Wikidata Query Service/Categories
Wikidata Query Service also provides access to category graph of all public wikis (except labswiki and labtestwiki).
Currently, the data is updated from the latest weekly dump. Updates happen each Monday.
Accessing the data
[edit]The data is stored in the Blazegraph database in categories
Currently, there is no GUI to access the category data, but SPARQL queries can be made against the namespace by using
This SPARQL endpoint works in the same way as the main WDQS SPARQL endpoint.
Note that while each wiki has its own data set, they are all stored in the same namespace.
Example query, providing subcategories of category Ducks on English Wikipedia:
PREFIX gas: <>
prefix mediawiki: <>
SERVICE gas:service {
gas:program gas:gasClass "" .
gas:program gas:linkType mediawiki:isInCategory .
gas:program gas:traversalDirection "Reverse" .
gas:program gas:in <>. # one or more times, specifies the initial frontier.
gas:program gas:out ?out . # exactly once - will be bound to the visited vertices.
gas:program gas:out1 ?depth . # exactly once - will be bound to the depth of the visited vertices.
gas:program gas:maxIterations 8 . # optional limit on breadth first expansion.
} ORDER BY ASC(?depth)
Simpler query
[edit]Simpler form of the query above can be accessed with mediawiki:categoryTree
SELECT ?out ?depth WHERE {
SERVICE mediawiki:categoryTree {
bd:serviceParam mediawiki:start <> .
bd:serviceParam mediawiki:direction "Reverse" .
bd:serviceParam mediawiki:depth 5 .
} ORDER BY ASC(?depth)
This query produces three output values:
— the category found?depth
— the depth for the category?predecessor
— the parent category
Data format
[edit]The data about category describe its URL and the name, e.g.
<> a mediawiki:Category ;
rdfs:label "Test" ;
mediawiki:pages "74"^^xsd:integer ;
mediawiki:subcategories "19"^^xsd:integer .
Links between categories are represented as mediawiki:isInCategory
relationship, e.g.:
<> mediawiki:isInCategory <>
Hidden categories have class mediawiki:HiddenCategory
[edit]Prefix mediawiki:
is defined as
Full ontology can be found at
Dump header
[edit]Dump header contains information about the dump, e.g.:
<> a schema:Dataset,
owl:Ontology ;
cc:license <> ;
schema:softwareVersion "1.0" ;
schema:dateModified "2017-09-09T20:00:05Z"^^xsd:dateTime ;
schema:isPartOf <> ;
owl:imports <> .
Data dumps
[edit]Data dumps are stored in Full dumps are performed weekly. Each wiki has its own dump file. stores timestamps of the last dump performed.
[edit]To update categories, the following can be used:
- Create categories namespace:
bash categories
- Load data:
bash categories
Adding wikis
[edit]For now, if you want some wiki added, please comment on the talk page. Exception is Commons, which has by far the largest set of categories and thus we decided not to cover it for now, until we ensure everything works as planned with smaller data sets.