiki contribution history for an applicant
  • View a list of applications that I have not yet reviewed

Wikimania Scholarship Committee Administrator

  • Create user accounts for reviewers
  • Assign reviewers to regions where they are responsible for reviewing all applications
    • Each reviewer has a minimum of 3 regions to review
  • Set the active application review phase (phase 1, phase 2)
  • Set weighting factors for each review criteria
  • Set number of spam votes needed to disqualify an application from further review
  • Rank applications based on reviewer scores using weighted ranking formula
  • Approve applications based on rank and availability
  • Notify applicants that their applications were approved/denied
  • Export contact information for applications that have been marked as spam
  • Export contact information for applications that have not been approved
  • Export information for approved applications to give to WMF for funding/travel coordination
  • Import name, email, wiki username, grant status, year for past Wikimania scholarship rounds