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From mediawiki.org
  • Name: Oren Bochman
  • Main Project title: "Wikipedia Search"
  • Contact information:
  • my page on Wiktionary
This user is a proud MediaWiki extension developer and participant in WikiProject Extensions.

These Are A Few Of My Favourite Things

Ant [1] ANTLR [2] w:ApacheBench [3] Apertium [4] Bugzilla [5] Code Review [6]
carrot2 [7] DAWG[8] Etherpad Lite[9] Jenkins [10] Lucene[11] Maven[12]
Nutch[13] Open Relevance [14] R[15] Subversion [16] SOLR[17] Tika[18]
Translate Wiki [19] Vogella On Java[20] Wikilabs[21] UIMA[22] Solarium [23]
mediawiki mediawiki-dev mediawiki-ops wikimedia-tech wiktionary Openzim
Kiwix Lucene Solr Hadoop Nutch Semantic Media Wiki



Setup SCP support - https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Wikinaut/Help:Access_to_instances_with_PuTTY_and_WinSCP Setup port forwarding with moodle 2.5 instance setup tmux

Translate Wiki

  • Solar on labs
  • Salarium integration

Berlin Hackaton



OAI Extension


This extention needs to updated to work a little differently. It needs to provide the content info

  • Trigger updates on link change:
  • Output To be modified to the following format
Output Schema
Content Type
DataDump (HTML for pages/JSON for wikidata / URI for files)
Metadata in JSON - pages listed below
Page Meta Data
Page Id
Internal link List
Exernal Links List
InterWiki Links List
Catagory List Visible
Catagory List Hidden
InterWiki List
GeoData List
Edit Count
Editor Count
Cache Hits Weekly
Cache Hits Weekly Normalaised
Afd Nomination
Project List



Schedule video confrence with BugMiester

WikiData MetaData
Internal Links
Exernal Links
WikiData Page Data
Internal Links
Exernal Links

Hackathon 2013

  • Develop
    • Tron bot - Quality analytics + advice for new articles
    • Orwell01 - Sandbox edit test
      • Needs a ~/.description
    • Orwell02 - Group edit export to Gephi
    • Orwell03 - plsi + grammar check
    • Orwell04 - Configurable checks
    • SVG Comics gadget to display animated SVG comics based on Arun Ganesh D3 enchanced Map gadget.
    • Bootsrap skin for moodle based on ....
  • Contacts:
    1. User:Ocaasi (room mate) USA who does many projects including the wikipedia library and the wikipedia adventure.
    2. Martijn Hoekstra - Helps with AfC Stats.
    3. User:Felipe Schenone (roomate) - Helped with Widget design (Argentina)
    4. Evan Rosen (room mate) wiki metrics developer from the analytics team.
    5. Chris Steipp Senior Security Engineer working on OpenId & OAUTH development.
    6. User:Yug fr Wiktionary wiki data migration & maps design. Recommends http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Israel_location_map.svg as basis svg maps for Israel.
    7. wikt:fr:User:Darkdadaah anothe fr wikitionary
    8. User:Kolossos Czech dev in the Czech Wikipedia - we met in Berlin and Amsterdam (Like puzzles)
    9. Peter Bena Czech project lead of huggle the (Who is a volunteer labs ops who knows the tool migration stuff.
    10. User:Yurik who works at on wikipedia zero.
    11. Magioladitis lead developer of auto wiki browser
    12. User:Erik Zachte of the analytics team who makes monthly aggregates of Wikipedia dumps.
    13. User:Planemad Arun Ganesh - map developer
    14. Susanna anas phd interested in maps and memorabilia ...
    15. User:Kelson open zim and Kiwix !!
    16. Antoine Musso - Jenkins and search
    17. User:MarkAHershberger Old timer like me.
    18. User:Henna - Report issues with Vargrent (64 bit python)
    19. User:TMg
    20. Merlijn van Deen - Pywikipedia bot assitence
    21. Maarten Dammers - WLM solr connection.
    22. Sebastiaan - intersted in video teaching scripts
    23. The wiki loves art guy
    24. kimmo.virtanen@gmail.com Kimmo (room mate) from Finland
    25. mike rubio mikerubio@gmail.com (room mate) from the Philippines.
    26. user:lyhana8 french developer of Wiktionary project migration to wikidata

Extension Ideas

  • Latex Diagram Builder (Latex to SVG script)
    • take latext diagram in a <latexD><\latexD>
    • Outputs an SVG of the diagram.
    • Easy to do since latex can work a command line application.
  • Gambit extension
    • Take an extensive form game
    • Generate diagram
    • Generate solutions
    • Easy to do since gambit works as a command line application.
    • cannot make ess reports





security: [1]


  • Cooperate with
    • Google on NLP
    • Academia
    • Apertium
    • HFST

Summer Of Code


Lucene Lemma Analyzers based on Morphology Extraction from Wikipedia Text

  • Part 1: use & expand induction software to process exiting languages.
  1. Lemmas to word sense:
    1. exsiting works
    2. semantic frames - verb "think" (about) takes a noun complement XXX. In hungarian this is more explicit. Can be powerfull format for representing knowldge in sentences. Could be used to convert text to relation. (go, go to XXX,go from XXX to YYY) not many relations are needed. Verbs of motions, events,
    3. logic frames - map simple senteces to a prologu like logic structure
  • Part 2 extract semantic frames from (part of speech tagged) corpus.
  • deliverables:
  1. semantic networks used in wikipedia
  2. search and retrieve sample sentences for semantic frame patterns

Lucene - Automatic Query Expansion System


use SVD or other methods to make a cross language word nets

User Fingerprinting

  1. anonymous fingerprinting for:
    • free unregisterd editor contribution.
    • sock pupet detection
  • probably not a good GSOC concept

Lucene - NG Wiki Parser Filter


Integrate the cutting edge parser as a lucne filter to allow offline indexing of wiki source. Deliverable: up to date wikipedia parser. Problems - no specs Problem - templates THis will probably be one of my own projects if I get to work full time

UIMA Content Extraction From Talk Pages


Use UIMA to automate content extraction talk and user Talk Pages. This is to facilitate tracking of action on various policies. Product a Q&A system.

This is on the frnge of contetnt analytics.

Corpus Stuff


Foot notes

  1. Ant
  2. Grammars
  3. Benchmark
  4. Machine Translation
  5. QA
  6. Media Wiki's
  7. clustering
  8. data structure
  9. real time collaboration
  10. CI
  11. search lib
  12. language detection
  13. checking external links
  14. testing search
  15. Statistics & data mining
  16. source control
  17. search engine
  18. language detection
  19. translation memory
  20. tutorials
  21. testing
  22. content analytics frame work
  23. SOLR PHP integration

