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GraphViz-Version by Bytesmiths


Hi, you left a note on my talk page about the GraphVis extension.

Here is the version I modified and use. Hope this is helpful to you!

# CoffMan (http://www.wickle.com) code adapted from timeline extension.
# JWS_050315: added support for other Graphviz layout engines.

class GraphVizSettings {
    var $execPath;
$wgGraphVizSettings = new GraphVizSettings;
$wgGraphVizSettings->execPath = '/sw/bin/';

$wgExtensionFunctions[] = 'wfGraphVizExtension';

function wfGraphVizExtension() {
	global $wgParser;
	$wgParser->setHook('graphviz', 'renderGraphviz');
	$wgParser->setHook('graphvizl', 'renderGraphvizLeft');
	$wgParser->setHook('graphvizr', 'renderGraphvizRight');

function renderGraphvizLeft($dotsrc) {
    return renderGraphviz($dotsrc, 'style="float:left"');

function renderGraphvizRight($dotsrc) {
    return renderGraphviz($dotsrc, 'style="float:right"');

function renderGraphviz($dotsrc, $style='')
	$cmd = '';
	global $wgUploadDirectory, $wgUploadPath, $IP, $wgGraphVizSettings, $wgArticlePath, $wgTmpDirectory;
	$hash = md5($dotsrc);
	$dest = $wgUploadDirectory . '/graphviz/';
	if(!is_dir($dest)) mkdir($dest, 0777);
	if(!is_dir($wgTmpDirectory)) mkdir($wgTmpDirectory, 0777);

    if(!strncmp($dotsrc, '#!/', 3))
        $cmd = substr($dotsrc, 2, strpos($dotsrc, '
') -2);
    switch($cmd) {
        case $wgGraphVizSettings->execPath . 'circo':
        case $wgGraphVizSettings->execPath . 'dot':
        case $wgGraphVizSettings->execPath . 'fdp':
        case $wgGraphVizSettings->execPath . 'neato':
        case $wgGraphVizSettings->execPath . 'twopi':
            $cmd = $wgGraphVizSettings->execPath . 'dot';
	$fname = $dest . $hash;
	if(!(file_exists($fname . '.png') || file_exists($fname . '.err')))
		$handle = fopen($fname, 'w');
		fwrite($handle, $dotsrc);

		$cmdline = wfEscapeShellArg($cmd)
		      . ' -Tpng -o '
		      . wfEscapeShellArg($fname . '.png')
		      . ' '
		      . wfEscapeShellArg($fname);
		$cmdlinemap = wfEscapeShellArg($cmd)
		      .  ' -Tcmapx -o '
		      . wfEscapeShellArg($fname. '.map')
		      . ' '
		      . wfEscapeShellArg($fname);
		$ret = shell_exec($cmdline);
		$ret = `{$cmdlinemap}`;

	@$err=file_get_contents($fname . '.err');

	if($err != '') {
		$txt = "<div id=\"toc\"><tt>$err</tt></div>";
	} else {
		@$map = file_get_contents($fname . '.map');
		$map = preg_replace('#<ma(.*)>#', ' ', $map);

		if(substr(php_uname(), 0, 7) == 'Windows') {
			$ext = 'gif';
		} else {
			$ext = 'png';
		$txt  = "<map id=\"$hash\" name=\"$hash\">{$map}"
            . "<img usemap=\"#{$hash}\" src=\"{$wgUploadPath}/graphviz/{$hash}.{$ext}\" {$style}>";
	return $txt;