Some Personal Data
[edit]I live in Uruguay and I'm a teacher at the state university (Universidad de la República) in the Computer Institute of Ingeneering School (Instituto de Computación, Facultad de Ingeniería).
Why I use MediaWiki
[edit]I'm trying to use MediaWiki as communication way for several projects. As an effective replacement to BSCW.
Extension in Use
[edit]I'm using extension:PageSecurity and User:Hex2bit/Calendar. Also I have a "dirty" extensions to protect SpecialPages based on groups.
I need...
[edit]- Lean php, a lot more.
- An english course! (yes, I know !!!! sorry :-) )
- A lot of other things...
[edit]- A modified version of PageSecurity which allows a user if he belongs to an allowed group... or not... If the variable $wgPageSecurityAllowGroupAccept is false or not set, then is the normal PageSecurity. If the variable is true then a user is allow if belongs to an allowed group. The modified code is here.
- An extension that can control the access to SpecialPages based on groups. The code is here.
I need help pls, where shall I paste this? end of specialpage.php?
I am trying to access the specail page but say
Thanks Dean
include_once('GlobalFunctions.php'); // This is an attempt to control which SpecialPages can run each group // // The intention is set the SpecialPageExecuteBeforePage and if some conditions are not verified, display an error page. // // $pageSpecialSecurityVersion = '0.0.1'; $wgExtensionFunctions[] = "wfSetSpecialPageSecurity"; global $wgExtensionCredits,$wgHooks; $wgExtensionCredits['parserhook'][] = array( 'name'=>'PageSpecialSecurity', 'version'=>$pageSpecialSecurityVersion, 'author'=>'Fernando Carpani', 'url'=>'', 'description' => 'Restricts access to special pages according to security definitions' ); $wgHooks['SpecialPageAuthCheck'][]="SpecialPageAuthCheck"; /* Must be a boolean function. */ // The array $wgSpecialPageAuth have list of group that can execute this special page. // The variable $wgSpecialPageAuthEnable control de check (if true, then the do the check // global $wgSpecialPageAuth; is an array indexed by group and has a regular expression of allowed special page names. // global $wgSpecialPageAuthEnable; function wfSetSpecialPageSecurity() { global $wgSpecialPageAuth,$wgSpecialPageAuthEnable; if ($wgSpecialPageAuth==NULL){ $wgSpecialPageAuth=array(); } if ($wgSpecialPageAuthEnable==NULL){ $wgSpecialPageAuthEnable=false; } wfDebug("=====>SetSpecialPageSecurity\n"); } // The implementation is based on a new hook SpecialPageAuthCheck function SpecialPageAuthCheck(){ global $wgSpecialPageAuthErrorPage,$wgUser,$wgTitle,$wgOut; if (!SpecialPageAuthTest($wgTitle,$wgUser)){ if (empty($wgSpecialPageAuthErrorPage)) return false; $title = Title::newFromText($wgSpecialPageAuthErrorPage); $redirectURL = $title->getFullURL(); $wgOut->redirect($redirectURL); wfDebug(sprintf("====>SpecialPageAuthCheck: %s user=%d no permitida\n",$wgTitle->mDbkeyform,$wgUser->mId)); return false; } return true; } function SpecialPageAuthTest(&$title,&$user){ global $wgSpecialPageAuthEnable,$wgSpecialPageAuth; //$user=$wgUser; //$title=$wgTitle; wfDebug(sprintf("===>SpecialPageAuthTest: title=%s , user=%d\n",$title->mDbkeyform,$user->mId)); if($wgSpecialPageAuthEnable){ // get user groups wfDebug(sprintf("===>SpecialPageAuthCheck: AuthEnable title=%s,user=%d\n",$title->mDbkeyform,$user->mId)); $user_groups=$user->getEffectiveGroups(); // Sysops can execute with basis in other checks. if (in_array("sysop", $user_groups)) { return true; // sysop access override granted } else { // if the user has a group that is allowed to execute this page, then true, else false. foreach($user_groups as $group){ wfDebug(sprintf("===>SpecialPageAuthCheck: user %d in group=%s\n",$user->mId,$group)); #if(preg_match("$wgSpecialPageAuth[$group]",$title->mDbkeyform)){ if(preg_match($wgSpecialPageAuth[$group], $title->mDbkeyform, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE)){ wfDebug(sprintf("===>SpecialPageAuthCheck: return Allowed by group=%s\n",$group)); return true; } } return false; } } else { return true; } }