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Wikibase Cloud Logo โ€“ symbol
Wikibase Cloud Logo โ€“ symbol

Welcome to the landing page for Wikibase. Here you'll find documentation and resources for the free software created by Wikimedia Deutschland. At its core, Wikibase is a powerful toolbox that offers a collaborative space for individuals and groups to contribute, edit, and curate information in a structured way. It can be easily consumed by computers, translated into multiple languages and shared with the rest of the world as part of the Linked Open Data web.

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Wikibase as a service, in the cloud. In Open Beta now!

What's the right Wikibase for you?

Use our Docker images to get Wikibase running locally in no time.

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An invaluable community-run site for Wikibase and the various instances you can find across the net.

Some introductory concepts for those who may never have modeled data before.

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Get involved in the community, or get in touch with us.