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The basic typing test is done using any Indic languages. Special features of complex indic characters will be checked in other tests.

Basic assumptions

  • The computer has an English (US) keyboard enabled and wiki has IME support installed.
  • The computer has a Indic font installed / wiki uses WebFonts.
  • Visual Editor is completely installed and configured (Parsoid etc.)
  • Typing Hindi in a Hindi wiki using the OS input method


  • LocalSettings: $wgLanguageCode = "hi";
  • The user interface of the wiki is Hindi (or change it using preferences or ULS)



Basic Typing

  1. Start a new article that doesn't exist.
  2. Start editing it using the Visual Editor.
    • Check: The cursor is at the top left corner.
  3. Type kaa.
    • Check: The letter का appears on the screen in the top left corner.
    • Check: The cursor is immediately to the right of the letter. (TODO screenshot)
  4. Type m.
    • Check: The letters काम् appear on the screen in the top left corner.
  5. Press Enter.
    • Check: The first line didn't change.
    • The cursor is at the left end of the second line.
  • Use an extended keyboard layout which uses Alt + combination keys for input.
  1. Consider Hindi Inscript for the example below
  2. Type कृ using k followed by Alt + +
    • Check if the output is कृ


  1. Select Hey! and click list(numbered / bulleted) icon.
    • Check: It becomes 1. Hey!
  2. Select काम् and click list(numbered / bulleted) icon.
    • Check: It becomes 1. काम्
  • Repeat the above test for all the formatting buttons.
  1. Chose Hindi Transliteration IME.
  2. Type kam
    • Check if cursor is to the right of the text typed कम्
  3. Press ← once and try to type laa in between.
    • Check if the output is कलाम्
  1. Type kitaab
  2. Check if cursor is to the right of the text typed किताब्
    • Press Home once and check if cursor is at left side of word typed.
  3. Press Delete key once
    • Check if remaining text is ताब्
  1. Type kitaab, text would be किताब्
  2. Press ← twice and delete key once
  3. Press delete key once
    • Check if remaining text is किब्

Special Character sequences

  • Chose Tamil Translation for the below test.
  • should be documented for each Indic language on behaviour of zwnj and should be in line with desktops.
  1. Type ksh to give க்‌ஷ் (ksh with en:ZWNJ in between)
  2. Check if cursor is to the right of the text typed.
    • Press Home once and check if cursor is at left side of word typed.
  3. Press Delete key exactly twice to see the entire word disappear. (the ZWNJ should be ignored when deleting text).