User:NeilK/Worklog/2011-03-29 to 2011-04-04
< User:NeilK | Worklog
Summary of the whole week:
- Tried to deploy -- we did one deploy of UploadWizard on Wednesday 3/30
- Operations' thumbnailing issues prevented us from announcing
- Also, Erik felt there were showstopper bugs which needed to be fixed before we released
- Added many bugs to 1.0 bug queue, brought Kaldari back for a few of them
- Spent much of Friday on various fool's errands, like trying to figure out which license(s) were most popular. Gave up, thanks to Alolita prompting me
- Working on getting licenses right as well, tried to get community feedback. Pretty feeble so far.
- Got most of the way to getting a very pretty license picker, that has the following nice properties:
- License strings are defined in i18n files
- License pickers & logic are defined in code
- License properties are defined in configuration
- Licenses are activated in pickers by other configuration.
- Pretty, easy-to-use license menus are also defined in yet more configuration
Thus it is properly internationalizable, LocalSettings.php configurable, and potentially MediaWiki: string configurable if we can get people to write JSON. Best of most worlds. Only downside is you can't define a license entirely in MediaWiki: land; you need to define strings in .i18n.php. But there seems to be no way around that.
- In the middle of all this, Wednesday/Thursday we had a brainstorm / agenda session for MediaWiki multimedia agenda User:NeilK/Multimedia2011
- Also wrote down some ideas for a revamp to titles/headlines on Wikimedia Commons User:NeilK/Multimedia2011/Titles
- Had a bug triage for regular MediaWiki on Monday April 4. Volunteered for a few low priority bugs, all related to uploading & thumbnailing