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From mediawiki.org
Te doy la bienvenida desconocido/a, te encuentras en la página personal del usuario Neoshinji.

Si deseas contactar conmigo, puedes encontrar mis datos de contacto aquí.

You are welcome anonymous, you are in the personal page of user Neoshinji.

If you want to contact me, you can find my contact details here.

Below you can see some extensions I have in my wiki and the following purposes.

Wiki info

  • MediaWiki version: 1.14.0
  • Semantic MediaWiki version: 1.4.2
  • PHP version: 5.2.8 (cgi)
  • MySQL version: 4.1.22-max
  • URL: http://wikimanga.net
  • Wiki language: Spanish
  • Direct link to Version

Extensions that I'm using in my wiki.


Little tips

  • If you want to run Header Tabs and Floatbox functions of Semantic forms visit the german Wikipedia to configure properly your Onlyifediting.js and Common.js , dont forget to copy the function Includepage.
//*** force the loading of another JavaScript file (Kopie von [[Commons:Common.js]])
// Local Maintainer: [[Commons:User:Dschwen]]
function includePage(name) {
    document.write('<script type="text/javascript" src="' + wgScript + '?title='
        + name + '&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript&dontcountme=s"><\/script>');    // smaxage=3600
  • If you has some troubles with SemanticMediawiki or Forms with the dates format, you can use the extension ParserFunctions and the parser function time, then make a template that contain the following code and voilà!

{{#time: d F Y|{{{1}}}}}

  • Little example of combined use of arraymap and image. The first case is for multiple choosing and second is only for one selection (dropdown). This values are saved on an auxiliary template, and then they are called from a main template.

{{#arraymap:{{{1|}}}|,|xxx|[[Países::xxx| ]][[Imagen:Bandera xxx.png|20px|border|xxx]]}}
[[Países::{{{1|}}}| ]][[Imagen:Bandera {{{1}}}.png|20px|border|{{{1}}}]]

Extensions that I'm want to test very soon.


Some extensions that I need to review


Extensions to earn some money


Discarted Extensions

  • IncludeArticle - To make previews from articles Don't run with new versions of MW
  • Include - To make previews from articles Only support static content, dangerous routines like share ROOT

Prevent spam bots from registering


After updating Mediawiki to version 1.23.0 for some strange reason, our wiki increased signups as a skyrocket. It was very unusual registering rate, then checking these new registered users, I saw that a lot of accounts has random names strange for a human (this accounts are being generated by bots).

If you experience something like this:

  • Unsual or massive registering rate (from 30 registers/month to 30 registers/day)
  • Strange or unpronounceable nicknames/names as new users like "52e77a4f"
  • A lot of emails on register process was bounced from email provider
  • The bounced emails address has random names as "52e77a4f@ANY_MAIL_SERVICE.com"

You can be sure a bot is using your wiki to check email accounts, for spamming purposes.

What can I do to avoid this? Protect your wiki against spammers:

  • Add Captcha or other blocking method on the signup - Extension ConfirmEdit can help you (has several modes as SimpleCaptcha, FancyCaptcha, ReCaptcha...)
  • Extreme measure (reduces performance of your wiki)

Some people noticed of this kind of abuse, when they check their database and discover more than 7000 random accounts registered.

If you need an urgent measure to block massive registers you can use the following code, to prevent new user registrations except by sysops (add this into the LocalSettings.php):

$wgGroupPermissions['*']['createaccount'] = false;

Cleaning spammers or unused accounts from database:

Other important info: Combating spam