I want to help other learn topics that I struggled with as an undergrad/graduate and in life.
Time domain based physics and in particular transient analyses, are my strongest contributions.
I find it insufficient to learn about time based phenomena without the use of actual time based solutions.
If you have a query, leave a message on my talk page.
Electric field (top) and magnetic field (bottom) of an electric-SRR under resonant electrical excitation, from a zero-field condition. The magnetic response arises from the symmetry of the current loops. Split-ring resonator
The electric field of a dipole antenna driven at its resonant frequency. Dipole Antenna
Electromagnetic vectors for , and with along with 3 planar projections. The light is always s-polarized in the xy plane. is the polar angle of and is the azimuthal angle of .
Electromagnetic vectors for , and with along with 3 planar projections and a deformation surface of total electric field. The light is always s-polarized in the xy plane. is the polar angle of and is the azimuthal angle of . Polarization(waves)
Transient solution to a phase array containing 7 emitters spaced a quarter wavelength apart. The phase between adjacent emitters is switched from 45 degrees to -45degrees. Phased array
Simulation of the electric field inside a microwave oven for the first 8 ns of operation. Microwave Oven
Transient solution for an AC induction motor from a complete stop to it's operating point under a varying load. Induction motor
Animated gifs
Electric field (top) and magnetic field (bottom) of an electric-SRR under resonant electrical excitation. Split-ring resonator
Transient analysis of a damped traveling wave and a reflecting boundary. Standing wave
mode-locked, fully reflecting cavity supporting the first 30 modes. The upper plot shows the first 8 modes inside the cavity (lines) and the total electric field at various positions inside the cavity (points). The lower plot shows the total electric field inside the cavity. Mode-Locking
A phase array of 15 emitters spaced a quarter wavelength apart. The phase between adjacent emitters is swept between -120 degrees and 120 degrees. Phased array
Drude response of current density to an AC electric field. Drude Model
Animation showing the Fourier Transform of a time shifted signal. [Top] the original signal (orange), is continuously time shifted (blue). [Bottom] The resultant Fourier Transform. Note how the higher frequency components revolve in complex plane faster than the lower frequency components Fourier Transform.