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Who is Plaja? Ilija Nikolic also known as Plaja was born in 2004.He lives in a big family in Serbia,Pirot.His parents are Radivoje(Tomislav)Nikolic and Tamara Nikolic.His dad died when he was only 6.He has 2 older brothers named Jovan and Petar.


Papko was his parrot that died in 2016.He had 3 years.In Ilija's heart,Papko had a special place.When Papko died,Ilija,with his family cried for weeks."He was something special".Those are words that Ilija always says.He was in fact,really special.He was a very smart bird.Beutifull bird.Something that borns only once.Something...Special.

Jovan and Petar

Jovan and Petar are his older brothers.Jovan always hated him.Petar didn't hate Ilija,but he has very sencetive nervs with him.He often yells at him.


Tamara is Ilija's mom.She cares about him the most.Ilija usually stresses alot because of school,but she always helps him,even is the darkkest moments.


Ilija likes video games,but he loves football.He wants to become a football player,but that is inpossible because of school.Even if he knows its inpossible,he still dreams and inproves his skills.

YouTube Carrer

Plaja is not a big channel,but its growing faster every day.Ilija puts alot effourt in his channels,especially in his videos.He does everything about YouTube alone,only thing he didnt do alone are a couple clips.