User:Deo Favente
I got really bored one day so I decided to make a bunch of templates to be used for like math and stuff. I tend to make it so that all the function names in the category have the same number of letters.
Math Functions
[edit]Binary Operations
[edit]I like to keep these functions three letters long.
Function | Syntax | Returns |
Add | {{User:Deo_Favente/Add|num1|num2}} | num1 + num2 |
Subtract | {{User:Deo_Favente/Sub|num1|num2}} | num1 - num2 |
Multiply | {{User:Deo_Favente/Mul|num1|num2}} | num1 * num2 |
Divide | {{User:Deo_Favente/Div|num1|num2}} | num1 / num2 |
Power | {{User:Deo_Favente/Pow|num1|num2}} | num1 ^ num2 |
Root | {{User:Deo_Favente/Rot|num1|num2}}
{{User:Deo_Favente/Rot|num1}} |
the num2 root of num1
the 2nd (square) root of num1 |
Unary Operations
[edit]Function | Syntax | Returns |
Reciprocol | {{User:Deo_Favente/Recip|num1}} | 1 / num1 |
Unary Negation | {{User:Deo_Favente/Neg|num1}} | 0 - num1 |
Exp | {{User:Deo_Favente/Exp|num1}} | e ^ num1 |
[edit]Constant | Syntax | Returns |
E | {{User:Deo_Favente/E}} | 2.718281828459045235360287471352662497757247093699959574966 |
Pi | {{User:Deo_Favente/Pi}} | 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974 |
[edit]All angles are in radians
Function | Arc | Co | Sin | Tan | Sec | Hyp | Syntax | Returns |
Sine | X | {{User:Deo_Favente/Sin|num1}} | ||||||
Cosine | X | X | {{User:Deo_Favente/Cos|num1}} | |||||
Tangent | X | {{User:Deo_Favente/Tan|num1}} | ||||||
Cosecant | X | X | {{User:Deo_Favente/Csc|num1}} | 1 / Sin num1 | ||||
Secant | X | {{User:Deo_Favente/Sec|num1}} | 1 / Cos num1 | |||||
Cotangent | X | X | {{User:Deo_Favente/Cot|num1}} | 1 / Tan num1 | ||||
Hyperbolic Sine | X | X | {{User:Deo_Favente/Sinh|num1}} | (exp num1 - exp -num1) / 2 | ||||
Hyperbolic Cosine | X | X | X | {{User:Deo_Favente/Cosh|num1}} | (exp num1 + exp -num1) / 2 | |||
Hyperbolic Tangent | X | X | {{User:Deo_Favente/Tanh|num1}} | Sinh num1 / Cosh num1 | ||||
Hyperbolic Cosecant | X | X | X | {{User:Deo_Favente/Csch|num1}} | 1 / Sinh num1 | |||
Hyperbolic Secant | X | X | {{User:Deo_Favente/Sech|num1}} | 1 / Cosh num1 | ||||
Hyperbolic Cotangent | X | X | X | {{User:Deo_Favente/Coth|num1}} | 1 / Tanh num1 | |||
Versine | X | {{User:Deo_Favente/Vers|num1}} | Not Cos num1 | |||||
Coversine | X | X | {{User:Deo_Favente/Cover|num1}} | Not Sin num1 |
Logic Gates
[edit]I try to keep these functions three letters long. These functions take any number from 0 to 1 and logically produce and number from 0 to 1, for computing probability. If their input is only 0 and 1, then they will only produce 0 or 1, for digital logic. I build my logic gates off of And and Not, since those seem to come out as the most primitive in mediawiki.
Function | Syntax | Returns |
And | {{User:Deo_Favente/And|num1|num2}} | num1 * num2 |
Not | {{User:Deo_Favente/And|num1}} | 1 - num1 |
Or | {{User:Deo_Favente/Or|num1|num2}} | num1 + num2 - (num1 and num2) |
Nand | {{User:Deo_Favente/Nand|num1|num2}} | not (num1 and num2) |
Nor | {{User:Deo_Favente/Nor|num1|num2}} | not (num1 or num2) |
Xor | {{User:Deo_Favente/Xor|num1|num2}} | (not num1 and num2) or (num1 and not num2) |
Xnor | {{User:Deo_Favente/Xnor|num1|num2}} | (num1 nand num2) or (num1 and num2) |
[edit]Got to cover everything!
Function | Syntax | Returns |
True | {{User:Deo_Favente/True}} | 1 |
False | {{User:Deo_Favente/False}} | not 1 |
Formatting Functions
[edit]Provide a color name and get a hex value!
Function | Syntax | Description |
X11 Colors | {{User:Deo_Favente/Palette|X11|colorname}} | Your favorite X11 colors! Give them just like in rgb.txt or in english (Sentence case, separate words and numbers with spaces). 502 colors in total. |
Open Office Colors | {{User:Deo_Favente/Palette|OO|colorname}} | The colors that come with Open Office. Right now it only includes the colors that are configured on my computer but i want to add all the colors open office used at any time on any computer. 106 colors in total. |
Sun Colors | {{User:Deo_Favente/Palette|SUN|colorname}} | More open office colors. Includes some colors used by sun microsystems. 51 colors in total. |