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User:APaskulin (WMF)/Sandbox/API process

From mediawiki.org

API process

Phase 1: Design

Teams work together to agree on an API contract

â­˘ Toicon-icon-feather-snow
Contract freeze
API design is finalized
and contract is frozen
Phase 2: Build

Teams work in parallel to develop code based on the contract

â­˘ Checkmark-outlined-circular-button
Contract validation
API behavior is validated
against the contract
â­˘ Noun Project science icon 334989 cc.svg
v0 release
Version 0 is released
as an experimental API
Phase 4: Maintain
  • Retire contract in favor of long-term docs
  • Add to API Portal
â­  Anchor (61333) - The Noun Project.svg
v1 release
Version 1 is released as a stable API
Phase 3: Iteration

Teams iterate on the API

API Documents
