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User:Anboia/Automatic category redirects

From mediawiki.org

Automatic category redirects


Name and contact information


Name: Andre Saboia
Email: anboia@gmail.com
IRC or IM networks/handle(s): anboia on GTalk
Location: Recife, Brazil
Typical working hours: 40 Hours per week



This is one of the oldest and most voted MediaWiki feature requests. MediaWiki has a feature called redirects where one page can redirect to another. However they do not work for categories. In the ideal system, if Category A redirects to B, and someone puts page foo in category A, then the page should show up in category B. If Someone changes Category A to redirect to Category C, all the pages put in category C have to have their links moved from Category A to Category B.

This project would involve several of the "core" components of core MediaWiki including the JobQueue, the database schema, and LinksUpdate class. However it is quite self contained. This project would also be quite beneficial to several wiki projects, especially multilingual projects like Wikimedia Commons.

Skills: PHP. SQL would be helpful.

Mentors: Brian Wolff.



Until June 17

Community Bonding Period

Understanding the source code, MediaWiki architecture. Getting to know mentors. Setting up my environment.

June 17 - June 24

Discution of the solution that will be implemented. pro and con.

June 24th - June 27th

Starting the implementation

June 27th - July 4th

Implementation and code developement

Schema changes if necessary

Test the efficiency of the code

July 22nd - July 29th

Code Review, extra period for changes suggested and unseen delays.

July 29th- August 2nd

Mid-term Evaluation Period

August 3rd - August 10th

Writing Unit Tests. Testing the whole work flow. Fixing bugs

August 10th - September 3rd

Possibles changes of the code.

Modularization of the code.

Coding standard.

Code Review by mentors.

Roll out the feature for some wiki users. Fixing bugs.


September 3rd to September 10th

One week backup for suggested changes, fixing bugs and unseen delays.

September 10th to September 17th

Writing unit tests. Testing the entire workflow.

September 17th - Soft Pencil Down date

September 17th - September 23rd

Improve documentation.

September 23rd - Hard Pencils Down.

About you


Bachelor of Computer Science from CIn, UFPE, Graduating in December 2014. I program in c++ since the high school, what makes me get in the ICPC (International Collegiate Programming Contest), the contest fosters creativity, teamwork, and innovation in building new software programs, and enables students to test their ability to perform under pressure. Quite simply, it is the oldest, largest, and most prestigious programming contest in the world. I really like challenges, and what I learn from them.

As I like algorithms, I am teaching assistants in the course Algorithm and Data Structure of CIn-UFPE

I believe that the information and knowledge should be available to everyone, so I'm interested in Wikimedia technology. I developed my first site in 2012, with php, jquery, mysql. (familiabv.com)



I plan to keep my mentors updated about the progress via e-mail or IRC, discuss potential problems / solutions with the mentor, and community through the bugzilla.

Any other info


I am very excited with this project, and it appears to be doable. If every things goes fine and fast, maybe I can do another thing related to automatic tasks in the MediaWiki, at this GSoC. And this project will be my first open source experience of very others for sure.