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User:Language portal/Language coverage matrix/GSoC 2013/Project Updates

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Project Updates for LCM Dashboard Project


Until June 17

  • Create Database scheme
  • Create script to save entire data from datasheet to mysql

Until June 24

  • Create new language entry system
  • Create language search system

Until July 1

  • created and set up primary thing on wikimedia labs
  • done minor changes in language search system
  • created on the spot editing facility for any language detail under admin privileges

Until July 8

  • set up basic filtering functionality
  • set up some test cases to find smooth and fast filter facility
  • created simple idea of API for language data

Until July 15

  • Cerated Filtering functionality : By this time, a filtering functionality seemed to be an important feature to have on the LCMD interface. Filtering simply means that there would be a list of the language tools on one side along with checkboxes and the checking those would output the list of the languages that have those tools enabled. So, if say suppose, we have both jquery.ime and jquery.webfonts checked in, the language output will give a list of the common languages with both the tools enabled. This was kind of important. Screen shot and more detail on another blog post.
  • Set up tools instance for project tool instance
  • Set up new repo for project with lots of commits New repo
  • Created simple php API for language data : Here I have developed a simple prototype version of Language detail APIs so that any website / user want to use that information that can fetch the details using that API
Return dataType is : JSON and if you are using cross domain data transfer then it should be JSONP.
    url : 'http://tools.wmflabs.org/lcm-dashboard/lcmd/api/php/dataapi.php?query=jquery_ime',
    dataType : 'JSONP',
    type : 'GET',
    //data : 'query=webfonts jquery_ime' ,
    success : function(data){ 
    error : function(data){

It will return the data in JSON format.

Beautiful example of this API usage is here

Until July 22

  • Facing one problem - Gothic - Fonts availability, script does not avoid the codes, database (MySQL) does not accept (the db software may not be updated to recognise the new code block)
  • New UI designs - contains
    • Better language detail representation
    • Better slick design for viewing
    • Simple but responsive drop down for more details on that project
    • New switch type edit button for quick change into the language detail
    • New filters design schema
  • Database schema changed (jquery.webfonts => uls.webfonts)

Until July 29

  • New Design implemented
  • jquery based new alternative REST architecture created
  • Language to Font mapping
  • Language to Input method mapping
  • redefining search implementation

Until August 14

  • Laptop crashed for 7 days
  • developed new login system + session management

Until August 21

  • Developed language search system on every page inside menubar
  • Designed new menubar according to need

Until September 3

  • Designed API for language detail
  • designed example for showing usage of that API
  • Redesigned new langfilter.php page
  • Added some visualization
  • Created PI visualization chart for language characteristic