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IP Info
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目的は、管理者や巡回者にとって IP アドレスに関する情報にアクセスしやすくすることです。
There is a legal policy regulating how this tool may be used. As a condition of access, users must agree to the that policy.
What the feature looks like and who has access to it
IP Info is available for some logged-in users. It is displayed in a box on the Special:Contributions page of unregistered editors. An abridged version is accessible via a popup on log, history, and recent changes pages.
Box on the Special:Contributions page
Popup on log, history, and recent changes pages
For detailed information on who has access, see Access to Temporary Account IP Addresses Policy.
IP reveal log
A log is kept of queries made using the IP Information tool and how the information was accessed. Access to this log is limited to Foundation staff and certain advanced user groups. The following is an example of what is logged:
- 10 May 2022 User:A viewed limited IP Information popup for
- 10 May 2022 User:B viewed full IP Information popup for
- 10 May 2022 User:C viewed limited IP Information infobox for
- 10 May 2022 User:D viewed full IP Information infobox for
Information available
Please note that IP information is not guaranteed to be correct. It is for the most part based on the relevant IP information provider's own good faith efforts to identify and classify activity (from these IP addresses / IP address ranges) which it has observed across the wider Internet.
Field | Source | Description | Where accessible |
Location | Maxmind | The geographic location associated with the IP address. | Popup and Special:Contributions |
ISP | Maxmind | The Internet Service Provider associated with the IP address. | Popup and Special:Contributions |
ASN | Maxmind | The autonomous system number associated with the IP address. | Special:Contributions |
Organization | Maxmind | The organization operating this IP address (may differ from ISP). | Special:Contributions |
Version | Parsed by MediaWiki | IP address version v4 or v6. | Special:Contributions |
Behaviors | Spur - client.behaviors | Specific types of activity which devices have engaged in or have been previously affiliated with, using this IP address. | Special:Contributions |
Risks | Spur - risks | Risks that Spur has determined based on their collection of data. These risks vary and will matter differently based on specific use-cases of Spur Context data. | Special:Contributions |
Connection type | Spur - client.types | The different types of client devices that have been observed using this IP address. | Special:Contributions |
Tunnel operator | Spur-tunnels.operator | The provider or operator of the VPN service that this IP address has been associated with. | Special:Contributions |
Proxies | Spur - client.proxies | Proxies that have been observed using this IP address. This does not mean that all traffic from this IP address is associated with this proxy network, since the IP address may be in use by both proxied and non-proxied traffic. | Special:Contributions |
Users on this IP | Spur - client.count | The average number of clients that have been observed on this IP address. It takes into account all activity from this IP address. This is calculated over a 24 hour period. | Special:Contributions |
Active blocks | On-wiki data | The number of active blocks against this IP address. | Popup and Special:Contributions |
Contributions | On-wiki data | The number of wiki edits made from this IP address. | Popup and Special:Contributions |
: Functionality changes and graduating the feature out of beta
IP info became available on all wikis as a beta feature in 2022. Since then, it has gone through a lot of changes:
- Spur as an additional data source. Initially, data about IP addresses was mostly coming from Maxmind, and was supplemented by our own on-wiki data. In the previous update from May 2022, we mentioned that we were contacting Spur, another source of information about IP addresses. Since then, we have integrated their data into IP Info, and currently, our feature uses Maxmind, Spur, and on-wiki information. For a detailed description on what data comes from which source, see T341395.
- A lot of development was part of our broader work on temporary accounts (T340895). Here is an overview of the most important changes:
- Full or no information. There have been two levels of access to the IP Info data: Basic and Advanced. We have decided to align this with the settings making it possible for experienced users to see IP addresses of temporary accounts. Everyone meeting the requirements defined in the Access to Temporary Account IP Addresses Policy will have full access to the IP Info data, and those not meeting the requirements will simply not have access to IP info. (T375086)
- Special:IPInfo. Many IP addresses may be associated with a given temporary account. We are building a new special page to address this. It will show tabulated IP data for a temporary user where each row will display information for an IP address. This page will be linked from the the Contributions page. (T349534)
- IP Info on Special:Contributions for temporary accounts. When viewing Special:Contributions for a temporary account, users with access to IP Info data will have information about the IP address used most recently by the temporary account. (T349715)
- The IP Info popup is displayed next to IP addresses. On wikis with temporary accounts enabled, the IP Info popup will be displayed also next to temporary account names. (T349716) In the popup, a help link will be displayed to help users understand better what the feature is and what it offers exactly. Most likely, the project page will be linked there. (T375090)
- Graduating out of beta. We no longer need to keep IP Info as a beta feature and have decided to make it a regular part of the interface. It will be useful for all logged-in users checking IP address data to moderate and maintain the wiki. (T356660)
Problem and solution
- 特定のIPアドレスの高度な地理的位置情報
- IPアドレスの保持者
- 当該のIPアドレスがプロキシもしくはTorノードの背後にあるかどうか
- 他のウェブサイトで当該のIPアドレスに悪意を認識したかどうか
Benefits and risks
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How do the communities use IP address information?
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Anti-vandalism'Research:Patrolling on Wikipedia/Report も参照 Single-address blocks bar a single IP address from editing. Administrators can also block IP ranges. This is helpful for dynamic IPs or covering a small range often used for vandalism. To assess collateral damage, administrators should check the coverage of ranges they intend to block. 管理者が特定のIPブロック対処をする方法はアドレスの種類に依存します。例えば、住宅地域のIPアドレスからの編集と政府に登録されたIPアドレスからの編集では異なる対処をします。IPアドレスが学校や大学に登録されている場合、管理者は専用のテンプレートを適用します。その施設が以前ブロックされていた場合、連絡方法を案内します。そして、施設がブロックを避ける手助けをします。これらのテンプレートは先制して使うこともできます。その利用者向けでないメッセージを受け取ったときに生じるかもしれない混乱を解消することが目的の場合があります。他に登録利用者のみが利用可能な機能を示すことが目的の場合もあります。 The IP blocking workflow relies on some IP information. This usually is the registered organization, geographic location, and autonomous system number. This information comes from third-party IP information providers, with no standard service. There are different degrees of accuracy and reliability. IP addresses are also used in AbuseFilter to make very specific blocks. The goal is highlight some abuse without disrupting the experience of regular users. IP情報はチェックユーザーも利用します。特に、多重アカウント(ソックパペット)による不正行為に対処するときに用います。このツールは、アカウントに紐付けされた個人を識別しうる情報へのアクセスを可能にします。通常はこれらのIPアドレスは見えません。 Anonymity and anonymous editing調査者はプロジェクト群における未登録編集の影響を判断するための試みをしました。匿名性と荒らしの関連性に焦点を当てました。原則として、匿名利用者は建設的な編集のかなりの部分を行っています。2013年の調査によると、当該月の編集総数の三分の一はおよそ10万人の匿名編集者が行いました。2016年の調査は、未登録利用者が「全体の生産性に大いに貢献している」ことを示しました。 未登録利用者の編集を全面的に禁じたプロジェクトはありません。しかし、未登録利用者は行える貢献の種類が制限されます。例えば、ウィキメディアのほとんどのプロジェクトで記事の新規立項あるいはファイルのアップロードができません。さらに、特定のIPアドレスの背後にいる人物が毎回同じであるという保証がありません。これにより、未登録利用者との意思疎通が困難になります。またウィキのコミュニティへの参加を妨げます。 Research調査者は所与の地理的領域内の利用者の編集慣行を知るためにIPアドレスを使うことがあります。調査者は一般的にIPから総計の情報のみを利用します。 |