Visuaalinen muokkain/kysely 2015
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This survey has closed. |
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Muokkaustiimi pyytää apuasi Visuaalisen muokkaimen parantamisessa. Tiimillä on lista suurimman prioriteetin ongelmista, mutta he haluavat myös kuulla pienistä ongelmista. Nämä ongelmat voivat tehdä muokkaamisesta vähemmän hauskaa, viedä liikaa aikaasi, tai voivat olla yhtä rasittavia kuin paperihaava. Pienistä ongelmista ei välttämättä jätetä ongelmailmoitusta Phabricatoriin, mutta muokkaustiimi haluaa kuulla ja korjata nämä asiat myöskin.
He ottavat yhteyttä useisiin erityyppisiin käyttäjiin ja pyytävät heitä jakamaan ajatuksiaan tämän linkin kautta.
Nopeaan, yksinkertaiseen ja anonyymiin kyselyyn vastataan Qualtricsin kautta. Voit vastata omalla kielelläsi. Jos vastaat kyselyyn, hyväksyt, että vastauksiasi voidaan käyttää näiden ehtojen mukaisesti. Tämä kysely on toteutettu Qualtrics-palvelulla ja heidän tietosuojakäytäntönsä kertoo, miten he käsittelevät tietojasi. Jos sinulla on kysymyksiä, tai vastaat mieluummin wikissä, jätä viestisi keskustelusivulle. Kysely kokonaisuudessaan löytyy alta.
Antamaasi tietoa tullaan käyttämään Visuaalisen muokkaimen toiminnan ja ulkoasun parantamiseksi. Linkki lopullisiin tuloksiin tullaan julkaisemaan tällä sivulla.
Kyselyn sisältö
Tämä kysely on Wikimedia Foundationin suorittama. Sen tarkoituksena on oppia enemmän yhteisön jäsenten kokemuksista Visuaalisesta muokkaimesta Wikipediassa ja vastaavissa projekteissa. Visuaalinen muokkain on rikastetun tekstin muokkain, jolla voi muokata Wikipediaa ja muita projekteja ilman, että tarvitsee opetella wikiteksti-merkintäkieltä.
Nämä kuvakaappaukset on otettu englanninkielisestä Wikipedia-artikkelista, "Galaxy". Ensimmäinen kuvakaappaus (vasemmalla) näyttää artikkelin Visuaalisen muokkaimen muokkaustilassa. Toinen kuvakaappaus (oikealla) näyttää saman artikkelin wikitekstin muokkaustilassa.
Hyväksyt, että vastauksiasi voidaan käyttää näiden ehtojen mukaisesti. Tämä kysely on toteutettu Qualtrics-palvelulla ja heidän tietosuojakäytäntönsä kertoo, miten he käsittelevät tietojasi. Kuvakaappausten lisensseistä, katso
- Missä projektissa muokkaat useimmiten?
- Wikipedia
- Commons
- MediaWiki
- Wikikirjasto
- Wikidata
- Wikiuutiset
- Wikisitaatit
- Wikiopisto
- Wikivoyage
- Muu Wikimedia Foundationin sponsoroima projekti
- En yleensä muokkaa missään Wikimedia Foundationin projektissa.
- Kuinka usein käytät Visuaalista muokkainta muokatessasi artikkeleita? (asteikolla 0%–100%)
- Ei koskaan (0 %)
- (10%–90%)
- Aina (100 %)
- Kuinka todennäköisesti suosittelet Visuaalista muokkainta uudelle muokkaajalle? (asteikolla 0–10)
- Suosittelisin aina wikitekstin muokkainta. (0)
- (1–9)
- Suosittelisin aina Visuaalista muokkainta. (10)
- Valitse kaikki, jotka pitävät paikkansa:
- Aiemmin käytin Visuaalista muokkainta säännöllisesti, mutta nyt käytän useimmiten wikitekstin muokkainta.
- Olen kokeillut Visuaalista muokkainta, mutta jätän usein sivun ilman tallentamatta muutoksia.
- Joskus aloitan muokkaamaan Visuaalisella muokkaimella, mutta vaihdan sitten wikitekstin muokkaimeen.
- Olen antanut palautetta Visuaalisesta muokkaimesta wikissä sivuilla kuten VisualEditor/Feedback.
- Olen ilmoittanut ongelmista tai liittynyt ongelmien tilauslistalle Bugzillassa tai Phabricatorissa.
- Ei mikään edellä olevista
- Visuaalisessa muokkaimessa alue, joka vaatii eniten parannettavaa, on...
- Viitteiden lisääminen ja muokkaaminen
- Kuvat ja muu media
- Yleinen muokkaaminen
- Muiden kuin englannin kielen tukeminen
- Mallineiden lisääminen ja muokkaaminen
- Suorituskyky ja nopeus
- Linkkien tekeminen ja muokkaaminen muille sivuille ja muille verkkosivustoille
- Kopioiminen ja liittäminen
- Muiden muokkaajien kanssa keskusteleminen
- Vaihtaminen edestakaisin Visuaalisen muokkaimen ja wikitekstin muokkaimen välillä
- Luokkien asettaminen ja muuttaminen
- Kaksi muokkauspainiketta sen sijaan, että ohjelmisto muistaa mitä tykkään käyttää.
- Muokkausristiriitojen ratkaiseminen ilman, että näen wikitekstiä
- Eroavaisuuksien ja artikkelien historian näyttäminen visuaalisesti
- Kaavat, kuvakartat, aikajanat tai muut erikoissisältötyypit
- Vakaus ja luotettavuus
- Muu
- Haluaisin nähdä parannuksia tällä alueella (valittu edellisessä kysymyksessä). Jos voisin tehdä yhden muutoksen tähän alueeseen, muuttaisin...
- Kuinka kuulit tästä kyselystä?
- Viesti keskustelusivullani
- Viesti jonkun toisen keskustelusivulla
- Muulta sivulta wikissä
- Sähköposti
- Muu
- Vaihtoehtoinen: Mikäli meillä on kysyttävää kommenteistasi tai ehdotuksista, voit kirjoittaa käyttäjänimesi tähän, jotta voimme ottaa sinuun yhteyttä. Jos haluat, voit lisätä wikin, josta sinut parhaiten tavoittaa. (Esimerkki: User:WhatamIdoing at
1,639 invitations were sent, including some duplicates due to contacting a few dozen people via e-mail (from Bugzilla accounts, which are not associated with wiki accounts). As of 17 April 2015, 508 surveys had been completed in Qualtrics and two on wiki.
First, to which project do you contribute most often?
There were 501 responses to this question.
Project | Number | Percentage |
Wikipedia | 463 | 92% |
Commons | 7 | 1% |
MediaWiki | 7 | 1% |
Wikibooks | 5 | 1% |
Wikidata | 6 | 1% |
Wikinews | 1 | 0% |
Wikiquote | 3 | 1% |
Wikiversity | 4 | 1% |
Wikivoyage | 1 | 0% |
Another project sponsored by the Wikimedia Foundation | 3 | 1% |
I do not normally contribute to any Wikimedia Foundation projects. | 1 | 0% |
How frequently do you use VisualEditor when you are editing articles?
There were 452 responses to this question.
The mean was using VisualEditor for 40% of article editing, and the standard deviation was 30%. The answers were mostly evenly distributed, with clusters among people who almost never used VisualEditor and also editors who almost always used it.
# | Answer | Response | % |
1 | Never | 70 | 15% |
2 | 10% | 73 | 16% |
3 | 20% | 32 | 7% |
4 | 30% | 36 | 8% |
5 | 40% | 28 | 6% |
6 | 50% | 33 | 7% |
7 | 60% | 28 | 6% |
8 | 70% | 34 | 8% |
9 | 80% | 45 | 10% |
10 | 90% | 51 | 11% |
11 | Always | 22 | 5% |
Total | 452 | 100% |
How likely are you to recommend VisualEditor to a new editor? (on a scale of 0 to 10)
There were 449 responses to this question.
The mean was 60% with a standard deviation of 30%.
Answer | Response | % |
0 | 36 | 8% |
1 | 19 | 4% |
2 | 21 | 5% |
3 | 15 | 3% |
4 | 22 | 5% |
5 | 55 | 12% |
6 | 32 | 7% |
7 | 38 | 8% |
8 | 71 | 16% |
9 | 54 | 12% |
10 | 86 | 19% |
Total | 449 | 100% |
This answer correlated very strongly (p=<0.0001) with whether the respondent uses VisualEditor frequently.
How frequently do you use VisualEditor when you are editing articles? | |||||||||||||
Never | 10% | 20% | 30% | 40% | 50% | 60% | 70% | 80% | 90% | Always | Total | ||
Likelihood of recommending VisualEditor to a new editor |
0% | 25 | 5 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 35 |
10% | 7 | 10 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 19 | |
20% | 2 | 10 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 21 | |
30% | 6 | 4 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 15 | |
40% | 3 | 6 | 5 | 3 | 4 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 22 | |
50% | 8 | 17 | 3 | 8 | 6 | 6 | 1 | 4 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 55 | |
60% | 2 | 4 | 5 | 3 | 4 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 1 | 0 | 32 | |
70% | 3 | 3 | 4 | 6 | 3 | 3 | 5 | 5 | 1 | 5 | 0 | 38 | |
80% | 5 | 8 | 5 | 7 | 5 | 6 | 6 | 9 | 14 | 4 | 1 | 70 | |
90% | 1 | 3 | 0 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 11 | 23 | 1 | 54 | |
100% | 3 | 3 | 4 | 2 | 1 | 7 | 8 | 7 | 15 | 16 | 20 | 86 | |
Total | 65 | 73 | 32 | 36 | 28 | 33 | 28 | 34 | 45 | 51 | 22 | 447 |
Choose all that apply:
There were 453 responses to this question.
In the past, I used VisualEditor regularly, but now I mostly use the wikitext editor. | 10% |
I have tried to use VisualEditor, but I often left the page without trying to save my changes. | 21% |
I sometimes start editing in VisualEditor, but then switch to the wikitext editor. | 61% |
I have provided feedback about VisualEditor on wiki at pages like VisualEditor/Feedback. | 31% |
I have reported bugs or subscribed to bugs in Bugzilla or Phabricator. | 21% |
None of the above | 17% |
In VisualEditor, the area that needs the most improvement is...
There were 433 responses to this question.
The order of the items (except "Other") were randomized, so that different people saw different items at the top of the list. The most popular choice was "Adding and editing templates", followed by "Switching back and forth between VisualEditor and wikitext editor", "Adding or editing citations or references", and "Performance and speed". Responses were correlated with how much the participant uses VisualEditor. People who use VisualEditor for most of their editing were most interested in improved support for citations, such as the automatic reference filler Citoid, rich copying and pasting, and special content types, such as mathematical formulae. People who never or rarely use VisualEditor were more interested in performance and reliability as well as general or non-software issues; they were comparatively uninterested in template or citation support within VisualEditor.
Answer | Response | % |
Adding or editing templates | 73 | 17% |
Switching back and forth between VisualEditor and wikitext editor | 48 | 11% |
Adding or editing citations | 46 | 11% |
Performance and speed | 45 | 10% |
Other | 43 | 10% |
General editing | 39 | 9% |
Stability and reliability | 35 | 8% |
Formulæ, imagemaps, timelines or other special content types | 21 | 5% |
Support for languages other than English | 15 | 3% |
Copying and pasting | 14 | 3% |
Showing me diffs and the history of articles visually | 12 | 3% |
Images and other media | 10 | 2% |
Handling edit conflicts without showing me wikitext | 10 | 2% |
Making or editing links to other pages and other websites | 10 | 2% |
Setting and changing categories | 8 | 2% |
Having discussions with other editors | 3 | 1% |
Having two edit buttons rather than the software remembering which I like to use | 1 | 0% |
Total | 433 | 100% |
If I could make one change to this area, I would change...
There were 300 responses to this question.
Overall: Editors who use VisualEditor frequently have different concerns compared to those who use it rarely or never. Among those who commented, VisualEditor was considered superior for writing, copyediting, and editing tables (except for tables generated from templates). Several complex workflows, especially involving templates and citations, were areas of concern for people who use VisualEditor dozens or hundreds of times in a month. Editors who rarely or never use VisualEditor are more interested in the quality of Parsoid's conversion of the HTML that VisualEditor uses into wikitext, in the ability to switch to the wikitext editor, or general performance. Some users would like to see it enabled in talk namespaces or in the project namespace. A couple of respondents used the suggestion field to say that other editors should not be allowed to use VisualEditor, or that using VisualEditor would block the personal growth of new editors.
User interface: Some of the issues reported stem from a lack of familiarity with VisualEditor's features. For example, although a majority of respondents said that they sometimes switch from VisualEditor to the wikitext editor, a few believed that this feature did not exist. A few others believed that it was not possible to insert or edit new templates. These features may not be sufficiently prominent, or editors may benefit from a GuidedTour of the interface to point out the location of these items, such as the one proposed in phab:T89074. Several editors said that making and editing internal and external links is confusing. The Design Research team has also identified this as an area of concern in user testing before the survey started, and improvements are being tested now.
Citations: Most of the concerns about citations are being or will be resolved by the Citoid system, by better local TemplateData, and/or by improvements to the template system overall. Some changes, such as the ability to name citations, would need to be made in VisualEditor. Some other suggestions, like better support for page numbers and nested citations, may need to be handled through changes to the Cite extension. Requests included support for wikis' {{reflist}}
templates. Templates that contain or display references can be inserted and viewed in VisualEditor. However, their contents do not update during an editing session, because this would significantly harm performance. Changes to citations immediately appear if the page is using MediaWiki's faster, simpler, native <references />
tag; however, that tag does not currently support column formatting. Respondents also recommended being able to edit a citation by clicking on the citation in the references list, a planned VisualEditor feature.
Local issues: Some editors said that VisualEditor is less convenient because parameters they commonly use are not present in, or not correctly prioritized in, the TemplateData. The options automatically presented inside the template dialog are controlled on-wiki by the community, rather than in VisualEditor. For example, in a {{cite news}}
template, whether the newspaper parameter is added by default depends upon whether that parameter is marked as either "suggested
" or "required
" in that template’s TemplateData on the local wiki.
Performance: Lost-work bugs and slow performance were significant concerns for some editors, especially editors who have older or slower computers, or who teach editing to people who do. Performance has been improved significantly since the survey started, and more work is planned, which should address these concerns.
Other recurring requests:
- Better special character support, especially for inserting pairs (e.g., German-style quotation marks); met since the survey was started.
- Better support for copying and pasting citations between articles
- In situ editing of the contents of templates like infoboxes
- Bi-directional switching between editing environments
- Support for Internet Explorer 9
- Fewer "dirty diffs" (awkward changes to wikitext that do not affect the page's appearance)
- The ability to upload images to Commons, or the local wiki, within VisualEditor
- Section editing
- Built-in spell check
Except for the last two, most of these are already planned or are being strongly considered. Section editing does not reduce edit conflicts and paradoxically would not improve loading times in VisualEditor. Instead, the team is working on a long-term plan making it possible for editors to modify individual pieces of a page, like a table or a paragraph, rather than whole sections at once. The team is not planning to provide built-in spelling or grammar checking, as it is unlikely that a spell checker inside VisualEditor could work as well as or as quickly as the ones editors already have in their web browsers.
How did you hear about this survey?
423 people answered this question. 82% said that they received an invitation on their own talk pages. 9% received an invitation through e-mail. 6% found the link to the survey on someone else's talk page. 2% chose "Other", and about half of them said that they received the message either on wiki or in e-mail, e.g., e-mail messages to the translator's mailing list. One person found the link on another wiki page.
Almost all invitations were delivered in English. Almost 40% of the survey respondents took the survey in a language other than English. People who took the survey in English, French, or German were more likely to have used VisualEditor regularly in the past, but not currently. People who took the survey in English or German were more likely to have exited without saving or to switch to the wikitext editor during an edit. Participants taking the survey in English were much more likely to have provided feedback or reported bugs.
Newly tracked bugs
- T97323: Improve tabbing in template dialog