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Another UserRightsList Error


Hi Jim, I've been using your UserRightsList extension on a bunch of wikis, but today I tried to install it on version 1.18 and got the following error from the Special:SpecialPages page:

Strict Standards: Declaration of UserRightsList::userCanExecute() should be compatible with that of UserrightsPage::userCanExecute() in /disk/homes2b/nber/edegan/public_html/w/includes/AutoLoader.php on line 918 Fatal error: Call to a member function addMessages() on a non-object in /disk/homes2b/nber/edegan/public_html/w/extensions/UserRightsList/SpecialUserRightsList.body.php on line 302

I would love to continue using this extension - it adds great functionality. Any chance that you could take a look at this?


Hi Ed,
I just linked to a newer version. Let me know if it works for you... we're using it on 1.17 and 1.18alpha... we need to update some of our own wikis!

Userrightslist errors


Hope you get this. What do you think is causing these errors?:

Notice: Undefined property: UserRightsList::$username in ...\extensions\UserRightsList\SpecialUserRightsList.body.php on line 239

Notice: Undefined property: UserRightsList::$yearfrom in ...\extensions\UserRightsList\SpecialUserRightsList.body.php on line 243

Notice: Undefined property: UserRightsList::$yearto in ...\extensions\UserRightsList\SpecialUserRightsList.body.php on line 250

Notice: Undefined property: UserRightsList::$requestedGroup in ...\extensions\UserRightsList\SpecialUserRightsList.body.php on line 131

Notice: Undefined property: UserRightsList::$requestedGroup in ...\extensions\UserRightsList\SpecialUserRightsList.body.php on line 131

Notice: Undefined property: UserRightsList::$requestedGroup in ...\extensions\UserRightsList\SpecialUserRightsList.body.php on line 131

Notice: Undefined property: UserRightsList::$username in ...\extensions\UserRightsList\SpecialUserRightsList.body.php on line 140

should be fixed in 0.2 --JimHu 20:08, 10 February 2008 (UTC)Reply

UserRightsList bug


Hi Jim, thanks for making the UserRightsList extension; from what I've seen it looks cool and I'd really like to test it. However, after I add the require_once call, I get this:

Internal error
Detected bug in an extension! Hook UserRightsList::loadMessages failed to return a value; should return true to continue hook processing or false to abort.

The wiki is running on MediaWiki 1.11.

P.S. You might want to remove the ending ?> tags, they haven't been used since rev:23531. :-) --Sayuri 20:37, 10 February 2008 (UTC)Reply

But return true is at the end of that function! (I'm still on 1.9x - been meaning to upgrade). --JimHu 21:40, 10 February 2008 (UTC)Reply

Database Error


Hi Jim,

I am using Mediawiki 1.11. When installing UserRightsList 0.22, I get a database error: MySQL returned the error "1142: SELECT command denied to user 'cdy'@'srv83.one.com' for table 'user' (localhost)". What could possibly go wrong?

Regards, Corne

Hi Corne, that seems very odd, as UserRightsList is using the regular MW db connection to access the table. Can you tell where in the UserRightsList scripts it's failing. Could you also describe what happens with more details - does it break the wiki completely, or only fail when you try to access the special page? --JimHu 23:30, 27 February 2008 (UTC)Reply
Hi, I get the same error when I try to access UserRightList from the special pages. The function mentioned in my error message is an empty string (""), maybe that's relevant. The wiki's database is still ok. The problem seems to be that the script tries to access the wrong table, because when I give "ALL PRIVILEGES" as permissions for the user and all MySQL databases, the error message changes to: "1146: Table 'mw_.user' doesn't exist (localhost).". Regards --Laudrin 12:06, 27 March 2008 (UTC)Reply
Forgot the version numbers: MediaWiki: 1.11.2, PHP: 5.2.6RC1-pl1-gentoo (apache2handler), MySQL: 5.0.54-log, UserRightsList: 0.22. --Laudrin 12:31, 27 March 2008 (UTC)Reply
Interesting. I'll get back after I ask about it on one of the mediawiki lists.--JimHu 14:10, 27 March 2008 (UTC)Reply



JimHu, are you interested in having UserRightsList committed to Wikimedia's Subversion, or if not another repo? Then it can be fixed up (I honestly don't understand how some of that code could actually work, the SQL statements themselves defy the definition of a database prefix), and if in Wikimedia's SVN will also have good translation support. Dantman

Yes, I think it would be of general interest, and I'd love the help with making it more generally usable. I wrote it to deal with our own user management issues, and we don't use db prefixes, so I don't know that it even works with them at all. --JimHu 15:05, 7 May 2008 (UTC)Reply

Ok, when I get back home or to my dad's (I'm currently on a school computer) I'll commit the raw code. I'll probably tweak things to standards after that and look into actually fixing up the extension itself.
Ya... for the prefixes... You're basically using "$wgDBprefix.tablename"... However a prefix is actually defined as "{$wgDBprefix}tablename" so the honest truth is if someone set the prefix to something, then MySQL would output errors saying that it can't find the database with the same name as $wgDBprefix. In this case you're actually supposed to be using Database::tableName(s,N) to get the name of the table for you and then use the outputted variables to build your SQL queries. Dantman 23:51, 7 May 2008 (UTC)Reply
Eeek... Before I commit I need a confirmation from you. There is no license data inside of the extension, nor on the MediaWiki page. Could you select a free-use license, GPL, MIT, LGPL, BSD, DWTFYWWI, or whatever. And confirm that it's under that license and put that on the Extension page. Technically it's copyrighted right now and not free for people to edit and improve. So I can't really commit it and say it is. Dantman 08:52, 8 May 2008 (UTC)Reply
OK, I fixed a bunch of bugs and added the MIT license to the extension. My intent is for it to be totally open and free for use. Let me know if I did it OK! --JimHu 21:50, 15 May 2008 (UTC)Reply



Hi Jim, in the meantime some discussions and observations have been made regarding this extension (here and here). I would be great if you had a quick look at it. Apart from that I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your work! I really appreciate it. Cheers --kgh 20:24, 17 October 2009 (UTC)Reply

Hi Jim, thank you for your fast response. I have replied here to your question. Cheers --kgh 00:07, 19 October 2009 (UTC)Reply

UserRightsList - Minor rendering issue with


Hi Jim, there's a problem with the form rendering which affects skins that use table layout. It's the end of line 154, there's a closing and opening TD element but there's no surrounding table. I just removed them on our wiki which fixed it. --Nad 00:46, 19 July 2010 (UTC)Reply

Problem with Special User Right List with MW 1.16.0


I am getting this error when I try to save a User Right List page, any help would be appreciated. Note that I have installed AWC Forum, this has added several new user catagories.

Fatal error: Cannot access protected property WebRequest::$data in /var/www/mediawiki-1.16.0/extensions/UserRightsList/SpecialUserRightsList.body.php on line 62