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Testing Score and non-Score audio elements together


This situation is still not fixed, and unfortunately the Kaltura player has now been removed so that is no longer an option. Here is the situation:

1) When there are only Score audio elements on a page there is no problem, the VideoJS player is not invoked only the native browser player is used.

2) When there are only non-Score audio elements on a page there is no problem, the VideoJS player is invoked and the audio elements use the VideoJS player

3) When there are both Score audio elements and non-Score audio elements on a page, the VideoJS player is invoked by the non-Score audio elements and applied to all audio elements on the page including the Score audio elements, however the Score audio elements do not support VideoJS.

This should demonstrate the issue:

Non Score audio element:

Score audio element:

{ \new PianoStaff << \new Staff \relative c'' { \set Staff.midiInstrument = #"violin" \clef treble \tempo 8 = 126 \time 3/16 r16 <d c a fis d>\f-! r16\fermata | \time 2/16 r <d c a fis d>-! \time 3/16 r <d c a fis d>8-! | r16 <d c a fis d>8-! | \time 2/8 <d c a fis>16-! <e c bes g>->-![ <cis b aes f>-! <c a fis ees>-!] } \new Staff \relative c { \set Staff.midiInstrument = #"violin" \clef bass \time 3/16 d,16-! <bes'' ees,>-! r\fermata | \time 2/16 <d,, d,>-! <bes'' ees,>-! | \time 3/16 d16-! <ees cis>8-! | r16 <ees cis>8-! | \time 2/8 d16\sf-! <ees cis>-!->[ <d c>-! <d c>-!] } >> }