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User:Jeroen De Dauw/Wikibase sites and site links

From mediawiki.org
-- NOTE: this is a new table to replace table interwiki.
-- Holds all the sites known to the wiki.
-- This includes their associated data and handling configuration.
-- In case Wikibase is used, several fields are obtained from the repo. 
-- Numeric id of the site
  site_id                    INT unsigned        NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT,

  -- Global identifier for the site, ie enwiktionary
  site_global_key            VARCHAR(25)         NOT NULL, -- obtained from repo

  -- Type of the site, ie SITE_MW
  site_type                  INT unsigned        NOT NULL, -- obtained from repo

  -- Group of the site, ie SITE_GROUP_WIKIPEDIA
  site_group                 INT unsigned        NOT NULL, -- obtained from repo

  -- Base URL of the site, ie http://en.wikipedia.org
  site_url                   VARCHAR(255)        NOT NULL, -- obtained from repo

  -- Path of pages relative to the base url, ie /wiki/$1
  site_page_path             VARCHAR(255)        NOT NULL, -- obtained from repo

  -- Path of files relative to the base url, ie /w/
  site_file_path             VARCHAR(255)        NOT NULL, -- obtained from repo

  -- Local identifier for the site, ie en
  site_local_key             VARCHAR(25)         NOT NULL,

  -- If the site should be linkable inline as an "interwiki link" using
  -- [[site_global_key:pageTitle]] or [[site_local_key:pageTitle]].
  site_link_inline           bool                NOT NULL,

  -- If equivalent pages of this site should be listed.
  -- For example in the "language links" section.
  site_link_equivalents      bool                NOT NULL,

  -- If site.tld/path/key:pageTitle should forward users to  the page on
  -- the actual site, where "key" os either the local or global identifier.
  site_forward               bool                NOT NULL,

  -- If template translcusion should be allowed or not.
  -- TODO: if we need to search against this, then it probably should
  -- go in it's own table as this is MW specific. If we don't need
  -- to search against it, then we can create a site_info blob
  -- that holds it and possibly other misc stuff.
  site_allow_transclusion    bool                NOT NULL,
) /*$wgDBTableOptions*/;

-- NOTE: this is an existing table with one new field
-- Tracks sitelinks, both those pulled from extrenal sources (ie Wikidata)
-- and those defined locally (ie "interlanguage links")
CREATE TABLE /*_*/langlinks (
  -- Id of the local page
  -- Foreign key on page.page_id of the referring page
  ll_from int unsigned NOT NULL default 0,

  -- Local identifier of the site
  -- Foreign key on site.site_local_key
  ll_lang varbinary(20) NOT NULL default '',

  -- Title of the page
  ll_title varchar(255) binary NOT NULL default '',

  -- Indicates if the link was defined locally
  -- TODO/NOTE: this field got added, so needs and SQL patch
  ll_local bool NOT NULL
) /*$wgDBTableOptions*/;

CREATE UNIQUE INDEX /*i*/ll_from ON /*_*/langlinks (ll_from, ll_lang);
CREATE INDEX /*i*/ll_lang ON /*_*/langlinks (ll_lang, ll_title);